Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Ben Shapiro: Whoopi Goldberg says the Holocaust wasn’t about targeting Jews. Here’s why that matters.


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the Vortex...‘SO GOES TEXAS, SO GOES AMERICA’ The tip of the spear. February 1, 2022

 the Vortex

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The tip of the spear.

February 1, 2022  148 Comments

Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.

In today's Vortex, Michael Voris interviews candidate for Texas governor Allen West.

PRELATE BACKS GAYS AS PRIEST HAULED TO COURT NEWS: WORLD Jules Gomes • • January 31, 2022 Pro-LGBTQ+ archbishop of Malta tipped off to be Vatican doctrinal czar



by Jules Gomes  •  •  January 31, 2022    58 Comments

Pro-LGBTQ+ archbishop of Malta tipped off to be Vatican doctrinal czar

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VALLETTA, Malta ( - Catholics have expressed outrage after Malta's archbishop demonstrated solidarity with LGBTIQ+ activist organizations a couple of days before a faithful priest was dragged to court for "hate speech" against homosexuals. 

Fr. David Muscat leaving court with his lawyers

Archbishop Charles Scicluna and auxiliary bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi met Drachma LGBTI, Allied Rainbow Community, Drachma Parents' Group, LGBTI+ Gozo, and LGBTIQ Rights Malta at the archdiocesan curia in Floriana on Tuesday, a Drachma press release announced. 

During the two-hour "positive and flowing conversation," the bishops and the LGBTIQ+ community explored ways of how to make pansexual Catholics "feel more at home with the Church," the statement said. 

On Friday, firebrand priest Fr. David Muscat appeared in court accused of "incitement to hatred or violence" over his comments about homosexuality after a complaint was filed by the predominantly Catholic country's Hate Crime and Hate Speech unit.

Magistrate Ian Farrugia rebuked the priest, asking him to be "more prudent in what we say."

There is nothing to be proud of in engaging in acts of depravity contrary to God's law.GabTweet

"Whether you like it or not, what you say carries weight," Farrugia told Muscat. "People look to you. I don't want any further cases. What's done is done. This is for the future."

A university researcher told Church Militant the meeting between the archbishop and the activists was "carefully timed and publicized to inflict maximum damage on the priest's reputation and to negatively influence the court's decision against Fr. Muscat." 


During the meeting, Scicluna stressed "moving away from the language of ideology" and indirectly rebuked Muscat for "speaking without first stopping to think." 

True Act of Love Absent

"A pity that the archbishop did not practice what he preached when he publicly denounced Fr. David Muscat, without first contacting this priest for clarification or explanation," Philip Beattie, president of the Maltese Society for Christian Civilization told Church Militant.

How come the Bible and society at large still consider the male-female and the heterosexual norm as 'normal' and 'natural?'GabTweet

Beattie elaborated: 

A true act of love and respect on Mgr. Scicluna's part would have been to preach and explain the austere truths of the Faith to these LGBTI+ activists. He should have exhorted them to carry and embrace the cross and mortification in complete fidelity to Christ. This is what a true pastor concerned with the salvation of souls would have done.  

According to the Drachma statement: "One of the things that they spoke about was pride." This is hardly something to boast about, given that it was the pride of the fallen angels that led to the first rebellion against God and His order of creation. There is nothing to be proud of in engaging in acts of depravity contrary to God's law.  

Drachma portrays biblical figures as homosexual

As Muscat pleaded not guilty to the charge of hate speech in court, his lawyers, Mariah Mula and Christopher Attard, said they were challenging the accusation that Fr. Muscat's words constituted "hate speech." 

Maltese sources close to the highly respected priest told Church Militant that Muscat's words, quoting the Catechism of the Catholic Church's characterization of homosexual acts as intrinsically disordered and gravely sinful, were taken out of context.

Pro-Gay Org Maligns Biblical Figures

Drachma is a Catholic gay activist body seeking "sexual and spiritual integration." It holds regular meetings at the university chaplaincy and chapel in Msida and LGBTI+ retreats at the Jesuit-run Mount St. Joseph Retreat House in Mosta. 

Catholics were scandalized after Drachma organized an adult presentation titled "David and Jonathan" at the Gudja Parish Centre and an event titled "Ruth and Naomi" at the university chapel in 2018. 

Queer biblical scholars have claimed that David and Jonathan were homosexual lovers, while Ruth and Naomi are "an inspiration for lesbians." 

reflection on Drachma's website interprets "the beautiful intimate relationship between David and Jonathan, or between Ruth and Naomi, or between Jesus and John the Evangelist" as "rich, diverse and profound[ly] beautiful."

Scicluna appears to believe in practicing a distorted form of charity, one that is not grounded in Christian truth.GabTweet

"There is such a richness in this intimacy that goes well beyond the usual moral and doctrinal over-emphasis on genital activity," the reflection notes. 

Drachma's interpretation of Genesis challenges the "rigid male-female binary," asking: If "we are so many and we are so different, how come the Bible and society at large still consider the male-female and the heterosexual norm as 'normal' and 'natural?'"

A float at the Malta "Pride Parade" in 2015

Depravity-Defending Prelate: CDF Chief?

On the feast of the Epiphany, Scicluna publicly rebuked Muscat, instructing the outspoken cleric to stop making "inflammatory and hurtful comments" and warning Muscat he could be barred from exercising his ministry in public.
As Maltese police launched an investigation into Fr. Muscat for "hate speech," the archbishop delivered a televised homily telling gay people, "God loves you for who you are" and apologizing "on behalf of the Church to all those who were hurt by these harsh words."

The prelate is expected to replace 77-year-old Cdl. Luis Ladaria, a conservative who is currently prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Church Militant earlier reported

Scicluna, who is currently embroiled in a land-grab scandal, has been the target of repeated demonstrations by human rights groups protesting the archbishop's decrees, which pave the way for speculators to buy property worth multi-million euros for use as apartments. 

"One can only conclude that Scicluna appears to believe in practicing a distorted form of charity, one that is not grounded in Christian truth, but, rather, one grounded in modernism," Beattie remarked. 

"I pray that he will return to the fullness of the Catholic faith and would humbly remind him that charity practiced without truth is meaningless," the president of Pro Malta Christiana urged. 

The case against Fr. Muscat has been adjourned until March 4.


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SPEAKING OUT IN TEXAS NEWS: VIDEO Trey Blanton • • February 1, 2022 Opposing illegal immigration



by Trey Blanton  •  •  February 1, 2022    4 Comments

Opposing illegal immigration

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Grassroots movements are rising up to resist leftist tyranny. McAllen, Texas is one border town hard-hit by the massive influx of illegal immigrants. In tonight's In-Depth Report, Church Militant's Trey Blanton takes us on the ground to cover the effort to recapture America.

The "We Stand America" tour kicked off Saturday to promote awareness on border security and election integrity. Women Fighting for America hosted the event. Christie Hutcherson, its president, has visited trafficking sites to uncover the horrendous reality.

Christie Hutcherson: "The drug cartels — they're ruthless. They have no regard for human life whatsoever. Just like yesterday, if we tried to approach them or the Border Patrol tried to approach them, they would literally take their [human] cargo and they'd throw them in the river."

Trump's border wall — in the areas where it has been completed — has decreased border-crossing attempts by the thousands. Retired Rear Adm. Charles Kubic describes building the wall.

Rear Adm. Charles Kubic (Ret.): "Our security was in gun battles, and we kept building. As we say in the [Navy] Seabees, 'We build; We fight; Can do." And that work was basically through some of the most difficult terrain."

The establishment elite in Washington, D.C. has allowed ineffective measures to be implemented in our national security.

Biden's policy of "catch and release" has resulted in sex trafficking and dangerous drugs entering our country at record levels.

Rep. Mark Finchem, R-Ariz.: "The greatest gift that Donald Trump gave this country was not his incredible administration, but the fact that he pulled the curtain apart and allowed us to see just how ugly, corrupt and rotten the federal government has become."

Both the Payne Arena and local government attempted to undermine the event, and Ticketmaster notified those planning to attend that the event was canceled. This led to drastically lower turnout than expected. 

Christie Hutcherson: "But you know what was the most disgusting thing they did this week? Four days ago, they hacked into our system — our Eventbrite system — and they stole 600 military tickets."

The Marxist Left is desperate to suppress Christian conservatives. Americans must act now to resist tyranny.

Attendees visited the border on Sunday to convey to the cartels that conservatives will not back down from the fight.


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GREAT AMERICAN CRISIS NEWS: VIDEO James Fedewa • • February 1, 2022 Shocking immigration numbers



by James Fedewa  •  •  February 1, 2022    5 Comments

Shocking immigration numbers

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1.7 million — that's the number of illegal immigrant encounters on the U.S. border for 2021, according to the Customs and Border Protection website.

But Church Militant asked the former commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (or CBP) what the real number is.

Mark Morgan, former acting commissioner of CBP:

So we talk about 1.7 [million]. Actually that gives them credit, because that's three months — that's a fiscal year, that's three months under the Trump administration. I like to look at the calendar year. In [Biden's] first 12 months in office, that's actually 2 million encounters. But here's a number that is a direct answer to your question: 600,000 gotaways. When is the last time you heard anybody from this administration talk about that?

With a wide-open border, immigrants see freedom and drug traffickers see money.


The majority of fentanyl overdoses are people from 18 to, I believe, 34. Look, I have the story of an [indiscernible] whose daughter was 15 years old. She went to a party, and they said, 'Hey, good kid, average kid, and today, here's a pill for that.' And she took it. It was the first pill she'd ever taken. It was laced with fentanyl, and she died. That's what we're talking about."

The fentanyl crisis has been hitting America where it hurts — the children.

Thanks to the Biden administration's lack of response to the border crisis, Texas has some of the worst ratings in the country for sex trafficking.

The Lone Star State ranked top ten in 2021 with a rate of 3.63 cases per every 100,000 residents, or 1,080 documented cases.

Christie Hutcherson, founder of Women Fighting for America:

The drug cartels, they're ruthless. They have no regard for human life whatsoever. Just like yesterday, if we tried to approach them or the Border Patrol tried to approach them, they would literally take their [human] cargo and they'd throw them in the river. And that's why you see a lot of the bodies and stuff; they drowned, or if it's cold, they get hypothermia.

CBP recorded over 10,000 arrests last year of criminal noncitizens — up from just over 2,000 in 2020. 

U.S. Border Patrol handed out 60 criminal convictions of homicide to criminal noncitizens.

But Border Patrol has been crippled by the Biden administration. 

Currently the CBP employs over 64,000 men and women, with just shy of 20,000 border patrol agents on the force. But many argue it isn't enough. 

At the "We Stand America" rally in McAllen, Texas, a mother of a Marine shot and killed by an illegal alien told her sobering story.

Marie Vega, mother of murdered Marine:

On Aug. 3, 2014, while my family enjoyed an afternoon of fishing in Santa Monica, Texas, we were ambushed by two illegal aliens who shot at us as they attempted to rob us. They shot and killed our son, United States Marine and Border Patrol agent Javier "Harvey" Vega Jr. He was only 36 years old.

Fifty percent of Americans give Biden a poor rating on his handling of national security. And, more specifically, just 27% approved of his immigration performance, with 54% disapproving. 


I think more Americans understand that what happens at the southwest border, it's not a border-town issue. It's that the catastrophe that's happening along our southwest border, it's making its way to every town, city and state in this country. And I think that's why you're seeing a great awareness. And I think that's why you're seeing, a direct reason why, President Biden's polls are tanking because of this issue.

Despite the chaos, death and destruction at the U.S. southern border, unelected Biden seems more concerned about defending Ukraine's border.


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