Over the past couple of years, there has been a concerted effort
by various grass-roots groups to organize a so-called Article V Convention of
the States with the goal of amending the Constitution to rein in the federal
government. The state-led effort at imposing term limits on Congress and
mandating that they balance the budget...
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When it was revealed two years ago that the Obama administration
had been spying on the leaders of many of America's allies, President Barack
Obama apologized and promised to shut down the operation. It appears that he may
very well have lied about doing so, at least in the case of one particular ally
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In liberal states, the common thinking is that by taking away
guns, knives, weapons or other sources of social anomie, criminals will somehow
behave. However, conservatives know the truth: being able to defend yourself is
a lot more effective than relying on the government to defend you. Karen Dolley
learned that firsthand: instead of waiting...
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On July 18, a bagger at a North Carolina grocery store was working
when he looked outside and immediately took off running. Customers and fellow
employees rushed to the windows to see what the young man had seen ... and
luckily someone was there with a camera. The bag boy, Aaron Sanders, was working
at Ingles...
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Former talk show
host and author Geraldo Rivera recently posted to his official Facebook page a
ridiculous claim about his ancestral heritage that was just too insane for
words. Geraldo uploaded three pictures to his Facebook page on Dec. 29, with the
following caption: "Cousin Sonia bought a picture of our abuelos to El Cayo.
Grandpa Juan's...
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