Sunday, January 3, 2016

Moses cried out to the Lord, saying, "I beseech you, God, please heal her." NUMBERS (12:13)

Step into the beautiful city of Ariel  | 21 Tevet 5776
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Moses cried out to the Lord, saying, "I beseech you, God, please heal her."

NUMBERS (12:13)

וַיִּצְעַק משֶׁה אֶל יְ-הֹוָה לֵאמֹר אֵל נָא רְפָא נָא לָהּ

בְּמִדְבַּר יב:יג

va-yitz-ak mo-she el a-do-nai lay-mor ayl na r'-fa na la

Today's Israel Inspiration

Moses uses just a few urgent words, “please heal her,” in his shortest prayer recorded in the Bible, on behalf of his beloved sister MIriam. Why did Moses offer such a succinct prayer, and not pray at length? Our Sages say that there is a time for prayer, and a time for action. With this in mind, the city of Ariel in Samaria has just opened its first emergency medical clinic, which will service all the many small communities around Ariel. No sooner did the new clinic open, when last week a Palestinian terrorist stabbed two Israelis in Ariel. Speedy emergency care often means the difference between life and death. Beforehand the nearest emergency medical care facility was a 30 minute drive away without traffic. While the citizens of Samaria are grateful, it’s time for more action to reach a greater goal of a much needed larger medical facility.

Step into our Story:
The Beautiful City of Ariel

Hard to believe that the land called by neighboring Arabs “the Hill of Death” for its inhospitable terrain, has become a thriving, vibrant city in Samaria. See this true example of the miraculous blossoming of the Land!

Biblical Heartland’s First Emergency Clinic

This past Hanukkah, a miracle of its own kind took place in Samaria as a much needed emergency clinic was opened to service the entire region.

Illustrated 5 Scrolls of Scripture Boxed Set

These five gorgeous books of scripture are brought to life by artist, Tamar Messer. It is distributed in a colorful box set which includes the five megillot such as, the Song of Songs, the Book of Esther, The Book of Ruth, Ecclesiastes and Lamentations. Focusing on Jewish art, Tamar Messer is a highly talented and respected Israeli contemporary artist. Each book is illustrated after a period of dedicated thought and study to the texts. Then, Tamar puts her own point of views and interpretation in the art work.These books are art at its very best, alive with originality and spirit, inviting your participation and offering a new and deep interpretation to the text. All the books are full text Hebrew and English.

Today's Israel Photo

Rebecca Kowalsky's photograph of a man in prayer draped in his prayer shawl, a tallit.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Teunor Slabber of Namibia. Todah rabah!

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