Thursday, June 1, 2017

And when the children of Israel heard of it, the whole congregation of the children of Israel gathered themselves together at Shiloh, to go up against them to war.

Discover Israel, Then & Now | 7 Sivan 5777
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And when the children of Israel heard of it,
the whole congregation of the children of Israel
gathered themselves together at Shiloh, to go up against them to war.

וַיִּשְׁמְעוּ בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל וַיִּקָּהֲלוּ כָּל-עֲדַת בְּנֵי-יִשְׂרָאֵל שִׁלֹה לַעֲלוֹת עֲלֵיהֶם לַצָּבָא

יהושע כב:יב
va-yish-m'-u b'-nay yis-ra-ayl va-yi-ka-ha-lu kol a-dat b'-nay yis-ra-ayl shi-loh
la-a-lot a-lay-hem la-tza-va

Today's Israel Inspiration

The ancient Biblical city of Shiloh preceded Jerusalem as the home of the Tabernacle. It was the first site of the Tabernacle after the Children of Israel reached the Land, before the establishment of the Temple. After arriving in Israel, Joshua portioned out lands to each of the tribes and sent them out to settle their holdings. The tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half of Manasseh set up their own competing altar to God. The other tribes reacted quickly, gathering together at Shiloh and threatening to make war if the smaller group did not put an end to this practice. Though the entire Land of Israel is Holy, God desires that His people unite to serve him with a single center of worship, which at that time was Shiloh. Today, the modern city of Shiloh stands on the site of ancient Shiloh, preserving an incredibly important Jewish site. Impressive archaeological finds have been uncovered there, making it a must-see for any visitor who yearns to connect to Israel's Biblical beginnings. Shiloh is also home to the Shiloh Israel Children's Fund, one of the country's only rehabilitation centers designed to help heal children who were victims of terror attacks.

Israel: Then and Now

It's no secret that the State of Israel has blossomed from a seeming wasteland into a thriving economy home to more than 8 million people of all races and religions. Take a look at the way Israel was and how the beautiful country is now.

When Terror Keeps Kids from the Playground, Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund Brings the Playground to Them

The Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund began a new initiative to build playgrounds for embattled communities around Samaria. The aim of the project is to provide the youth of the cities and towns in Samaria with recreational facilities that are necessary for their development within their own townships.
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“But as for me, I am like a leafy olive-tree in the house of God; I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever.” Psalms 52:10


Today's Israel Photo

A solitary prayer overlooking the Temple Mount, by Elad Matityahu. Like our great leader Moses, setting our eyes on the beauty of the holy land fills the soul, and leads us to intense prayer.
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Rabbi Tuly Weisz

Seth Rich Told Police He Was A Political Target!

Published on Jun 1, 2017


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Seth Rich Told Police He Was A Political Target!

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This is beyond sick
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Prophecy Alert: "Is Planet 9 Going To Kill A Third Of The Planet?

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Published on Jun 1, 2017

A powerful "Ball of Plasma" causing C-Class Solar Flare from the Sun headed toward the Earth also Help Us Spread the Word also also

Omar Navarro Looks To Take Maxine Waters Seat

Published on Jun 1, 2017

Omar Navarro joins Owen Shroyer and Alex Jones via Skype to discuss his current run for the 43rd District of California's Congressional Seat, currently filled by the failing Maxine Waters.
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Tucker Takes On Leftist Nobody Over Classless Clown Kathy Griffin's Care...

Published on Jun 1, 2017

Tucker Takes On Leftist Nobody Over Classless Clown Kathy Griffin's Career Decapitating Move... 5 / 31 / 2017

Must Watch...The Most Censored Video Of The Day For 5 / 31 / 2017

I saw the video and this is sick, remember these babies are still living when they are butchered. They are still living when they are torn apart. This is murder. They have souls and they are being torn into pieces and being pulled apart and joked about by what I consider demons in human form. These people are disgusting and will end up in hell were they all belong. This just is a pig in every way and form and people should write him, fax him, face book him, bombard him in every way until he re-sends his decision and let this demon in judge ropes let Americans will not by any longer and let this crime go on any longer here in America. Carl

Must Watch...The Most Censored Video Of The Day For 5 / 31 / 2017

Published on Jun 1, 2017

Must Watch...The Most Censored Video Of The Day For 5 / 31 / 2017

Must See Tucker Carlson Nearly Jump On Trump Hater Campaigning To Be The...

Carl Coglianese1 second ago

I watched this last night and i thought to myself wow, for a minister there was a lot of hate in this man of god. small g for a reason. men of God do not preach hate and fear and race baiting like he is. This bothers me. i fall into the stream of poor whites. Plus the budget is still going through the senate and still needs to be worked on, changed, ratified. Trump I sincerely believe is not a raciest. I think and feel the Democrats are racists maybe they should be looked into a bit harder as there motivation. This minister should take off his collar when he goes into raciest bashing ethnic mode. he does his collar disservice in the worst way. carl

VIDEO: 2000-Year-Old Jerusalem's Main Street Sheds New Light on the City's Last Hours

Israel Today
Thursday, June 01, 2017

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To read all of today's news items in full, click here!
  BDS Strikes Again - This Time in Lebanon
BDS Strikes Again - This Time in Lebanon
Lebanese authorities banned the new Wonder Woman movie Wednesday hours before it was due to premiere in the capital Beirut
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  A perfect picture of peace
A perfect picture of peace
When the cross brought Middle East reconciliation to Manchester
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Get your Golden Edition of Israel Today's Magazine Now 15% off!
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  VIDEO: 2000-Year-Old Jerusalem's Main Street Sheds New Light on the City's Last Hours
VIDEO: 2000-Year-Old Jerusalem's Main Street Sheds New Light on the City's Last Hours
Israel Antiquities Authority have released more information on the excavations of the City of David
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  Trump Completely Un-enamored With Abbas
Trump Completely Un-enamored With Abbas
PA's direct involvement with incitement to violence against Israel enrages Trump
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Principalities Straight From Hell About To Wreak Havoc On Earth!

Published on May 25, 2017

A spiritual battle unlike any other is just beginning. We are not just talking about every day ordinary demons, we are talking about end times demons-monstrous demons! Are you ready for the battle ahead? If you don't know the strategy of your enemy, how will you know how to defeat him? If you don't know the strategy the Holy Spirit has laid out for you in order that you will be victorious, then you will fall, and you will fall hard. These are demonic princes and generals from the army of Hell, and they are invading homes all over this nation, and the world! You must have the power of the Holy Spirit within you to defeat them, and you must rely on God. We alone are no match. This is definitely not a message to glorify demons at all. Rather, this message is about being prepared and defeating them!

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Tucker Carlson & Mark Steyn Discuss The Rusty Cage That Contains Hillary...

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Tucker Carlson & Mark Steyn Discuss The Rusty Cage That Contains Hillary's Brain... 5 / 31 / 2017

Must Watch Judge Jeanine's Classic Response To Kathy The Classless Clown...

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Must Watch Judge Jeanine's Classic Response To Kathy The Classless Clown';s Faux Apology... 5 / 31 / 2017

"I Am Baaaaaaaaaaaaaackkkk" Prophecy In The News!!

Published on Jun 1, 2017

The luggage is lost, but I am not as Prophecy continues in the News also Help Us Spread the Word also

Prophecy Alert: "Insurance Companies Want Assisted Suicide For Terminal ...

Published on Jun 1, 2017

Insurance Companies want to stop paying for health care of the Terminally Ill in the 6 States and the "Swamp" where "Assisted Suicide" is legal also Help Us Spread the Word also

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Salvation Prayer--Please Consider and Read All The Way Through.

Salvation Prayer

(Please Consider and Read All The Way Through.)

Have you ever made Jesus the Lord and Savior of your life?

If not, pray this prayer and start a new life in Christ.

Dear God,

I come to You in the Name of Jesus. I admit that I am not right with You, and I want to be right with You. I ask You to forgive me of all my sins. The Bible says if I confess with my mouth that “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead, I will be saved (Rom. 10:9). I believe with my heart and I confess with my mouth that Jesus is the Lord and Savior of my life. Thank You for saving me!

In Jesus’ Name I pray. 


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