Monday, November 2, 2015

X22Report US Special Forces Are In Iraq/Syria To Hide The Islamic States True Mission - Episode 805b

Politics News Weekly Featured

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X22Report US Special Forces Are In Iraq/Syria To Hide The Islamic States True Mission - Episode 805b

CONTRIBUTOR: . US Special Forces Are In Iraq/Syria To Hide The Islamic States True Mission - Episode 805b - YouTube &n... Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.comReport date: 10.30.2015 33% of Americans believe the states should use the 10th Amendment and...

Russian Anti-Carrier Plane Reportedly Buzzes USS Ronald Reagan_Farsnews CONTRIBUTOR: . Farsnews The USS Ronald Reagan reportedly scrambled fighter jets to escort Russian naval surveillance aircraft flying through the area east of the Korean Peninsula.The US Navy's Seventh Fleet said on Thursday that the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier scrambled four fighter jets after two Russian Tu-142 anti-ship reconnaissance aircraft were...

Donald Trump Causes a Dramatic Scene In Iowa With a Wounded Warrior (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: . In the following video, Ride Side Broadcasting provides some video of a really soft and human side to Donald Trump. He continuously tells us how much he loves veterans, but what just happened at a rally in Iowa with a Wounded Warrior will warm your heart. It brought tears to...

Breaking: Shocking Gun Confiscation Begins in New York! CONTRIBUTOR: . Fellow Conservative, We’ve known this was coming. When New York State Legislators passed laws to allow municipalities to confiscate law-abiding citizens’ firearms, it was only a matter of time before they decided to exercise that power. On October 22, 2015, the Suffolk County Police Department (SCPD) called a member of...

Trump update 10/302015.. It’ll Be Great

CONTRIBUTOR: . Donald Trump Administration: It’ll Be GreatDavid SeamanHow Fox Business plans to avoid CNBC's debate mistakesWho would Trump choose as his running mate?TRUMP 2016? GOP Establishment Won't Allow It | Mike RiveroThis Trump Position May Surprise You the debate, Ted Cruz made a joke about "Colorado Brownies." But the issue of...

The Police States Dream Device: “RF Capture” WiFi Can See You Through Walls CONTRIBUTOR: . In a previous post at SHTF, Mac Salvo reported on a new application of WiFi known as Wi-Vi which could take surveillance to the next level. In this article below, a way to use the WiFi signals to see and track movement behind walls is examined along with mapping behind...

CNN Reporter Hammers Josh Earnest About Troops "Not In Combat" In Syria and Iraq (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: . The first video below is a textbook example of Obama administration double speak that makes no sense to anyone except the Obama administration. When a left-wing news outlet like CNN, normally one to partake in the Obamamania Media frenzy, is the one grilling Josh Earnest on the nonsensical answers he...

Hillary Clinton asked about scandals, audience gasps in horror

CONTRIBUTOR: . A bright young man in New Hampshire had the audacity to ask Hillary a question about her past scandals. The crowd gasps. Wouldn’t it have been great if one of the moderators could have inquired into her scandal plagued past as well? First the clip then some old time news....

Alex Jones Show: Friday (10-30-15) Jim Marrs

CONTRIBUTOR: . Alex Jones Show: Friday (10-30-15) Jim Marrs - YouTube Co... this Friday, October 30 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Russian President Vladimir Putin asserts manmade "global warming" is being used as an economic weapon against his country. We also look at the latest installment of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's...

Putin’s Military Intervention in Syria Exposing Obama Treason

CONTRIBUTOR: . A huge firestorm is brewing for the Obama regime and all those in Washington who supported his decision to arm, send billions of dollars to, train militarily, and help on the battlefield to terrorist organizations in Syria who are now … Continue reading → The post Putin’s Military Intervention...

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775 E. Blithedale Ave. #362
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Strange Events Happening! Hundreds of Refugees Are Disappearing—Where Are They Going and Who’s Taking Them…

Immigration News Weekly Featured

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People Herded Like Cattle! Watch How These Disturbing "Detention Camps" Operate and What They Plan For America! CONTRIBUTOR: . By Lisa Haven If you are one of those who believe the consistence lies told by the lame stream media about illegal immigrants, now called “undocumented citizens,” then you are in for a real wake up call! In the videos below you’ll see countless images of what mass...

Strange Events Happening! Hundreds of Refugees Are Disappearing—Where Are They Going and Who’s Taking Them… CONTRIBUTOR: . By Lisa Haven In a bizarre twist of news Europe's refugee crisis has just been shortened by 700 refugees. No one knows where they have gone or how they have “mysteriously vanished.” But one thing is for certain they are gone! Because these refugees hadn’t registered nothing...

White Boys are Outcast Albinos from Africa. The Spell of the Albino.

CONTRIBUTOR: . White Boys are Outcast Albinos from Africa. You have always seen an albino child from a black couple. But have you ever heard of a while couple giving birth to a black child? The Spell of the Albino short clip, Spell of the Albino. Spell of the...

The endless humanitarian disaster in the Mediterranean sea grave

CONTRIBUTOR: . Journeys of death for thousands of desperate people, situation beyond critical

"El JJ" warned of Chapos escape, Z42 and others complained of Chapos special privileges CONTRIBUTOR: . By Lucio R. for Borderland BeatLast February, the Intelligence Division of the Federal Police obtained information revealing that Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman had intended to escape the Federal Altiplano Prison. Reforma reports that Mauricio Enriquez, a member of that division and one of the agents monitoring (with audio) Guzman from...

Mayor of Cocula detained with leader of Guerreros Unidos CONTRIBUTOR: . Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Proceso article[ Subject Matter: Eric Ullises Ramirez, Aran Casarrubios SalgadoRecommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required]The Mayor of Cocula, Eric Ullises Ramirez CrespoReporter: Proceso RedactionElements of the Army and the Federal Police detained Eric Ullises Ramirez, Mayor of Cocula, and...

Conversation between CDG comandantes, reveal car bomb plans, narco message follows CONTRIBUTOR: . By Lucio R. Borderland Beat On October 21we were sent a link to an audio recording which was posted on the Face book page “Río Bravo Zona De Peligro”.While there is no way for us to verify its authenticity, there has been a development that makes it worthwhile to post...

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A Living Christ sends an Open Letter to Alex Jones and John Stadtmiller.

Global Unrest News Weekly Featured

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A Living Christ sends an Open Letter to Alex Jones and John Stadtmiller.

CONTRIBUTOR: . A Living Christ sends an Open Letter to Alex Jones and John Stadtmiller. By: Raymond Ronald Karczewski© — A Living Christ Alex, John, this is an open letter which each of you may respond to,or not. What either of you think of me, this Living Christ...

A Word to all Political slaves falsely arrested and brought to Court: Take the Spiritual Path or SUFFER.

CONTRIBUTOR: . A Word to all Political slaves falsely arrested and brought to Court: Take the Spiritual Path or SUFFER. One DOES NOT NEED an audience to support them when they are falsely arrested and brought before a court of Satanists. That is the political Way, the Way of Hell, the...

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775 E. Blithedale Ave. #362
Mill Valley, California 94941 Read the VerticalResponse marketing policy.

New England cod fishery collapses as rapidly warming water and overfishing take toll – ‘The Gulf of Maine cod stock is in the worst shape we have seen in the 40 years that we have been monitoring it’

Environment News Weekly Featured

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New England cod fishery collapses as rapidly warming water and overfishing take toll – ‘The Gulf of Maine cod stock is in the worst shape we have seen in the 40 years that we have been monitoring it’

CONTRIBUTOR: . Desdemona Despair By Chris Mooney 29 October 2015 (Washington Post) – A new scientific study says that rapidly warming waters off the New England coast have had a severe consequence — the collapse of a cod fishery that saw too many catches even as overall cod numbers declined due to...

NOAA Scientists Refuse To Comply With House Science Committee Subpoena CONTRIBUTOR: . Despite receiving a subpoena from the House of Representatives, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) continues to defy the summons to explain itself regarding a controversial climate study it had released back in June. An aide to the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology said the NOAA has...

Russian media take climate cue from skeptical Putin – ‘There is no global warming, this is a fraud to restrain the industrial development of several countries, including Russia

CONTRIBUTOR: . Desdemona Despair By Andrey Kuzmin, with additional reporting by Alister Doyle; Editing by Bruce Wallace and Kevin Liffey29 October 2015 MOSCOW (Reuters) – Wildfires crackled across Siberia this summer, turning skies ochre and sending up enough smoke from burning pines to blot out satellite views of the 400-mile-long Lake Baikal....

Putin Believes Global Warming ‘Is A Fraud To Restrain Developing Nations’ CONTRIBUTOR: . The Russian president believes that "there is no global warming, that this is a fraud to restrain the industrial development of several countries including Russia," says Stanislav Belkovsky, a political analyst and critic of Putin. "That is why this subject is not topical for the majority of the Russian mass...

People power is preventing the expansion of the tar sands CONTRIBUTOR: . People power beat Big Oil again this week when Shell announced that it was cancelling its Carmon Creek tar sands project. Shell said the decision to cancel the project (and thus take a US$2 billion hit to its bottom line) “reflects current uncertainties, including the lack of infrastructure to move...

Vast Amazon wildfire destroys forest in Brazil and threatens uncontacted tribe – ‘We will suffer greatly without our forest’

CONTRIBUTOR: . Desdemona Despair By Jonathan Watts30 October 2015 (Rio de Janeiro) – Brazilian rangers, firefighters and indigenous communities are battling against a wildfire that has blazed for two months and devastated some of the last Amazonian forest in the northern state of Maranhão, including part of the territory of an uncontacted...

Are Your Children Roundup-Ready? CONTRIBUTOR: . Use of the Herbicide Glyphosate Has Skyrocketed Since the 1990sSource: ThinkStockPhotos.comFor thousands of years, children ate the same food their parents ate when they were children. In the United States today, this is no longer the case. Most dramatically, the proliferation of the use of the herbicide glyphosate, made possible...

Video: Persian Gulf could experience deadly heat

CONTRIBUTOR: . Desdemona Despair By David L. Chandler26 October 2015 (MIT News) – Within this century, parts of the Persian Gulf region could be hit with unprecedented events of deadly heat as a result of climate change, according to a study of high-resolution climate models. The research reveals details of a business-as-usual...

Don't blame global warming for third-largest ozone hole over Antarctica CONTRIBUTOR: . False-color view of total ozone over the Antarctic pole.A giant hole in our ozone layer, larger than Russia and Canada combined, has appeared over Antarctica, but it's not the result of global warming. On Thursday, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) blamed the record-sized hole in our ozone layer as a...

Another Example of a Federal Agency Operating by Fiat CONTRIBUTOR: . Capital Press EditorialCritics say the head of the National Organic Program is keeping secret the names of experts used to formulate policy, has failed to vigorously enforce regulations and punish violators, and is acting at the behest of large corporations.We’ve grown used to regulators in the Obama administration taking arbitrary,...

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775 E. Blithedale Ave. #362
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Scientists mystified by ever-rising San Francisco Bay area seismic swarm – 450 quakes in two weeks

Earthquakes News Weekly Featured

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Scientists mystified by ever-rising San Francisco Bay area seismic swarm – 450 quakes in two weeks

CONTRIBUTOR: . October 2015 – SAN FRANCISCO – The earthquake swarms in one San Francisco Bay Area city keeps rising, and according to the US Geological Center’s past historical data, has shattered all previous old records. As of Wednesday, the USGS noted that San Ramon, about 45 miles from San Francisco had...

Chinchilla battered as freakish hailstorm strikes Queensland’s Darling Downs

CONTRIBUTOR: . October 2015 – AUSTRALIA – The staff at Chinchilla Hospital are picking up the pieces after hail stones smashed windows and damaged a roof at the facility on Wednesday. At the height of the severe hailstorm an urgent message was relayed to The Chronicle that the hospital had been damaged,...

Minor earthquake - Te Anau on October 30, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. –...

Minor earthquake - Caucasus Region, Russia on October 30, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. –...

Minor earthquake - Puerto Rico Region on October 30, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. –...

Minor earthquake - San Juan, Puerto Rico on October 30, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. –...

Moderate earthquake - Levin on October 30, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. –...

Minor earthquake - France on October 30, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. –...

Minor earthquake - Miches, Dominican Republic on October 29, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. –...

Minor earthquake - Redoubt Volcano, Alaska on October 30, 2015 CONTRIBUTOR: . The best independent earthquake reporting website in the world only survives with (mostly small) PRIVATE DONATIONS. Your gift will be highly appreciated. This page will automatically refresh every 10 minutes as we might be adding updates. Do not close it but leave it open in a browser tab. –...

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