Friday, July 1, 2016

And he erected there an altar, and called it El-elohe-Israel. Genesis 33:20 (The Israel Bible™)

The Hebrew meaning behind Israel | 24 Sivan 5776
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And he erected there an altar,
and called it El-elohe-Israel.

וַיַּצֶּב שָׁם מִזְבֵּחַ וַיִּקְרָא לוֹ אֵל אֱלֹהֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל

בראשית לג:כ

va-ya-tzev sham miz-bay-akh va-yik-ra lo el e-lo-he Yis-ra-el

Jerusalem Inspiration

The name “Israel” refers to both the Land and the People and has a deeper meaning as well. The first letter of the word "Israel" is the י - yud, which is the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet. The final letter in "Israel" is the tall lamed - ל, the largest letter in the alphabet. The very name of the Jewish people, ישראל - Yisrael, alludes to both its humble beginnings as well as its exalted destiny. Share in the blessings of Israel and keep God's word close to your heart with the Jerusalem Nano Bible necklace, now $50 OFF

With These Hands, We Have Created Greatness

From war hero to farmer, teacher to midwife, “With These Hands” tells the stories of the everyday heroes that make Israel great.

BREXIT in the Bible Codes

A few hours after Brexit was announced, Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson turned to the Hebrew text of the Bible and found a stunning revelation of Brexit in Bible Codes.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

A sculpture of the old city of Jerusalem in Acre, by Noam Chen.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Harley Branitz of New York. Todah rabah!

“Thank You For Jerusalem365”

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying Jerusalem365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).
Baruch Haba B’Shem Adonai. Thank you for Jerusalem365. It has become a part of our life.
We are from South Africa. All our and best wishes. Winston & Ria Worthington.

Hi, I really enjoy your posts, I have a longing to visit Israel. Kind Regards- Linda Davies
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Desperate: Obama's Strategy for Boosting Clinton? Remind Voters He Once Hated Her Too He will be her "highest profile convert and supporter."

Desperate: Obama's Strategy for Boosting Clinton? Remind Voters He Once Hated Her Too

He will be her "highest profile convert and supporter."

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This is quite the campaign strategy. In an effort to boost enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton, President Obama will appeal to the common ground he and voters share: that he, too, once hated the former First Lady.
Justifiably concerned over Clinton's flagging campaign, Obama is preparing for his first joint-rally with the Democratic presumptive nominee in North Carolina on July 5th. There, he is slated to play the role of devoted Clinton-convert. Politico reports:
[Obama will] Remind voters there was a time he didn't like her so much, but he came around — and they should too. 
That’s the only way, Obama and aides working with him think, that she’ll have the positive mandate she’ll need to govern. Winning the White House by just not being Trump won’t help win House and Senate races, and it won’t give her the support she needs if and when she’s the new president, trying to keep the public and Congress behind her agenda. 
“You want people to feel as passionate about Hillary Clinton being president as they do about stopping Donald Trump. If this isn’t a close race, it’s still going to matter a great deal for her presidency,” said David Plouffe, Obama’s 2008 campaign manager and now an outside political adviser to both the president and the campaign. “That’s one place where we need to see some improvement, on the intensity side of the Clinton question.” [...]
"He can make the case as the highest profile convert to be her supporter," said White House communications director Jen Psaki.
With voters favoring GOP rival Donald Trump over Clinton on key issues like national security, the economy, trustworthiness and leadership skills, Clinton has her work cut out for her. We anticipate Obama's "convert" routine will be just one of many desperate attempts Democrats will employ to sway voters as we near November. 

Japan Supreme Court Upholds Government's Blanket Surveillance of Muslims It's a necessary "safeguard" against terrorism.

Japan Supreme Court Upholds Government's Blanket Surveillance of Muslims

It's a necessary "safeguard" against terrorism.

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Unlike those beholden to the failed ideology of multiculturalism, some countries don't mess around when it comes to terrorism. Japan, for instance, has no qualms whatsoever monitoring mosques, halal restaurants, and all Islamic organizations and community centers.
What's more, Japan's Supreme Court upheld the government's blanket surveillance policy even after being sued. The Independent reports:
The court struck down the second appeal by Japanese Muslim plaintiffs against what they perceive as an unconstitutional invasion of their privacy and freedom of religion. 
A 2010 leak of 114 police files revealed nationwide surveillance of Japanese Muslims. The files revealed that Muslim places of worship, halal restaurants and Islam-related organisations across the capital, Tokyo, were being monitored. 
A group of 17 Japanese Muslims, mostly from Middle Eastern and North African countries, decided to sue the Japanese government for infringing on their constitutional rights. 
[...] The Supreme Court finally dismissed the case after two appeals on 31 May. The plaintiffs were awarded ¥90 million ($880,000) as compensation due to violation of their privacy by the leak.
The presiding judges only focused on the actual leaking of police files which had begun circulating on the Internet. When it comes to profiling and conducting surveillance of the country's Muslims and Islamic institutions, however, the court upheld the government's policy as a "necessary and inevitable" safeguard against Islamic terrorism. 
It's fascinating -- the left loves to embrace and even emulate other cultures until said culture stands up to Islam. 

Censoring Conservative Press? FEC Tried to 'Punish' Fox News Given the stakes for Democrats this election cycle, expect more of this.

Censoring Conservative Press? FEC Tried to 'Punish' Fox News

Given the stakes for Democrats this election cycle, expect more of this.

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Democrats are in trouble this presidential election cycle and the forces that prop up the mainstream media know it. 
Democratic members of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) voted last month to impose penalties on Fox News for dividing the GOP primary debate on August 6, 2015, into two separate debates  -- something the network says it needed to do for the sheer number of primary candidates present (recall there were 17). 
Noteworthy is the fact that the FEC rarely ever threatens to penalize a network and has easily dismissed similar cases before, leading Republicans to cite censorship as the real catalyst behind the FEC's attack. Fox News reports
Commissioner Lee Goodman, one of those who voted to block the move, confirmed the details of the vote to
He called the attempt to punish Fox News over the debate changes “astonishing” and described it as a move toward censorship.
“All press organizations should be concerned when the government asserts regulatory authority to punish and censor news coverage,” Goodman said in a statement.
The case ended on a split 3-3 vote, resulting in no action. Three commissioners concluded Fox News violated election law; two of the Democratic commissioners went a step further and voted to penalize the network.  [...] While political debate rules have come before the FEC in the past, rarely has the commission come so close to penalizing a news outlet over the issue.
​Goodman said that "editorial decisions" regarding debate format should have nothing to do with the FEC at all.
"How could expanding debate news coverage from 10 to 17 candidates be against the law?" he asked rhetorically. 
Fox reports that until recently, the FEC never really threatened action over press-sponsored debates. But of course there's much at stake for Democrats this election cycle, so those shaping the narrative via the mainstream media must work overtime to stifle the only voice of dissent on television.
Given the plight of the national economy, immigration, Brexit and a new poll that shows 84% of Americans don't believe the administration can protect us from another terror attack -- all issues that don't bode well for Democrats -- we can expect to see more attempts at censoring conservative viewpoints leading up to November. 

Trump Takes The Lead Says Rasmussen Big jump in support in one week.

Trump Takes The Lead Says Rasmussen

Big jump in support in one week.

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Hot on the heels of a Quinnipiac poll that showed a closing gap between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton comes a Rasmussen poll that puts Trump on top. The poll of 1,000 adult Americans who describe themselves as "likely" voters was carried out June 28 and 29 and released on the 30th:
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump with 43% of the vote, while Clinton earns 39%. Twelve percent (12%) still like another candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided. 
In the poll Rasmussen release just a week ago Clinton was ahead of Trump 44% to 39% but that lead has evaporated. As with the Quinnipiac poll, Rasmussen is finding many Americans are not happy with the choices they face with either candidate and some are willing to vote across party lines:
Trump now earns 75% support among his fellow Republicans and picks up 14% of the Democratic vote. Seventy-six percent (76%) of Democrats like Clinton, as do 10% of GOP voters. Both candidates face a sizable number of potential defections because of unhappiness with them in their own parties.  
The poll finds that at this point 12% of voters are supporting another candidate such as Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson or the Green Party's Jill Stein.

EU Army Is Being Planned

ublished on Jun 30, 2016

The New World Order is coming fast

Russian Kyrgyzstan And Uzbekistan Among ISIS Bombers In Turkey

Published on Jun 30, 2016

43 now dead 237 wounded in Turkey Airport also also

PA and Fatah quick to honor murderer who killed 13-year-old girl in her sleep            Bulletin    
June 30, 2016

PA and Fatah quick to honor murderer 
who killed 13-year-old girl in her sleep
Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

This morning, a 17-year-old Palestinian terrorist stabbed and murdered a 13-year-old Israeli girl, Hallel Yaffa Ariel, while she slept in her bed. The Palestinian terrorist Muhammad Taraireh, who entered the girl's home in Kiryat Arba near Hebron, also injured an Israeli security official before he was shot and killed.
Fatah's official Facebook page immediately posted his picture, declaring him a Martyr - "Shahid," the highest honor achievable in Islam according to the Palestinian Authority.
WAFA, the official PA news agency, likewise honored the terrorist, referring to him as a Martyr - "Shahid."
According to Palestinian Authority law, the family of today's murderer will immediately start receiving a monthly PA stipend that the PA pays to the families of all the "Martyrs."
The mother of the terrorist told a local Hebron news network that her son was "a hero" who made her "proud":
Mother of terrorist Muhammad Taraireh: "My son is a hero. He made me proud. My son died as a Martyr defending Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, he [my son] has joined the Martyrs before him, and he is not better than them. Allah willing, all of them will follow this path, all the youth of Palestine. Allah be praised."
[Local Hebron News Network, June 30, 2016]
Earlier this week Palestinian Media Watch reported that Abbas' advisor Sultan Abu Al-Einein said: 

"Every place you find an Israeli cut off his head."
[Donia Al-Watan (independent Palestinian news agency), June 27, 2016]

Text and picture posted on the official Fatah Facebook page

Posted text: "Martyr (Shahid) Muhammad Taraireh, who carried out today's operation in which one female settler was killed, and a male settler was injured"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, June 30, 2016]

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