Saturday, December 2, 2017

Moms Demand Action Founder: Illegal Alien Didn’t Kill Kate Steinle, a Gun Did

Yes, it unwrapped itself from the T-shirt, aimed, and pulled its own trigger.

It must have thrilled Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts when the verdict in the Kate Steinle murder case came back not guilty so that she could jump on Twitter and show the world her idiocy:
We ARE upset that she was shot and killed! It’s just that we’re ALSO upset that an ILLEGAL alien pulled the trigger. It’s really not that hard to understand. But even when confronted with the facts that the killer was deported five times before the murder, had multiple felonies, and shouldn’t have even been looking at a gun much less holding one, Watts let the stupidity flow:
It's "than" not "then." And we're supposed to take you as an expert on guns?
Watts' Twitter feed is a great example of the disconnect the Left has from reality:
Also her retweets:
"Shotgun kills dog, news at 11:"

Sometimes, there just aren't enough facepalms.

Mexican Illegal Deported More Than a Dozen Times Found Guilty in Sex Assaults

"See all you guys in hell."

In the wake of the atrocious acquittal in San Francisco Thursday of another multiple-deportee, Kate Steinle's killer Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, a Mexican illegal who was deported from the United States more than a dozen times pled guilty to sodomy, kidnapping, sex abuse and other charges in separate attacks on two women.
Sergio Jose Martinez, 31, was sentenced Friday in Oregon to 35 years in prison, according to Fox News. His attorney Jonathan Sarre complained, "Unfortunately, after Zarate got acquitted, Martinez is now the boogeyman of the face of immigration."
A boogeyman is a figment of the imagination. Your client is a real person who is actually guilty of a raft of sex crimes. But don't let that get in the way of your pro-open borders agenda.
Fox News notes that Martinez had been freed from jail in Portland after doing time for interfering with police and providing a false birth date. He was let go despite a request from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement for the Sheriff's Office in the sanctuary state to hold him so the agency could take him into custody.
Sheriff Michael Reese said he could not legally continue to hold Martinez. "He was released consistent with the orders of the court. No federal or state criminal warrants were present at the time he left our custody." The sheriff pointed out that Martinez had been deported before "and has returned to commit additional crimes."
"It would help our community to understand how he was held accountable by federal authorities for multiple, illegal re-entries" Reese said. It would also help the community, and America more broadly, if illegals like Martinez were dealt with decisively and justly. But the crime syndicate known as the Democrat Party cares more about protecting criminals in sanctuary states than protecting law-abiding American citizens or protecting women from sex offenders.
Martinez had attacked his two victims in Portland on July 24, one in her home and the other in a parking garage. Two relatives of one of the victims and one of the victims herself spoke during the sentencing. Martinez actually grinned frequently. A brother of one victim told him, "Sergio, no sentencing is enough. I rather you rot in hell."
Deputy District Attorney Amity Girt, the prosecutor on the case, said in a telephone interview, "we had some very powerful victim impact statements that said it all. It was really breathtaking to hear the far-reaching consequences of violent crime, the emotional injury."
Martinez pleaded guilty to 10 counts, including first-degree burglary, sodomy, sex abuse, kidnapping, robbery, and second-degree assault. As he left the courtroom, the vile Martinez said to the victims' relatives: "See all you guys in hell." Charming.
Despite the fact that a doctor had declared Martinez competent to stand trial, Sarre said his client "suffers from some mental illnesses; often such people may do inappropriate things in these situations." This is why Americans have such contempt for defense lawyers -- and for illegals who go on criminal rampages.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Salvation Prayer....11/30/2017... When You Stand Before God on Judgement Day, Will Jesus Know You Voice? Call You By Your Name?

When You Stand Before God on Judgement Day,
Will Jesus Know You Voice?
Call You By Your Name?

When Satan Points his finger at you. Accuses you of every foul and disgusting sin you ever committed. What then, what will you do as you stand before our Lord and King Christ Jesus? Will Jesus know your name. Will Jesus know your voice from hearing your continual prayers. Will Jesus Judge you from the books of works written of all the deeds of those who refused to hear and except his name on purpose. Or will our Lord and King, Intercessor between God the Father and all mankind go to the
Book of Life. 

God has given us the wonderful and yet expensive gift of Free Will. Yes it is real and it does exist.You must choose, This world system and all that comes with it, or except the sacrifice of our Christ Jesus on The Cross. Understand Salvation and the Price Jesus paid for our Sin. The sin that caused separation between God and man in the first place. For it was man that Forsake God. God to this day and forever more will never forsake mankind. It was our sin that caused this separation.  

Mankind as a whole will not admit this terrible wrong.
It was and still is "Our  Fault"

Would you like to know Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Would you like to be saved from all that is about to come? Would you like to be a part of the soon rapture of the church to live with Jesus in his awesome universe and heavenly paradise forever? It is not a mistake that you came here. In fact Jesus wants to be your Savior and He loves you so much that He died on the cross for you others who chose to come to Him. He died in your place. It doesn't matter what you had done, all are welcome to come who are ready to repent of their sins and follow Jesus, desiring for Him to be their Lord and Savior. Please say the prayer below and you too shall be saved! After this please check out the prayer link for additional information you will need to help you with your walk with Christ.

Dear Jesus, 

I know I am a sinner. I pray that you will forgive me for all of my sins, that you will come into my heart and be my Lord, the savior of my life. I confess that you died on the cross to save me from my sins and I am committed to turning away from those sins. I ask that you fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I can be born again. I ask that you give me the strength and abundant faith to overcome any and all attacks by the enemy, including my desire to sin so that I may serve you completely. I pray that you will give me discernment so that I may know all things that are truth, and the knowledge acquired from reading your Word. Use me this day as I am a willing vessel Lord, in leading others to your kingdom. Wash me as white as snow. Put a hedge of protection around me as I go forth in doing your will. Thank you Jesus for saving me, as I know that only through my faith in you that all this is possible.



Published on Aug 31, 2017

Oprah has been very successful here on earth, in this video we examine her life and success.


Published on Nov 30, 2017


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