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. US Special Forces Are In Iraq/Syria To Hide The Islamic States True
Mission - Episode 805b - YouTube &n... Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube
Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1rn...Get economic collapse news
throughout the day visit http://x22report.comReport date: 10.30.2015 33% of
Americans believe the states should use the 10th Amendment and...
Ronald Reagan reportedly scrambled fighter jets to escort Russian naval
surveillance aircraft flying through the area east of the Korean Peninsula.The
US Navy's Seventh Fleet said on Thursday that the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft
carrier scrambled four fighter jets after two Russian Tu-142 anti-ship
reconnaissance aircraft were...
CONTRIBUTOR: . In the following
video, Ride Side Broadcasting provides some video of a really soft and human
side to Donald Trump. He continuously tells us how much he loves veterans, but
what just happened at a rally in Iowa with a Wounded Warrior will warm your
heart. It brought tears to...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Fellow Conservative,
We’ve known this was coming. When New York State Legislators passed laws to
allow municipalities to confiscate law-abiding citizens’ firearms, it was only a
matter of time before they decided to exercise that power. On October 22, 2015,
the Suffolk County Police Department (SCPD) called a member of...
. Donald Trump Administration: It’ll Be GreatDavid SeamanHow Fox Business
plans to avoid CNBC's debate mistakesWho would Trump choose as his running
mate?TRUMP 2016? GOP Establishment Won't Allow It | Mike RiveroThis Trump
Position May Surprise Youhttp://americanactionnews.com/articles/thi... the
debate, Ted Cruz made a joke about "Colorado Brownies." But the issue of...
CONTRIBUTOR: . In a previous post
at SHTF, Mac Salvo reported on a new application of WiFi known as Wi-Vi which
could take surveillance to the next level. In this article below, a way to use
the WiFi signals to see and track movement behind walls is examined along with
mapping behind...
CONTRIBUTOR: . The first video below is a textbook example of Obama
administration double speak that makes no sense to anyone except the Obama
administration. When a left-wing news outlet like CNN, normally one to partake
in the Obamamania Media frenzy, is the one grilling Josh Earnest on the
nonsensical answers he...
. A bright young man in New Hampshire had the audacity to ask Hillary a
question about her past scandals. The crowd gasps. Wouldn’t it have been great
if one of the moderators could have inquired into her scandal plagued past as
well? First the clip then some old time news....
. Alex Jones Show: Friday (10-30-15) Jim Marrs - YouTube Co... this Friday,
October 30 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Russian President Vladimir Putin
asserts manmade "global warming" is being used as an economic weapon against his
country. We also look at the latest installment of presidential candidate
Hillary Clinton's...
. http://www.dcclothesline.com A huge firestorm is brewing for the Obama
regime and all those in Washington who supported his decision to arm, send
billions of dollars to, train militarily, and help on the battlefield to
terrorist organizations in Syria who are now … Continue reading → The post
Putin’s Military Intervention...
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