Monday, July 31, 2023

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Home Sweet Home :: By Dennis Huebshman Published on: July 29, 2023


Home Sweet Home :: By Dennis Huebshman

There is a classic song with the verse, “Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home.” Though this may be a fine description of our earthly home, the Home I am most inspired by is not here on this planet. Looking at John 14:1-3, “Let not your hearts be troubled, believe in God; believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to Myself, that where I am, you may be also.” (ESV – all emphasis is mine)

Jesus knew exactly what His mission on this earth was, and He followed the Father’s will to complete that mission. In John 10:16, He made it plain that He was not only here for God’s chosen people, the Jews. He was actually here on behalf of every living soul of His time and also for all who would have been here from that time all the way through to the end of His Millennial Reign.

There is a stipulation that must be complied with for anyone to receive the free gift He gave us at Calvary. Ephesians 2:8-9, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works so that no one may boast.”

To believe that we can do works or purchase our Salvation by any efforts on our own is totally wrong. Jesus came willingly (John 10:18) to be our perfect once-for-all sinless blood sacrifice. All the way up to the crucifixion, God allowed the blood of animals and doves as a temporary sin offering. However, for the Father to fully accept one sacrifice that reached back to the beginning of this earth and covered us all the way to the end of this creation, it would have to be blood that came from a perfect sinless “human” (Hebrews 10:4).

The issue with this is all humans, from the Genesis 3-sin in the Garden of Eden, have that sin nature inbred in us. The only perfect, sinless “human” was the Son of God that was placed in Mary’s womb, and His blood never mixed with hers. Also, Jesus was subjected to temptations just as we all are, and still, He never sinned even once. Satan gave it his best, but Jesus stood firm against the ploys that a weaker soul would have fallen for.

When we acknowledge that we are all sinners and that we cannot save ourselves; when we acknowledge that Jesus died for all our sins, and we accept Him as the Son of God and believe that He was raised from the dead to conquer sin and death for us all; and finally, when we truly call out for Him to be our Savior for all eternity, we will be saved (Romans 10:9-13).

All who become a part of His precious flock receive not only forgiveness for all of our past sins but have a pathway to forgiveness when we sin afterward. That’s 1 John 1:8-10, and we will use this as long as we are in these mortal human bodies.

Not only that, in John 14:15-17 we’re told that we will have a “Helper” within us. “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever; even the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. You know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.”

There are a number of verses in different New Testament books that tell us about the Holy Spirit being with all who have received and accepted Jesus the Christ as our Savior. We are the ones that can look forward to our “Home, Sweet Home.” This is a Classic Christian Hymn, which is the only information found about it. The unknown author composed a very inspirational message in just two short verses.

1.) Home sweet Home, my heart is yearning for thy splendors which I’ll see. How I long for all the beauty of that Home prepared for me. All my treasure, all my longing, is for my Heavenly Home. There to rest from earthly sorrow, never more from thee to roam.

2.) While I sing of all the Glory of my wondrous Home above, earthly sorrows vanish quickly through Thy glorious rays of love. In my sorrow, Thou art comfort, Balsam to my weary soul. May I ever for Christ labor, so to reach that glorious goal.

This is the Home that my Savior will prepare for me and all true believers when we get to be with Him forever. Nothing on this earth could ever compare to this invaluable gift from the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Everyone that will be our neighbors will all be of the same mindset of “Loving God, Loving Each Other,” which just happens to be the two greatest commandments given to us by Jesus (Luke 10:27).

There is a negative side that we must be aware of. For all who accept this earth and what it offers yet will not receive and accept the Son of God, their forever will be total darkness. Revelation 19:20, Revelation 20:10, and Revelation 20:11-15 respectively, give us the fate of the ultimate antichrist and his false prophet, Satan himself and his demons, and finally, the fate of all from the beginning of time to the end of this earth whose names were not entered into the Book of Life. They will all share the lake of fire, also known as hell.

There are people who try to make humorous remarks about being where their friends are so they can “party forever.” Jesus didn’t call it “Outer Darkness” for no reason. Hell will be completely without light, and each and every soul there will suffer for eternity on their own. The Light will be in Heaven provided for everyone by the Son of God, and no sun or moon or other source of light will be needed.

Everyone is given the opportunity to choose which eternity they will be in. It’s a free-will decision that is to be made by each and every individual. No one else can decide for another.

The signs all over this earth are pointing to the end of this age taking place soon. All believers at that point will be removed to keep us from the tribulation. We will be with our Savior during that time. Therefore, now would not be too soon to decide where you want to be: darkness or light.

Jesus is waiting for all who will receive and accept the free gift that He made available on that cruel cross. God wants no one to fail and be separated from Him forever (2 Peter 3:9). He has been very patient with all of us, but He won’t wait much longer. Call now and make your reservation for the best “Home, Sweet Home” ever.

Maranatha – Come, Lord Jesus


Root of New-World-Order Evil :: By Terry James Published on: July 26, 2023


Root of New-World-Order Evil :: By Terry James

“Follow the money” is a familiar suggestion when looking for the cause of something nefarious. To my way of thinking, nothing is more nefarious, in terms of human evil, than the powers and principalities of Ephesians 6:12 attempting to bring in their New World Order.

This matter is at the very heart of Satan’s determination to enslave and rule over a world of human beings he wants to worship him. Just like in most all other areas of human interaction, “following the money” is essential in investigating the drive of the world’s globalists elite to control every facet of buying and selling.

God’s Word says the following:

“For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows” (1 Timothy 6:10).

Wealth—that is, money and those who control money—is always at the heart of power. Satan, therefore, has plied those who covet power down through the ages with the riches of this world. He even tempted Jesus with the promise that he, Satan, would give Jesus all the wealth of the world if He would fall down and worship him. The devil continues along the same path he started on in the Garden of Eden. “You will be like God,” he told Adam and Eve, if they would just obey him and eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Any honest appraisal of things that have gone on in what is known now as the Washington, DC, swamp must conclude that the love of money is at the heart of the anti-God activities spawned by government and the vast amounts of money leaders wield. Many among our elected representatives shape and tailor policies to best suit the influence for votes they need to stay in power. –This and consort with powerful monetary entities who pay big sums for influence within policy-making.

These, it seems, consider federal taxes their own, not ours. And the out-of-control spending has us many trillions of dollars in debt–debt that generations to come will never be able to pay.

Yet the money-printing presses keep running.

But there is an answer to the burgeoning debt on the way. We can clearly see the solution shaping up hour by hour. We have to get away from how business is currently done. We must go to the digital dollar—a type of electronic funds transfer.

The digital way of doing business is destined to be all we hear about in the coming days. Governments, both in America and abroad, must have total control over the rest of us and how we buy and sell. The digital dollar and all it entails is even now being designed to give power and authority not unlike that exerted over the Chinese people by the CCP.

One excerpt article captures the essence of what is going on in the clandestine corridors of governmental power across the world.

At the end of June, government leaders and think-tank power brokers from around the world met at the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in Paris…

As with all climate change-related events, the discussion in Paris inevitably turned to international centralization of power and the formation of a global consortium to fix the problems that they claim sovereign nations cannot or will not fix.

However, what I’m seeing more and more in the past couple of years is a convergence of narratives – Central banks and international banks are now suddenly more concerned with carbon taxation and global warming than they seem to be concerned with stagflation and economic collapse. Likely because this was the goal all along, and economic collapse is part of the plan.

Globalists are now combining the climate change issue with international finance and monetary authority. In other words, they aren’t hiding the fact that the climate change agenda is part of the “Great Reset” agenda anymore. They are even suggesting that the threat of climate change be used as a springboard for giving global banks more power to dictate the circulation of wealth and for deconstructing the existing system so it can be replaced with something else…

… I suspect that this is all culminating in a currency crisis which the globalists will use as an opportunity to finally introduce their CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) model. And once CBDCs are implemented, their ability to dominate the populace will be complete. A cashless system with no privacy in transactions and the ability to shut down the buying power of individuals and groups at will? It’s a totalitarian’s dream scenario. (“Globalists Suggest’ Finance Shock’ and Climate Controls to Launch Their Great Reset,” by Tyler Durden, authored by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market ZeroHedge, July 14, 2023)

The United States, as we’ve discussed a number of times, is the nation-state hold up to this system being totally adopted. The American public cannot easily be cajoled into giving up the many luxuries that come from living in a free, constitutionally-protected society. However, the globalists elite have seen through the COVID pandemic that Americans are vulnerable to crisis-engendered threats. The lessons they learned haven’t been lost on those who would control the world through their nefarious planning—like the Great Reset.

So look for talk of the digital dollar to increase greatly over the coming days. The crisis or series of crises must be an integral, even central, part of their Reset blueprint. America is the chief target of that blueprint planning.

I believe they will not be able to bring America into this satanic monetary orbit without a crisis of monumental significance.

But it will happen, I’m convinced, and have said so many times.

That “crisis” will be one that is Heaven-sent to a judgment-deserving planet of God-rejecting earth dwellers. The Rapture will bring that crisis to fruition. From all of this evil will come the Antichrist mark-and-number system of Revelation 13:16–18.

The Lord appeals to all people everywhere to accept His only Way to salvation, thus to avoid the judgment and wrath that are coming upon the planet. Here again is how to go to Christ when He calls God’s children to be with Him in the safety of Heaven:

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10: 9-10).


Prophetic Implications: King Charles’ Clock of Doom:: By Jonathan Brentner Published on: July 26, 2023


Prophetic Implications: King Charles’ Clock of Doom:: By Jonathan Brentner

On June 28, 2023, King Charles III and London Mayor Sadiq Khan activated a “climate clock” with the warning that there are 6 years and 24 days left to limit global warming before it brings doom upon the world. Remarkably, the king included minutes and seconds in his countdown to the ruin of the world due to climate change.

Despite the lengthy history of planet Earth, King Charles III apparently knows to the second how much time we have left before the doom of civilization due to global warming. Amazing!

He emphasizes “global renewables”; however, the means of capturing such sources of energy are not renewable. They are subject to weather conditions and highly toxic to the environment when their usefulness expires.

It’s curious that the king’s clock ends five months short of 2030. Why not make it line up with the UN’s “7 Years of Accelerated, Transformative Action to Achieve SDGs,” which extends a little beyond the start of 2030? (The SDGs are the seventeen “Sustainable Development Goals” that the UN put in place eight years ago through which they intend to establish a one-world government.)

There’s no climate emergency; it’s all a ruse to scare people and thereby subject them to draconian measures of the globalists, which will enable them to fulfill their dream of ruling over a worldwide empire.

The radical policies advocated by the environmental extremists neither protect nature nor do they represent a biblical worldview.

One Hundred Years of Failed Predictions

As we listen to climate alarmists such as King Charles III warn us of impending doom, it’s essential to recognize they have a long history of making false predictions. Consider this quote from an Associated Press report published in the Washington Post:

The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer, and in some places, the seals are finding the water too hot. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Within a few years, it is predicted that due to the ice melt, the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable. [i]

Although this sounds very much like it could have been a story written in 2023, the above quote appeared in the Washington Post on November 2, 1922, one hundred years ago!

Since then, predictions of disaster because of climate change have continued unabated. The Earth Day predictions of 1970 included the end of human civilization in thirty years, with deaths due to starvation to reach one to two hundred million per year by 1980.

Al Gore received a Nobel Prize in 2007 for his prognostications of doom due to global warming. He told us that by 2014, the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets would completely vanish, which would cause sea levels to rise twenty feet. Gore received three hundred million dollars as a result of his activism during the past twenty years, but what about his forecasts of doom? None of them happened. Instead, the Antarctic and Greenland covering of ice grew during the time that Gore said they would vanish.

The former Vice President used his newly acquired wealth to purchase a mansion near the ocean, which would’ve been totally destroyed had his dire predictions become reality.

The Prophetic Implications of the “Climate Emergency”

In previous posts, I have discussed the fallacies of the climate alarmists’ beliefs. In 3 Climate Myths Spread by the Globalists, I debunk many of the warnings we hear from them. Below I discuss the implications for biblical prophecy that are evident in King Charles’ III climate clock of doom.

  1. The Rapture Is Ever So Close

Even though the time remaining on his clock ends before 2030, King Charles III, like all other globalists, seems obsessed with changing the world before that year. If we didn’t live at a time of the convergence with a multitude of signs clearly pointing to the nearness of the Tribulation period, this might not have as much significance. However, we absolutely live in just such an era.

The Bible tells us that a world government will exist during the Tribulation period, and it will be the one that the antichrist will assume control of. The fact that a majority of world leaders have 2030 as their goal for the implementation of just such a kingdom tells us that Jesus’ coming for His church is exceedingly close. We live in the season of His appearing.

  1. The Globalists Thrive on Chaos

The powerbrokers of our day know they can’t institute a new world order if everyone is satisfied with the status quo; they need the upheaval of societal norms so that people will accept their extreme measures as the answer. This is why Emmanuel Macron, the President of France, did almost nothing to stop the recent mass rioting in France. As a globalist, he thrives on chaos.

It’s for this same reason that they push the false climate agenda; they need disorder, the more the better, to achieve their dreams. The madness following the Rapture will almost certainly speed up this process as it will give them the menacing instability they need to impose their will on the nations, perhaps much sooner than 2030.

  1. The Elite Feed on Deception

The Bible tells us that the deception that’s already here will intensify during the seven-year Tribulation; however, the fraud regarding the climate crisis has already reached epic proportions.

Despite the fact that several arsonists have been arrested for starting the multitude of fires in Canada that all began at the exact same time, the official line is that they resulted from global warming. That’s just one small example of the duplicity pushed on the world by those seeking to create panic with a false narrative.

Everything is precisely the opposite of how it appears. The globalists need ecological disasters to further their cause. The chemical trails we see in the skies, the attempts to change weather plans, and President Biden’s “recent” initiative to block to sun will not end well. Is it not suspicious that nearly all the recent train derailments in America spill toxic chemicals, creating environmental disasters? I don’t believe they are “accidents.”

The blatant hypocrisy of the elite pushing the narrative of doom seems to go unnoticed by their ardent disciples. The leading climate alarmists each own several mansions, possess a great many vehicles for both land and sea, and fly everywhere in the world in their private jets. According to their own standards for saving the planet, they are far less considerate of the environment than the average citizen.

  1. The Powerbrokers of Our Day Are Motivated by the Spirit of the Antichrist

We know from 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8 that the antichrist can’t reveal himself as the “man of lawlessness” until after the Rapture. However, it makes sense that Satan would prepare the way for this, which is exactly why we see the spirit of the antichrist already busily at work in our world.

The elite powerbrokers march in lockstep with King Charles III even though they all know his prediction of environmental doom is based on erroneous science. It’s all about deceiving people so they will accept the draconian and deadly measures they propose.

On May 18, 2023, the US climate czar, John Kerry, stated that there must be a drastic reduction in US farming in order to combat global warming. Below is a quote from him:

A lot of people have no clue that agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world. We can’t get to net zero, we don’t get this job done unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution. So all of us understand here the depths of this mission. [ii]

He says it will save the lives of many people, but in reality, these fabricated “green” policies will lead to the mass murder of tens of millions, if not many more, in just the U.S.

As reported in Daymond Duck’s weekly prophecy update on Rapture Ready, according to a June 28, 2023, article on the World Net Daily (WND), the staff reported that UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called for the immediate and global destruction of the world’s energy industry because, he claims, fossil fuels are “incompatible with human survival.”

Please know that the fuels upon which the population of the world is dependent didn’t result from decaying dinosaurs but are God’s gracious provisions to support the current population. Billions of people totally depend upon energy that comes from coal, oil, and natural gas for their survival and would die if these sources of energy suddenly ended.

These things are truly the work of the devil whom the Lord correctly labeled as a “liar” and a “murderer” in John 8:44. This is none other than the “spirit of antichrist” that the apostle mentioned in 1 John 4:3 as already active in the world. Now that the last days have arrived, one can’t miss its greatly increased activity.

Just like Satan himself, the spirit energizing the globalists of our day is both deceptive and murderous; please don’t doubt this even for a moment.

  1. The Agenda of the Climate Alarmists Foreshadows the Trumpet Judgments of Revelation

The last phrase of Revelation 18:11 aligns well with the deception agenda of the climate alarmists that call for draconian measures to avoid certain doom.

“The nations raged, but your wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, and for rewarding your servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the earth.” (Emphasis added)

At the time of the seventh trumpet (Revelation 11:15), the twenty-four elders worshipping God portray His wrath as “destroying the destroyers of the earth.” The globalists such as King Charles III are fervently working behind the scenes so that it appears that the world needs their draconian measures to “save the planet,” but just the opposite is true. They are creating the many environmental crises to which they will have the answer.

Could it be that the ones described in Revelation 18:11 as the “destroyers of the earth” are identical to the elite of our day that tell us we must do all we can to preserve our environment? I believe so.

Remember, in this day of over-the-top deception, everything is just the opposite of what we hear from the UN, the WEF, and the deep state in America. They are all masters of deceit, slaves to the murderous spirit of the antichrist.

Is it not also insightful that the initial trumpet judgments in Revelation 8:1-11 are aimed at the environment? Just as the plagues that God sent upon the Egyptians struck at the gods that they worshipped, the Lord will also strike a blow to today’s worshippers of nature.

The Imminent Appearing of the True King

Is King Charles’ III climate clock of doom prophetically significant? Yes, it’s another reminder that the appearing of Jesus, the King of kings, is ever so close. He’s coming very soon to take His church back to Heaven.

I say this because, first of all, we live at a time when a great many signs of the last days are converging as never before in history, which I explain in 12 Signs the World is Running Out of Normal. We live in biblical times when the Lord is shouting to all who will listen that both His appearing and judgment on the world are imminent.

Second, the climate countdown and lies that support it align with what the Bible tells us about the formation of a one-world government in the last days. The globalists need a dire emergency in order to enslave the world’s population. They have been working for a century to convince people that an environmental catastrophe will happen without their intervention.

All these things demonstrate the nearness of the seven-year Tribulation. It’s during this time that the “destroyers of the earth” will be hailed as the ones saving it. The Lord will respond to the worshippers of nature by demonstrating that He is the One to be honored above everything.

When the King returns to the earth after the Tribulation period, He will gloriously restore nature to its pristine condition as it was before the curse.

It’s because of all these things, and many more, that we know our deliverance is ever so near. We live in a day when there’s nothing more Jesus can do to warn people regarding His soon appearing and the start of the Tribulation.

How is it possible for there to be any more signs of the approaching Tribulation period?

I know the majority who read this post are eagerly awaiting Jesus’ appearing because you recognize the day in which we live. I’m convinced the Lord will richly reward your belief in what the Bible says about the season of Jesus’ appearing in which we live.


My books

I provide a detailed defense of the Pretribulation viewpoint in: The Triumph of the Redeemed-An Eternal Perspective that Calms Our Fears in Perilous Times. A lifetime of defending the pre-Tribulation Rapture comes to life on the pages of this book. A lifetime of defending the pre-Tribulation Rapture comes to life on the pages of this book. And you will understand my passion for warning people about what’s to come.

My latest is Cancel This! What Today’s Church Can Learn from the Bad Guys of the Bible. The book is all about growing to maturity in Christ. The bad examples of these characters reveal the mindset we need for living at a time when the cancel culture dominates our culture.

Note: Please consider signing up for my newsletter on the home page of my website at Thanks!

[i] Jack Hellner, “Global warming, global cooling, climate change, climate emergency, climate catastrophe, climate collapse, or existential threat?” December 4, 2019, American Thinker Website

[ii] PlanetToday website at


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