Trump Takes The Lead Says Rasmussen
Big jump in support in one week.
Hot on the heels of a Quinnipiac poll that showed a closing gap between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton comes a Rasmussen poll that puts Trump on top. The poll of 1,000 adult Americans who describe themselves as "likely" voters was carried out June 28 and 29 and released on the 30th:
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump with 43% of the vote, while Clinton earns 39%. Twelve percent (12%) still like another candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided.
In the poll Rasmussen release just a week ago Clinton was ahead of Trump 44% to 39% but that lead has evaporated. As with the Quinnipiac poll, Rasmussen is finding many Americans are not happy with the choices they face with either candidate and some are willing to vote across party lines:
Trump now earns 75% support among his fellow Republicans and picks up 14% of the Democratic vote. Seventy-six percent (76%) of Democrats like Clinton, as do 10% of GOP voters. Both candidates face a sizable number of potential defections because of unhappiness with them in their own parties.
The poll finds that at this point 12% of voters are supporting another candidate such as Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson or the Green Party's Jill Stein.