Wednesday, October 31, 2018


But the Left attacks him for the picture it creates.
President Trump has publicly expressed concerns about the nature and nationality of the individuals heading towards the U.S. in the supposed “Caravan of Migrants.”  Consequently he ordered that the military provide active duty members of the Army to assist with efforts to secure the U.S./Mexican border.
Trump warned that embedded within that organized mob of foreign nationals are members of transnational gangs such as MS-13 and individuals from the Middle East who may be involved in terrorism.
The talking heads on the supposed “journalists” from the mainstream media, and such brilliant television personalities as the panel on the television program “The View” have derided the president, claiming that he had no justification for making those statements and, essentially accused him of lying to fire up his base of right wing conservatives.
In reality, President Trump is connecting the dots, but the globalists and the radical Left don’t like the picture that the connected dots create, so they attack him.
By now this tactic of attacking the President is not a surprise. If President Trump were to say that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, it is likely that the Radical Left would trot out a supposed astrophysicist who would find a way to claim that the President was wrong.
Each day the President is given a security briefing where he is provided with intelligence from the intelligence community. It is entirely likely that during those briefings the issue of the nature of the foreign nationals heading to the United States was a topic.
Of course I am only speculating about whether or not the President’s Daily Briefing has provided President Trump with information about the nature of the members of the caravan.  What is not speculation is the fact that the Border Patrol has been encountering and arresting illegal aliens from countries from around the world who attempted to enter the United States without inspection when they were apprehended.
Additionally, my article, Congressional Hearing: Iranian Sleeper Cells Threaten U.S. addresses a hearing that was conducted on April 17, 2018 by the House Counterterrorism and Intelligence Subcommittee, on the topic, "State Sponsors Of Terrorism: An Examination Of Iran’s Global Terrorism Network."
Here is an excerpt of the testimony of one of the witnesses, Dr. Emanuele Ottolenghi of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies:
In recent years, Hezbollah’s Latin American networks have also increasingly cooperated with violent drug cartels and criminal syndicates, often with the assistance of local corrupt political elites. Cooperation includes laundering of drug money; arranging multi-ton shipments of cocaine to the United States and Europe; and directly distributing and selling illicit substances to distant markets. Proceeds from these activities finance Hezbollah’s arms procurement; its terror activities overseas; its hold on Lebanon’s political system; and its efforts, both in Lebanon and overseas, to keep Shi’a communities loyal to its cause and complicit in its endeavors.
This toxic crime-terror nexus is fueling both the rising threat of global jihadism and the collapse of law and order across Latin America that is helping drive drugs and people northward into the United States. It is sustaining Hezbollah’s growing financial needs. It is helping Iran and Hezbollah consolidate a local constituency in multiple countries across Latin America. It is thus facilitating their efforts to build safe havens for terrorists and a continent-wide terror infrastructure that they could use to strike U.S. targets.
My April 21, 2017 article, Border Security Is National Security referenced an April 12, 2017 Washington Times report, Sharafat Ali Khan smuggled terrorist-linked immigrants.
Khan is a citizen of Pakistan who had established himself as a permanent resident in Brazil and then smuggled numerous illegal aliens from the Middle East into the United States through Mexico.  ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) issued a press release about this case, Foreign national extradited and pleads guilty to human smuggling conspiracy.
On April 17, 2018 the Washington Free Beacon published a report with the unambiguous and disconcerting headline, Iranian-Backed ‘Sleeper Cell’ Militants Hibernating in U.S., Positioned for Attack.
On March 21, 2012 the House Committee on Homeland Security that was then chaired by New York Congressman Peter King, conducted a hearing on the topic, Iran, Hezbollah, and the Threat to the Homeland.  The Huffington Post published a report on the hearing, Peter King: Iran May Have ‘Hundreds’ Of Hezbollah Agents In U.S.
On April 21, 2010 the Washington Times published a disturbing report predicated on a Pentagon report to Congress on Iran’s military operations in Latin America, Iran boosts Qods shock troops in Venezuela. Here is an excerpt:
The report gives no details on the activities of the Iranians in Venezuela and Latin America. Iranian-backed terrorists have conducted few attacks in the region. However, U.S. intelligence officials say Qods operatives are developing networks of terrorists in the region who could be called to attack the United States in the event of a conflict over Iran’s nuclear program.
On March 18, 2015, during the Obama administration, The United States Institute for Peace published a primer on Iran, Iran's Influence in Latin America, that began with the following excerpt:
On March 18, the House Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa and the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere held a joint hearing about Iran and Hezbollah’s involvement in Central and South America. The committees discussed Iran's attempts to expand its influence in Latin America during the last 30 years, as well as the Islamic Republic's alleged involvement in attacks in Peru and Uruguay and the mysterious death of Argentine prosecutor Alberto Nisman. The following are excerpted statements from the subcommittee chairmen and testimony of the witnesses.
Chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere Jeff Duncan
“Given the impending deadline for nuclear negotiations over Iran’s illicit nuclear weapons program, I believe it is critical for the U.S. to re-examine Iran and Hezbollah’s activities in our own neighborhood. Congress has conducted sustained, rigorous oversight on this issue with multiple Committee hearings, classified briefings, and the passage of legislation I authored, the Countering Iran in the Western Hemisphere Act, into law in 2012. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration continues to ignore this threat even while Iran and Hezbollah expand their reach. Following a September 2014 Government Accountability Office report that found the State Department failed to follow this law, the Administration has taken no concrete action to address these problems.”
Chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
“Iran and Hezbollah’s history of involvement in the Western Hemisphere has long been a source of concern for the United States. Given the nature of transnational criminal networks existing in Latin America and the rise of terrorism ideology being exported worldwide from Middle East, it is disturbing that the State Department has failed to fully allocate necessary resources and attention to properly address this potential threat to our nation. It is well known that Iran poses a security threat to regional affairs and has expanded its ties in countries such as Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Ecuador. The United States needs a comprehensive understanding of Tehran’s efforts in Latin America in order to thwart any potential risk to our allies and U.S. national security.”
While the thousands of aspiring illegal aliens who have become a part of the caravan now heading north have captured headlines and much attention as they make their way northward, in point of fact, each and every day, 24/7, illegal aliens enter the United States by evading the inspections process at ports of entry along the northern and southern borders of the United States, by stowing away on ships or finding other means to evade the inspections process conducted at ports of entry.
Other aliens enter the United States legally, through the inspections process as temporary (non-immigrant) visitors and then remain in the United States after their authorized period of admission expires and/or otherwise violate the terms of their admission.
No one really knows how many illegal aliens are actually present in the United States but as written in a recent article, Twice As Many Illegal Aliens In Us According To MIT.
I would compare the impact to the United States of the onslaught of the thousands of aspiring illegal aliens in the caravan to a person trying to shovel out his driveway during a blizzard getting hit by a snowball.  That snowball may well get his/her attention, but the vast majority of the snow in his driveway is the result of hours of constant snowfall.
The biggest issue where the caravan is concerned is that by surging at the border, the Border Patrol may well find itself overwhelmed.  This is the most dangerous part of the problem, that the Border Patrol might not be able to deal with the huge numbers that suddenly confront them.  The Adjudications Officers will also likely be overwhelmed when these aliens proclaim that they are seeking asylum.  With limited resources to detain these asylum seekers and with limited resources to interview them and then conduct investigations into their claims for asylum, many of these aliens will either not be stopped or will have to ultimately be released.
It has been estimated that only about 2% of aliens who are released ever show up for their immigration court dates.  98% disappear into communities across America.
These aliens demonstrate little fear of repercussions for not appearing when ordered. In the game of “hide & seek” that they play with ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), there are precious few ICE agents who are available to try to find them and take them into custody when they fail to show up.  Furthermore, if they can make their way to the increasing number of supposed “Sanctuary Cities” that have been created around the United States by Democratic mayors and Sanctuary States created by Democratic governors, they know the their chances of escaping detection by ICE increases exponentially.
Of course the Republicans who refuse to provide funding for the Border Wall and for adequate numbers of ICE agents also adds to the immigration crisis, making certain that illegal aliens have no reason to fear the consequences of their violations of our borders and our laws.
John Adams was right, “Facts are stubborn things!”


The Left's morbid world of selective indignation.
On Monday night, interviewer Kara Swisher asked Hillary Clinton what she thought of Cory Booker’s statement that with Republicans, “we kick them in the shins.” The former First Lady replied that it was Eric Holder who said that, not Cory Booker. Swisher apologized but then the former Secretary of State said “yeah, I know, they all look alike.”
As one report noted, this “appeared to be a racist comment,” but the interview quickly moved on. On social media some contended Clinton had only been joking and nobody in the establishment media contended that she should drop out of the 2020 presidential race. Contrast the treatment of Megyn Kelly for recent comments about Halloween costumes.
“What is racist?” she asked a panel on her talk show. “You do get in trouble if you are a white person who puts on blackface for Halloween, or a black person who puts on whiteface for Halloween. Back when I was a kid, that was okay just as long as you were dressing in character.”
Later in the discussion, Kelly recalled Luann de Lesseps dressing up like Diana Ross. “She wants to look like Diana Ross for one day,” Kelly said. “I don’t know how, like, that got racist on Halloween.” Social media trolls targeted Kelly as a racist and on CNN Don Lemon said she lived  in an “echo chamber,” and needed to educate herself about that “privilege you haven’t been aware of for 47 years.”
Lemon also charged that “Megyn has taken over for what used to be an African-American woman and a black man who had that slot, who actually did better than her in the ratings, who in this situation would have said it is never to do blackface.” In USA Today, Kirsten Powers charged, “the original sin was that Kelly was hired by NBC at all.”
Kelly “had a long track record of racial demagoguery at Fox News,” Powers wrote. “It would be different if she had come to terms with her own racial animus and worked to overcome it and make amends with the communities she had harmed. But NBC hired an unrepentant Kelly, who spoke with pride of all her work at Fox News.”
While with Fox, Kelly contended the New Black Panthers were a threat, agreed with Mark Fuhrman about “anti-cop biases” and decried the “culture of victimization.” At NBC, “Kelly said blackface was fine on Halloween” and was “apologizing for racist comments.” For Powers, “her meteoric rise could not have happened without the complicity of a system that is far too comfortable with racism, especially when it comes in a pretty white package.” For some of her readers, this might have sounded strange.
In The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech, Powers contended that for the left “facts don’t matter, only ideology does, and vilifying your opponents.” They are “at war with the freedom of speech and of legal due process that allows us to find the truth.” Rather than answer an argument, leftists cite “privilege,” which amounts to “a moving target that seems to apply to whomever the illiberal left is up to demonizing that day.”
Ad hominem character assassinations replace argument, and any challenge amounts to “mansplaining,” “whitesplaining” and “microaggression,” all terms deployed to delegitimize. So the pretty, white Powers, a Democrat, seems to have forgotten what she wrote in 2015.
For saying that black people all look alike, Hillary Clinton was not silenced or booted from contention. Megyn Kelly apologized but NBC duly cancelled her segment of the “Today” show. This confirms the double standard, but something else is in play.
In an October, 1993, Friar’s Club event in New York, Ted Danson appeared in blackface and used the N-word more than a dozen times. Danson was roasting Whoopi Goldberg, who said, “It took courage to come out in blackface in front of 3,000 people. I don’t care if you didn’t like it. I did.”
Goldberg actually wrote part of Danson’s routine and went on record that “Whoopi has never been about political correctness. I built my whole career destigmatizing words like ‘nigger.’” Model Beverly Johnson, an African-American, said “if you can’t see the humor at a place where there’s supposed to be over-the-line jokes then there’s something really wrong.”
In 2009 Tyra Banks took heat for a photo shoot that aimed to show a “biracial” look and darkened the skin of some models. In 2012, Beyoncé darkened her skin for an “African Queen” cover on a French magazine, and the star singer took criticism.
In 2018, NBC cans Megyn Kelly for speaking about blackface Halloween costumes. Hillary Clinton says all blacks look alike but gets a pass. The left silences free speech, as Kirsten Powers said, and has killed off humor as well.
Back in 1984 on “Saturday Night Live,” Eddie Murphy performed in the famous “White Like Me” sketch, both hilarious and instructive. That would not happen today. As original SNL cast member Chevy Chase observes, the NBC show is now “the worst f****** humor in the world.” So as Beverly Johnson said, “there’s something really wrong.”


Jew-haters exploit a massacre of Jews.
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
The fake news media has made it official.
Criticizing George Soros, an anti-Semite and alleged Nazi collaborator, is anti-Semitic. The Washington Post alone ran two dishonest screeds, “Conspiracy Theories about Soros Aren't Just False, They're Anti-Semitic” and “A Conspiracy Theory about George Soros and a Migrant Caravan Inspired Horror.”
The former comes from Talia Lavin, a former New Yorker fact checker who had to resign after falsely claimingthat a wheelchair bound ICE agent’s Afghanistan platoon tattoo was Nazi insignia. Seeing her potential for smearing people, Media Matters hired her as a “researcher” on “far-right extremism”.
What wasn’t good enough for the New Yorker was good enough for the Washington Post, which brought in a disgraced employee of Media Matters, an organization funded by George Soros, to accuse Soros critics of anti-Semitism. The Post did not see fit to inform readers of the fact that its pro-Soros screed was funded by a Soros group, only describing Lavin as “a writer and researcher based in Brooklyn”.
Also the Washington Post is a series of conflict of interest smears and lies based in Washington D.C.
To criticize Soros, according to Lavin and numerous carbon copy pieces being circulated by special interests across the media echo chamber, is to be linked to The Dearborn Independent, Father Coughlin, and the entire history of anti-Semitism in America. All of which, to Lavin, are associated with the right.
Except that Henry Ford’s anti-Semitism was spawned by his anti-war activism. And Coughlin was a socialist opponent of free markets, who started out as a passionate supporter of FDR, before turning on him for being too friendly to capitalism. Then he started the National Union for Social Justice whose credo was that, “that social justice should replace the practices of modern capitalism.”
Despite his anti-Semitism, Coughlin had far more in common with Bernie Sanders, than Trump.
Lavin has whitewashed the anti-Semitism of Alice Walker, who believes that the earth is run by reptilian space aliens (some of whom may be Jewish), and recorded an exchange in which a Muslim woman told her, “May God protect you from the Jews.” Walker responded, “It’s too late, I already married one.”
No anti-Semitism to see here because Walker, like Lavin, hates Israel.
That’s the duality in the media’s exploitation of the murder of Jews and appropriation of anti-Semitism for its own, often anti-Semitic, political agendas. Anti-Semitism isn’t the hatred of Jews, it claims. It’s opposition to the Left. That’s why Alice Walker can get away with saying blatantly anti-Semitic things. It’s why Barack Obama, Eric Holder, and the leaders of the Women’s March can pose with Farrakhan.
There is no anti-Semitism to the left of the Left. Only to the right.
"Trump’s Ideology Is Anti-Semitism Without Jews," Jonathan Chait writes in New York Magazine. That’s a more accurate description of how the Left divorces anti-Semitism from the hatred of actual Jews, appropriating Jewish identity, while excluding its own anti-Semitism from criticism and condemnation.
And that is an anti-Semitic act.
Last year, Politico ran a bizarre piece claiming that a Chabad Jewish synagogue was the nexus of the vast Trump-Putin conspiracy. The article proved quite popular with white supremacists. It was condemned by the ADL, but the media, as usual, saw nothing wrong with spreading anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.
It also saw nothing wrong when the New York Times ran an infographic listing members of Congress opposed to the Iran Deal, based on whether they were Jewish or represented Jewish districts at a time when anti-Semitic dog whistles were being deployed by the White House and its media allies.
Jonathan Weisman, the perpetrator of the New York Times ‘Jew List’, bizarrely went on to write a book accusing Trump of anti-Semitism. In his latest piece, "It's Time to Wake up to anti-Semitism on the Right," he argues that anti-Semitism on the left should be ignored in favor of anti-Semitism on the right.
Echoing him, Ben Schreckinger, the author of Politico’s Jewish conspiracy theory, has been warning about the threat of the alt-right.
If you legitimately oppose anti-Semitism, then you don’t think it should be ignored anywhere. Not from Alice Walker, David Duke, Louis Farrakhan, Richard Spencer, the KKK, the Women’s March, Stormfront or Politico. Instead the Left insists that anti-Semitism in its ranks doesn’t exist and should be ignored.
There’s only one reason to do that.
Anti-Semitism and accusations of anti-Semitism are both weapons in the arsenal of the Left. It trades in homophobia and accusations of homophobia, in sexism and accusations of sexism, in racism and accusations of racism, and in anti-Semitism and denunciations of it, when it suits its political agenda.
Take George Soros, please.
The media claims that discussing the power and influence wielded by Soros is an “anti-Semitic conspiracy theory”, but discussing the power and influence of Sheldon Adelson, is good journalism.
What’s the difference between the two? There’s really only one answer.
Soros funds the media’s political allies and Adelson funds conservatives. If the two men switched sides, then criticism of Adelson would be anti-Semitic and reporting on Soros would be good journalism.
The defenses of Soros and attacks on Adelson running in the media side by side reveal how the media selectively deploys anti-Semitism and accusations of anti-Semitism in the service of its political goals.
That’s how we end up with opponents of George Soros, an anti-Semitic bigot, whose critics have included Holocaust survivors like Elie Wiesel and Abe Foxman, being accused of anti-Semitism.
Anti-Semitism is a tactic. Dead Jews are just talking points used to immunize a lefty donor from scandal. Trump’s anti-Semitism is as necessary, as it is imaginary. Chait gets closest to what his political movement really means when he accuses Trump of practicing, “Anti-Semitism Without Jews”.
What Chait really means, but can’t quite say, is that the Left has redefined anti-Semitism to mean opposition to its own political agendas. Accusations of anti-Semitism don’t even require actual Jews.
National Socialist anti-Semitism distorted Jewish history and identity, but International Socialist anti-Semitism appropriates Jewish identity even while still continuing to practice anti-Semitism.
The Nazis gloried in their anti-Semitism, the Communists claimed to oppose anti-Semitism even as they were killing Jews. There is something deeply perverse in a movement that hates and kills Jews, and appropriates them as a cause, destroying Jewish communities and hijacking their identities.
The Nazis sought to dominate, subjugate and even exterminate those they deemed to be ‘inferior’. International Socialism is not nationalistic; it views everyone as dispensable and disposable. There are no superior races, because everyone is inferior. It is however willing to occasionally pander to the racial prejudices of anyone, black nationalists, white racists, Islamist activists, and to their anti-Semitism.
It is simultaneously racist and anti-racist, sexist and egalitarian, Jewish and anti-Semitic.
In the secular replacement theology of the Left, it has displaced the Jews. It’s also replaced black people, women, gays and any identity groups whose interests it claims to represent. To be protected by the Left is to have your identity appropriated by it with an unseen power of attorney brandished by its activists.
Elizabeth Warren is truly Cherokee. George Soros is a victim of anti-Semitism.
Anti-Semitism has never been limited to any political movement. And any movement that claims anti-Semitism doesn’t exist in its ranks should be treated with great suspicion.
Ideology does not shield us from any evil or sin. The follies and flaws of human nature are distributed across all the spectra of human life. What protects us from them is the very awareness of our flaws.
A political movement is most dangerous when it appears to exempt its members from that awareness.
The Left’s denial and appropriation of anti-Semitism are two sides of the same ugly coin. Every time the Left accuses its political opponents of anti-Semitism, its own hatred of Jews grows even worse.
Photo from World Economic Forum.


It's time for more prog celeb threats to move to Canada.
Why is it always Canada and never Cuba? Cuba has pure uncut socialism, mass repression, child prostitution and outbreaks of disease. Why won't Barbara put her money where her morals are? 
But Streisand's newest album is the first to incorporate her politics into her music in a major way. "I would lie awake at night with Trump’s outrages running through my head, and I had to do another album for Columbia Records, so I thought, why not make an album about what’s on my mind?" she told the Times.
"I want to sleep nights," she continued, "if we take the House [of Representatives] I’ll be able to sleep a little bit better."
Surely most Americans should be willing to give up their civil rights so a millionaire celebrity narcissist feels a little less alienated from the country that made her rich.
But then again the threat of another album of Streisand yowling about walls and Trump and how nobody properly appreciates her could very well turn the tide toward the Dems. 
"And if [Democrats] don’t?" reporter Maggie Haberman asked.
"Don’t know," Streisand responded. "I’ve been thinking about, do I want to move to Canada? I don’t know. I’m just so saddened by this thing happening to our country. It’s making me fat. I hear what he said now, and I have to go eat pancakes now, and pancakes are very fattening. We make them with healthy flour, though — almond flour, coconut flour."
In Cuba, they make pancakes with leftover cement. It's very healthy.
And also in Cuba, nobody gets to make those decisions, so Streisand will actually be able to blame the government for getting fan. Or more likely, thin.

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