Monday, April 1, 2019

In this mailing:
  • Khaled Abu Toameh: Why Palestinians are Fleeing Lebanon
  • Uzay Bulut: Turkey Mourns Christchurch Massacre, Ignores Attacks on Non-Muslims

Why Palestinians are Fleeing Lebanon

by Khaled Abu Toameh  •  April 1, 2019 at 5:00 am
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  • International journalists based in the Middle East seem to care precious little about the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in Lebanon, who, for several decades now, have been protesting the apartheid and discrimination practiced by an Arab country.
  • As a result of these laws, the conditions of Palestinians in Lebanon have worsened to a point where 65% of them live below the poverty line, according to a report by Al-Jazeera.
  • The Arab and Western silence towards the plight of the Palestinians in Lebanon achieves one thing alone: aggravating Palestinian agony. Yet the only evil the Arab leaders and the international community see is the supposed evil that they link to Israel.
Palestinians appear finally fed up with the apartheid and discriminatory laws they have been subjected to in Lebanon. Al-Jazeera recently reported that 1,500 Palestinians left Lebanon in less than three months. Pictured: A Middle East Airlines flight takes off from the airport in Beirut, Lebanon. (Image source: Flo Weiss/Wikimedia Commons)
Palestinians appear finally fed up with the apartheid and discriminatory laws they have been subjected to in Lebanon in the past few decades. They appear fed up with the ongoing apathy towards their plight in the international community and media. They also appear fed up with the international media's obsession with Israel and the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The only Palestinians the international media reports about are those whose "problems" are directly linked to Israel.
For the past year, dozens of international journalists based in the Middle East have been covering the weekly protests along the Gaza-Israel border. These journalists, however, seem to care precious little about the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in Lebanon, who, for several decades now, have been protesting the apartheid and discrimination practiced by an Arab country.

Turkey Mourns Christchurch Massacre, Ignores Attacks on Non-Muslims

by Uzay Bulut  •  April 1, 2019 at 4:00 am
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  • The more critical problem is the discrepancy between the way the government and the people of Turkey have been treating the Christchurch attacks, as opposed to the way they have been responding to the murder of non-Muslims in their own country.
  • While Muslim worshippers were being murdered in New Zealand -- and Turkey was among the nations condemning the anti-Muslim slaughter and voicing outrage over "Islamophobia" -- they were paying little or no attention to the Christians in Nigeria, Congo, Ethiopia, Uganda, Pakistan and elsewhere who were being violated, abducted or massacred by extremist Muslim perpetrators. Where is the reciprocity?
  • Until Turks and others are as vocal in their condemnation of religious-based violence and hate crimes against non-Muslims as they are about those against Muslims, it is hard to take what Ataklı referred to as their "talk of tolerance" seriously.
Pictured: Flowers and tributes outside Al Noor mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand -- one of the two mosques attacked in the March 15 mass shooting. (Photo by Carl Court/Getty Images)
Since the March 15 massacre of dozens of Muslims at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, Turkey has joined the rest of the world in condemning the murders, praying for the victims and commemorating the event by laying wreaths at the sites of the slaughter.
This is a fitting response to a mass shooting of innocent people, but there seem to be some problems with it where Turkey is concerned.
The first is the way in which President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has been making cynical use of video footage from the deadly attacks to bolster his candidates' standing ahead of the March 31 municipal elections -- by blaming "global Islamophobia" for the carnage.
The second, and more critical problem, is the discrepancy between the way the government and the people of Turkey have been treating the Christchurch attacks, as opposed to the way they have been responding to the murder of non-Muslims in their own country.

Author of New York Times Cover Story on Jewish Boycott Works for Qatar, Leading Sponsor of Terror in the World

Author of New York Times Cover Story on Jewish Boycott Works for Qatar, Leading Sponsor of Terror in the World

We can’t run an ad in the New York Times, but these savages get the cover. Think about that. Qatar is arguably the preeminent sponsor of terror in the world today. It is a benefactor of the genocidal armies of ISIS, al Qaeda, and Boko Haram; it is involved in Taliban narcotics trafficking through a relationship with the Pakistani National Logistics Cell; and profits from operating a virtual slave state. Qatar is involved in terror operations from Nigeria to Gaza to Syria to Iraq. The tiny Persian Gulf nation of Qatar – one of the wealthiest countries in the world on a per capita basis, thanks to enormous oil and natural gas reserves – has become one of the most harmful influences in the Middle East and a key supporter of terrorist groups.“The Qatari government has provided sanctuary to various members of jihadist organizations, namely the Taliban, al-Qaeda, Hamas, and the Muslim Brotherhood, allowing some of them to establish official offices on its territory. More on Qatar here.
Ironic that the New York Times would run this story on the 86th anniversary of the Nazi boycott of the Jews. And they make the same argument against the Jews as the Nazis did.



BY: Adam Kredo, 
The author of this Sunday’s New York Times magazine cover story about the campaign to boycott, divest, and sanction the state of Israel works for an organization whose major donor, Qatar, is also the largest state funder of the terrorist group Hamas. Other significant donors to the author’s organization, the International Crisis Group, are leading supporters of the anti-Semitic boycott movement the author describes in his piece.
The publication of the article, “How the Battle Over Israel and Anti-Semitism Is Fracturing American Politics,” represents another salvo in the New York Times‘ continuing promotion of anti-Israel writers and views.
The author, Nathan Thrall, is tied to a large network of BDS supporters that are funded into the millions by the Qatari government, which has long been engaged in efforts to spy on the American Jewish community and pro-Israel officials. Qatar’s foreign influence operations in Washington, D.C., have flown mostly under the radar, but are part of a larger proxy battle being waged by wealthy Middle Eastern governments eager to peddle influence in powerful D.C. circles.
Thrall, who the Times presents as a disinterested expert, serves as director of the Arab-Israeli Project at the International Crisis Group, or ICG, a left-leaning advocacy organization that has receivedaround $4 million from the Qatari government in the just the last year. Qatar’s donations represent around 23 percent of ICG’s total budget. Qatar is not mentioned in Thrall’s 11,500-word piece.
ICG also has raised $1 million in the past several years from the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation, a prolific and open funder of the BDS movement in the United States.
Another significant portion of ICG’s funding—more than $5 million in the last three years—comes from the Open Society Foundations, run by liberal billionaire George Soros. Open Society funds dozens of Palestinian organizations that are prominent members of the BDS movement.
ICG’s president is former Obama administration official Robert Malley, another Israel critic who was fired from President Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential election team after he met with the Hamas terror organization. He joined the Obama administration in 2014.
Thrall has been affiliated with ICG during the bulk of his career, which dates to 2010 with bylines at the BBC, the Guardian, the Washington Post, and CNN.
In his writing, Thrall has gone to great lengths to portray Israel as an aggressor in its conflict with Palestinian terrorists.
In a 2011 dispatch in the Times, Thrall argued that Israeli policies are to blame for the violence fostered by Hamas and its terror affiliates. Numerous other reports written over the years demonstrate a clear anti-Israel bias and attempt to portray the conflict as the Jewish state’s fault, not that of the terrorists who attack it.
As Hamas attacked Israel in 2014, Thrall wrote in the Times‘ Review of Books that the terror group “demonstrated that its militancy and its willingness to endure a ferocious Israeli attack could achieve more in weeks than [Palestinian President Mahmoud] Abbas’s talks have achieved in years. During the Gaza war, Israel did not announce a single new settlement in the West Bank.”
In another 2014 report, Thrall wrote that Hamas’s terrorist bombing on Israel are the “direct result of the choice by Israel and the West.”
Thrall has openly expressed support for the BDS movement, which he claimed is the “leading cause for advocates of free speech.” Pro-Israel groups, Thrall has argued, are responsible for what he described as a “decades-long attempt” to “stifle pro-Palestinian speech in the U.S.”
Thrall’s advocacy with the Qatari-funded ICG is raising further questions about influence peddling by terror-tied governments. Critics argue that Thrall and the New York Times should disclose his ties and what appears to be a clear anti-Israel bias.
David Brog, executive director of the Maccabee Task Force and former executive director of the Christians United For Israel, or CUFI told the Free Beacon that the article is clearly framed to portray Israel in an unflattering–and factually inaccurate–manner.
“I didn’t think it was possible, but the New York Times has reached a new low,” Brog said. “This article is an extended, one-sided endorsement of Rep. Ilhan Omar’s assertion that US support for Israel is purchased with Jewish dollars. To Thrall, Israel can do no right and the Palestinians can do no wrong. He condemns Israel’s “occupation” while barely mentioning Israel’s repeated offers to exit the territory — and the serial Palestinian rejections of these offers. He criticizes Israel’s security measures without ever acknowledging the Palestinian terror that necessities them. He can’t even bring himself to admit that the Palestinian Arabs launched the 1948 War in an effort to destroy Israel — he writes that the war “erupted.” The list goes on. I’d expect more balanced and thorough reporting from a high school newspaper.”
Josh Block, a veteran pro-Israel official who serves as the CEO and president of the Israel Project, described the Times‘ failure to disclose Thrall’s biases and ICG’s funding as “horrifying.”
“It is outrageous that any newspaper, let alone one that takes itself so seriously as the NYT would commit what is such an obvious and horrifying violation of basic journalistic ethics and standards by publishing such a misleading article—presented as ‘news’—rife with falsehoods, ad hominem attacks on Jews and even including implying supporters of Israel were responsible for the Tree of Life massacre, all without acknowledging, even hiding the fact, that it is authored by a supporter of the ‘Destroy Israel Movement,’ which calls itself B.D.S., and who is employed and paid by an organization whose primary funders are leading sponsors and funders of the effort to destroy and boycott the Jewish state, starting with Qatar, followed by the Rockefellers and OSI,” Block said. “It boggles the mind. ”
The New York Times did not respond to a request for comment.


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