Thursday, August 1, 2019

Pro-Third Temple Politician: Prepare for WAR!

    Responding to reports of an upcoming Israeli-Arab Peace summit hosted by the Trump administration, former MK Moshe Feiglin said that the result of this initiative will be a “war.
    Moshe Feiglin, a former parliament member and current head of the Zehut party took to social media saying that the “outcome of Trump’s upcoming Peace summit, like all previous peace summits, will be a war”.
    “To comprehend this, one must understand that the objective of a “Palestinian” is not sovereignty (for this non-nation) in Israel but rather the elimination of Jewish sovereignty” Feiglin added.
    In the post, the party leader recalled former British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin who admitted at the end of the British mandate that the objective of the Arabs in Palestine is to ensure that the Jews never have a state.
    “Nothing has changed since then” Feiglin continued. “They don’t want a state, they just want to ensure that we don’t have one. They have bever demanded a state in the ‘territories’ when it was under Jordanian and Egyptian control. They will always demand the final square inch of Jewish governed land” he said.
    “Therefore, every peace attempt will always lead to another round of bloodshed” Feiglin added.
    Feiglin’s party, Zehut, is the only current political party that has publically endorsed building the Third Temple although it is not necessarily at the forefront of their agenda. The Zehut party is also Israel’s only libertarian party who promotes free-market capitalism but also the annexation of all of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza.

    About the Author: 

    US Officials: Osama Bin Laden’s Son is Dead

      Few details were offered about the death of Hamza bin Laden or if the U.S. was responsible, NBC says.
      The son and “potential successor” of Al Qaida leader Osama bin Laden is dead, NBC News reported on Wednesday, basing its information on intelligence shared by three U.S. officials.
      Few details were offered about the death of Hamza bin Laden or if the U.S. was responsible, NBC says.
      In March, the U.S. State Department offered a $ 1 million award for anyone providing information about Hamza bin Laden’s location.
      Hamza has posted messages in videos similar to those his father once disseminated, urging his followers to “attack the U.S. and its allies in revenge for his father’s death,” NBC reports.
      Osama’s son is around 30 years old. He went with his father to Afghanistan in 1996 as a young boy and could be seen in the terror group’s propaganda videos at that time, says the report.
      Osama bin Laden was responsible for the worst attack on America’s shores, orchestrating the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist strike on the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. The death toll was 2,977 killed.
      He had been responsible for many other mass attacks worldwide.
      After hiding in a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, Osama bin Laden was finally tracked down and killed by Navy SEALS on May 2, 2011.
      NBC reports that “letters seized from the compound suggested the elder bin Laden wanted his son to join him in Abbottabad and was grooming him as a leader.”

      About the Author: 


      Please watch the video below for the full story & don’t forget to subscribe! 
      The Board of Fire Commissioners of the Franklin Square and Munson Fire District have just entered into an absolutely history making resolution!  They have called for a Grand Jury investigation into the mishandling and misleading FBI handling of materials and evidence relating the the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center attacks.  Be ready my friends and ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ rejoice; you so called ‘kooks’ have been vindicated because those first responders now 100% agree with YOU and are calling to blow the lid off America’s dirtiest secret!!
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      Categories: Breaking News

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      1. “there are no perfect crimes, threre are only failed investigations.”
        Fight the Good Fight!
        God Bless

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      Aspiring James Bond villain, George Soros, is clawing his way deeper into America's political system, with a SuperPAC. 
      Democratic mega-donor George Soros is creating a new super PAC, called Democracy PAC, to serve as a hub for his 2020 election spending.
      Soros, a billionaire financier, is putting an initial $5 million into the PAC, according to a person familiar with the new organization. Paperwork for the group will be filed with the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday.
      Other members of the Soros family may also contribute to Democracy PAC, the person familiar with the group said. Alexander Soros, George Soros’ son, has in recent years taken on a growing role as a Democratic mega-donor himself.
      Alexander Soros has his own PAC. George's PAC maintains the ironic "Democracy" brand, also seen on his Democracy Alliance, which, like his Open Society brand, is a fairly obvious overcompensation for criticism by calling his organizations the opposite of what they are.
      Soros wants a closed society in which popular democracy is subverted by powerful financial interests. So he labels his orgs, Democracy.
      What's less democratic than a money machine run by a radical who is reviled around the world, meant to influence America's political system?


      The conventional wisdom is that Joe Biden survived the CNN debate. That's not saying much.
      Joe Biden has come a long way since his debate match up with Paul Ryan. And not in a good way. In the CNN debate, as in the NBC debate, Biden appeared tired and confused. He was able to memorize a few talking points, but a few sentences in, he starts losing track of them.
      Biden was the candidate on stage who stumbled the most, was likeliest to forget what he wanted to say, and to make the worst use of his time. And considering the amateurs in the debates and the broad range of candidates, that's really saying something.
      The leading Dem candidate has also become its worst debater.
      Oddly, Biden seemed very prepared and sharp when going after Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. A waste of time and energy since she has no prospects and is widely disliked. He would have been better off dismissing her with a kindly joke. He memorized an adequate attack against Senator Cory Booker. And flailed when trying to push back against Senator Kamala Harris.
      That's exactly the opposite of the order of priorities he needed.
      Biden is old, and looks and sounds it. His party has moved beyond him. But he still occupies the top spot because he's seen as the most electable. The designation might be more up for grabs if the candidates behind him weren't two unlikable socialists and Willie Brown's ex-mistress. The ongoing debates aren't doing Biden any favors. And as they go on, his opponents will do a better job of zeroing in on his weaknesses.
      Biden is still sorta able to memorize attacks, but loses track a little of the way into them. He forgets, fumbles and runs out of steam. It's hard to know if something is medically wrong or if Biden, on the very edge of achieving what he wanted all his life, has lost the ability to get it.
      If the same guy who showed up to the debates shows up to battle Trump, it won't be much of a fight.

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