Saturday, December 2, 2017

Tillerson Departure is FAKE NEWS, Tweets Trump

Trump stands by his man.

Before the Mike Flynn story broke, the looming departure of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was the biggest news out of the White House in the last few days. But President Donald Trump is putting that rumor to bed, for now, declaring it "fake news."
The president tweeted that he has not fired Tilleson and that the two men work well together:
Trump also posted a photo of Tillerson's swearing in as Secretary in the Oval Office.
At A joint photo op with the prime minister of Libya, Tillerson dismissed the news that he was being fired.
"It's laughable, it's laughable," Tillerson said.
Fox News White House Correspondent John Roberts said even with Trump's tweet and Tillerson's dismissal of his looming dismissal, that doesn't mean Tillerson won't leave in the New Year.
"This may not be a case of the president pushing him out, it may be a case of the secretary of state just deciding he's had enough of being secretary of state and he wants to go off to the next phase of his life," Roberts said.
Roberts reports that his contacts in the Trump administration are preparing a plan of succession should Tillerson decide to leave in January.

Evergreen State Student Paper Offers No-Whites-Allowed Opinion Section

"For people of color by people of color"

The radicalized students of Evergreen State College, who were the center of nationwide controversy earlier this year for bullying a very progressive professor who criticized an anti-white school program, are once again showing their racist colors. The student newspaper now has a section in its opinion pages devoted to non-whites -- “For people of color by people of color,” according to The College Fix.
The anonymous column “POC Talk” actually debuted in the bi-weekly Cooper Point Journallast year and then was reintroduced in September. Published in the Journal’s Letters & Opinion section, POC Talk says it provides “no-holds-barred commentary on local happenings.”
The column’s editors wrote an introduction in which they described the column as “a place where we can be us without it being overshadowed by the dark cloud that is living under white supremacy and having to see things from a white perspective. This is why when we do cover these issues it will be in the context and from the perspective of POC and POC only."
Because all "people of color" have the same perspective? That sounds like a racist assumption.
“Dear White people, please take a step back, this isn’t brown-people-answer-white-people’s-questions-hour, we’re asking specifically for submissions from POC,” the column’s illiterate editors added.
Imagine any editorial column anywhere in the country beginning, “Dear Black people, please take a step back." The outrage would be apocalyptic. But blatant, anti-white racism is considered "woke," thanks to the insidious corrosion of identity politics which has infected and destroyed college campuses across the country.
“As being told no seems to be a difficult concept for some of y’all I await your emails about the Irish, how the term white fragility is mean (great example of white fragility) and how we need to view people through a color-blind lens (just lol)," the editors continued. "You will 100% not get a response!!!” Written like a true remedial English freshman.
The College Fix notes that since revving back up this fall, the column has addressed topics such as student activism, self care, the local comedy scene, and the controversy in May when students accused white professor Bret Weinstein, himself a proud Progressive, of racism because he criticized a planned “Day of Absence” in which white people were asked to stay off campus. Weinstein sued the college and eventually reached a $500,000 settlement.
A POC Talk column defended the students' position by doubling down on the anti-white racism and complaining that Weinstein is "the textbook definition of white fragility and privilege." Minorities “face harassment on an almost daily basis, it’s horrible and it’s traumatizing but ain’t [sic] nobody [sic] going to pay us $500,000 to deal with it,” the racist illiterates behind the column whined.
Congratulations, Evergreen State administrators, on allowing the inmates to run the asylum.

Baltimore Bests Last Year’s Homicides with 319 Killed

And there’s still the rest of December to go. Merry Christmas, Dems!

As of Thursday, the city of Baltimore surpassed last year’s total homicides with the killing of a 21-year-old man who became the 319th homicide victim for 2017. That’s one more than was killed in 2016 and there’s still the entire month of December to go.
The Baltimore Sun reports:
That means this year is now Baltimore’s second-deadliest on record on a per-capita basis, with a month left to go. The record was set in 2015, when there were 344 homicides.
Democratic Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh has vowed to add police officers to address the “out of control” violence. However, she noted that adding hundreds of officers takes time.
A big problem in the city is repeat gun offenders. On Wednesday night, Baltimore police arrested a 35-year-old man on charges of attempted first-degree murder. As a felon, the suspect is barred from owning a weapon, yet, he had one in his waist band. One of the arresting officers was shot in the hand by the suspect with that gun during a struggle. The suspect was tazed and booked.
Commissioner Kevin Davis is asking for tougher penalties for criminals like these who continue to break the laws already on the books.
Baltimore has outpaced New York City for murders this year, as NYC is expected to have fewer than 300.

One Black Reporter, One Gay Reporter Not Invited to WH Christmas Party, Both Cry Hatred

So, that’s exactly two people. Hardly a national issue.

A gay reporter and a black reporter are not invited to the White House Christmas party. It sounds like the start of a joke, and it is a joke, but just not a funny one.
This year marks the first in 20 that White House correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks April Ryan didn’t receive an invitation. She believes it has to do with the feud between her and press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders:
“I don’t think I was overlooked. I think they don’t like me. For whatever reason, they have disdain for me.”
Ryan has cried racism before when it comes to the “opposition” she feels from the White House, though she (amazingly) didn’t claim that was the reason for the dis-invite. But give her time.
Another reporter, Chris Johnson of the nation’s oldest LGBT paper, The Washington Blade, also never received an invitation even though he went seven times under President Obama. He assumed this year there was some type of “oversight,” but realized he was off the guest list and never found out why. He has a theory, though:
“It is consistent with the White House press secretary not calling on me during the on-camera press briefings… just kind of consistent with the policy of the administration to exclude LGBTQ people.”
Johnson has also complained that in press conferences, he has only been called on twice in six months by Sanders.
Britain’s The Independent really tried to make a big deal out of this story even though this annual party is nothing more than “a casual, off-the-record gathering for members of the administration and the press.” The paper found exactly two people  — one gay, one black — who were not invited to somehow show that bigotry is alive and well in the Trump White House. Nice try!
Good thing for Ryan and Johnson, though, is that CNN is boycotting the event altogether. Surely there’s a table for two at the fake news party.

Kaepernick to Get Award for ‘Making World a Better Place

Everyone gets a trophy!

Everyone, take a knee. Colin Kaepernick is getting another award. After being named GQ’s “Citizen of the Year,” Sports Illustrated is handing over its Muhammad Ali Legacy Award to the kneeling coward.
Usually, SI reserves the honor for a sports figure who has influenced social change for “decades,” but according to Steve Cannella, the magazine’s executive editor, that isn’s a strict requirement:
“The Muhammad Ali Legacy Award is given to those who make the world a better place. The fact Colin hasn’t played this year or been on the field doesn’t disqualify him. That fact that he hasn’t played in a game actually shows what he has sacrificed for standing up for what he believes. There will never be another Muhammad Ali, but you can see the echoes of (Ali) in what Colin has done over the last 12 to 15 months.”
Kap is no Ali, as Larry Elder compared and contrasted the two athletes here at TruthRevolt:
[Ali] argued that his religious beliefs made him a conscientious objector who ought not be forced to join the military. In doing so, Ali faced up to five years in prison and was stripped of his ability to fight in the U.S. for more than three years, his prime years as an athlete. While the heavyweight title-holder avoided prison during his appeals process — that ended up in the Supreme Court — he was forced to hand over his passport, which prevented him from fighting overseas, as well.
Banned from boxing and stripped of his world heavyweight title, Ali argued his case on the road, speaking at a number of colleges and universities, where he repeatedly stated that he would rather abide by his religious convictions rather than violate them in order to make money. Martin Luther King Jr. urged his followers to “admire (Ali’s) courage. He is giving up fame. He is giving up millions of dollars to do what his conscience tells him is right.”
By contrast, Kaepernick wants to have it both ways. The NFL allows players to stand or not, depending upon their own choice. So the league actually gives players permission to stand or not to stand for the national anthem. In Ali’s case, his refusal to join the military cost him the ability to earn a living in his chosen profession. 
Breitbart’s Dylan Gwinn nailed it, when he wrote, “In what has become undoubtedly the most award-winning and star-studded unemployment in the history of unemployment, Colin Kaepernick has won yet another award.”
Sure, modern culture requires everyone get a trophy, but this is getting ridiculous.
Kaepernick will receive the award at the woke-titled "SI’s Sportsperson of the Year Awards" ceremony in New York City next week. In a statement from Ali, the unemployed quarterback is praised “for his passionate defense of social justice and civil rights for all people.”
“Like Muhammad,” it continues, “Colin is a man who stands on his convictions with confidence and courage, undaunted by the personal sacrifices he has had to make to have his message heard. He has used his celebrity and philanthropy to benefit some of our most vulnerable community members.”
Correction, Kaepernick stands for nothing but himself. Period.
Photo by Seatacular on / CC BY-NC-SA

Anglican Minister: We Should Pray for Prince George to be Gay

" be blessed one day with the love of a fine young gentleman."

The Very Reverend Kelvin Holdsworth, a senior member of the Episcopal clergy in Scotland, is being criticized for writing a blog post encouraging people to vote for Prince George to be gay. He says that he hopes the 4 year-old son of Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge will "be blessed one day with the love of a fine young gentleman."
The Scottish Episcopal Church has voted to allow gay marriage while the Anglican churches in England and Wales have not, so Holdsworth thinks this will be a way to get what he thinks is right, writing:
A royal wedding might sort things out remarkably easily though we might have to wait 25 years for that to happen. Who knows whether that might be sooner than things might work out by other means?
His Bishop, the Right Reverend Doctor Gregor Duncan, Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway said that these were Holdsworth's personal views: "They do not represent an official view of the Scottish Episcopal Church nor are they ones with which I would concur. I will be discussing this matter with Provost Holdsworth."
Gavin Ashenden, a former chaplain to the Queen and a Christian Episcopal Church missionary bishop, told the BBC:
"It doesn't have the prince's best interests at heart, but uses him as a gender-political football to please 1.7% of the population.
"What is especially odd and incongruous is the fact that it is suddenly OK to pray for someone to be gay, but totally unacceptable to pray for them to be free from being gay and to resume a sexuality that was in tune with their biology."

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