By now, many of us are aware that this 'plandemic' is the execution of a planned communist take-over of America. Minnesota has been captured by the Marxist and Islamic Counter State for quite a while, so I am literally living behind enemy lines. Every day their operation plays out according to their plan. Two days ago the Commies launched a hotline and email for citizens to snitch (report) violations of social distancing! That's right folks, they are training citizens to snitch on fellow citizens - no surprise here but I wanted to make sure to let you know. I am not negating the need to distance ourselves so as not to infect others or ourselves. Obviously this is a virulent virus. That goes without saying. That is the insidiousness of this evil plan. And the sheltering in place directive is part of the plan to isolate us, take down our economy, kill us, subjugate us, etc. I hope that everyone understands that I am not advocating that we place ourselves and our families in danger of getting the Chinese virus.
In this video I discuss this and I call into the snitch line so you can hear the recorded voice mail message that asks you to turn people in. The message states that you've called the Department of Public Safety and the STAY AT HOME HOTLINE. They ask you to leave your name, call back number, how the stay at home order is being violated, and the address and/or location of the violation. Call for yourself at 1-800-Gestapo..Just kidding...not. The real number is 651-793-3746. The email is But they don't say what will happen to the 'violators' or who will call you back.
Then I talk about the Challenging Islamophobia 2019 conference that I attended. Gov. Tim Walz (total Marxist) announced the creation of three human rights offices in Worthington, Bemidji and Duluth so that people could turn in perpetrators of 'hate crimes' against Muslims. I don't believe that the timing of this was a coincidence. Based on the Marxist and Islamic Counter State's long term plan to destroy America, shred our Constitutional rights and implement Sharia (Civilization Jihad), I believe that this was created as a ramp up to this Stay at Home Hotline (snitch line). This operation has been planned for a long time, and of course it is another example of the Red Green Axis working together to take over. Their short term plan is to remove President Trump from office and this is an ongoing coup.
We are in a dire situation, friends. This is WW3. Be prepared! We must get President Trump reelected!