Shocking immigration numbers

1.7 million — that's the number of illegal immigrant encounters on the U.S. border for 2021, according to the Customs and Border Protection website.
But Church Militant asked the former commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (or CBP) what the real number is.
Mark Morgan, former acting commissioner of CBP:
So we talk about 1.7 [million]. Actually that gives them credit, because that's three months — that's a fiscal year, that's three months under the Trump administration. I like to look at the calendar year. In [Biden's] first 12 months in office, that's actually 2 million encounters. But here's a number that is a direct answer to your question: 600,000 gotaways. When is the last time you heard anybody from this administration talk about that?
With a wide-open border, immigrants see freedom and drug traffickers see money.
The majority of fentanyl overdoses are people from 18 to, I believe, 34. Look, I have the story of an [indiscernible] whose daughter was 15 years old. She went to a party, and they said, 'Hey, good kid, average kid, and today, here's a pill for that.' And she took it. It was the first pill she'd ever taken. It was laced with fentanyl, and she died. That's what we're talking about."
The fentanyl crisis has been hitting America where it hurts — the children.
Thanks to the Biden administration's lack of response to the border crisis, Texas has some of the worst ratings in the country for sex trafficking.
The Lone Star State ranked top ten in 2021 with a rate of 3.63 cases per every 100,000 residents, or 1,080 documented cases.
Christie Hutcherson, founder of Women Fighting for America:
The drug cartels, they're ruthless. They have no regard for human life whatsoever. Just like yesterday, if we tried to approach them or the Border Patrol tried to approach them, they would literally take their [human] cargo and they'd throw them in the river. And that's why you see a lot of the bodies and stuff; they drowned, or if it's cold, they get hypothermia.
CBP recorded over 10,000 arrests last year of criminal noncitizens — up from just over 2,000 in 2020.
U.S. Border Patrol handed out 60 criminal convictions of homicide to criminal noncitizens.
But Border Patrol has been crippled by the Biden administration.
Currently the CBP employs over 64,000 men and women, with just shy of 20,000 border patrol agents on the force. But many argue it isn't enough.
At the "We Stand America" rally in McAllen, Texas, a mother of a Marine shot and killed by an illegal alien told her sobering story.
Marie Vega, mother of murdered Marine:
On Aug. 3, 2014, while my family enjoyed an afternoon of fishing in Santa Monica, Texas, we were ambushed by two illegal aliens who shot at us as they attempted to rob us. They shot and killed our son, United States Marine and Border Patrol agent Javier "Harvey" Vega Jr. He was only 36 years old.
Fifty percent of Americans give Biden a poor rating on his handling of national security. And, more specifically, just 27% approved of his immigration performance, with 54% disapproving.
I think more Americans understand that what happens at the southwest border, it's not a border-town issue. It's that the catastrophe that's happening along our southwest border, it's making its way to every town, city and state in this country. And I think that's why you're seeing a great awareness. And I think that's why you're seeing, a direct reason why, President Biden's polls are tanking because of this issue.
Despite the chaos, death and destruction at the U.S. southern border, unelected Biden seems more concerned about defending Ukraine's border.