An ongoing Islamic extremist project to exterminate Christians in sub-Saharan Africa is even more brutal for the Church than it is in the Middle East, the place where Christians suffered ISIS genocidal attempts.
Many are deeply concerned about the upcoming election, and many others are alarmed by all the other crazy stuff happening all over the world, but whatever the motivation it is undeniable that an increasing number of Americans are seeking to flee the major cities right now.
Billions of locusts are eating everything in sight in east Africa right now, and every single day many more farms are being completely wiped out. If extreme measures are not implemented immediately, authorities are claiming that this locust plague could literally get "500 times" worse in a few months.
The Palestinians have drafted a strategic plan against the "deal of the century," and it was placed on Abbas's desk immediately following the plan's official announcement.
The LAST Prophecies explores the biblical prophecies listed below that happen within the first 3 ½ years of the dreaded Seven-Year Tribulation Period. Watch the book trailer here.
• The Terminal Generation (What it is and How to Escape it) • How Israel Gains World Renown after Ezekiel 38 • The Coming Third Jewish Temple • Supernatural Signs and Lying Wonders • The Harlot Religion of "Mystery Babylon" • The 144,000 Hebrew Evangelists • The Two Witnesses • A Worldwide Christian Revival • The 3 Phases of Christian Martyrdom • The Seven Seal Judgments • The Seven Trumpet Judgments • The Unholy Harlot and Antichrist Alliance • The Ten Kings and Other Kings in the Tribulation