Thursday, January 4, 2024

Salvation Prayer. Remember,You & I Are Not Of This World. Please Continue To Pray For America. For our time as a Free Nation is Over For The Time Of True Darkness Has Begun.

       Salvation Prayer.

Remember,You & I Are Not Of This World.
Please Continue To Pray For America.
For our time as a Free Nation is Over
For The  Time Of True Darkness Has Begun.

Father, May the Holy Spirit help us, lead us, empower us, enable us, prompt us, comfort us, counsel us and enrich our lives each moment of the day in Christ!  AMEN!

Dear Lord Jesus, 
I know I am a sinner. I pray that you will forgive me for all of my sins, that you will come into my heart and be my Lord, the savior of my life. I confess that you died on the cross to save me from my sins and I am committed to turning away from those sins. I ask that you fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I can be born again. I ask that you give me the strength and abundant faith to overcome any and all attacks by the enemy, including my desire to sin so that I may serve you completely. 

I pray that you will give me discernment so that I may know all things that are truth, and the knowledge acquired from reading your Word. Use me this day as I am a willing vessel Lord, in leading others to your kingdom. Wash me as white as snow. Put a hedge of protection around me as I go forth in doing your will. Thank you Jesus for saving me, as I know that only through my faith in you that all this is possible. Amen
Please print this up and carry it with you always as a reminder of who your Lord & Savoir Is. Print up several copies to give to your family and share with your friends. The road you have chosen will not be an easy one for know you will be a Child of God. However know this ,you will never be alone ever again. 

For The Holy Spirit will be placed inside your soul and take residence inside of you forever. He will be your guide, your life long connection to God through our Lord and Savor Christ Jesus. God has placed a wonderful Blessing upon you my friend. 

May the Peace of His Grace always be with you. 

Please read this Prayer of Salvation.It must be freely decided by you.God will never force any one to follow him.It has to be a free will decision of Heart,Mind&Soul.May God grant you the wisdom to make the right decision that will effect your life not only here but forever more.Amen...Carl

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Salvation Prayer. Remember,You & I Are Not Of This World. Please Continue To Pray For America. For our time as a Free Nation is Over For The Time Of True Darkness Has Begun.

      Salvation Prayer.

Remember,You & I Are Not Of This World.
Please Continue To Pray For America.
For our time as a Free Nation is Over
For The  Time Of True Darkness Has Begun.

Father, May the Holy Spirit help us, lead us, empower us, enable us, prompt us, comfort us, counsel us and enrich our lives each moment of the day in Christ!  AMEN!

Dear Lord Jesus, 
I know I am a sinner. I pray that you will forgive me for all of my sins, that you will come into my heart and be my Lord, the savior of my life. I confess that you died on the cross to save me from my sins and I am committed to turning away from those sins. I ask that you fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I can be born again. I ask that you give me the strength and abundant faith to overcome any and all attacks by the enemy, including my desire to sin so that I may serve you completely. 

I pray that you will give me discernment so that I may know all things that are truth, and the knowledge acquired from reading your Word. Use me this day as I am a willing vessel Lord, in leading others to your kingdom. Wash me as white as snow. Put a hedge of protection around me as I go forth in doing your will. Thank you Jesus for saving me, as I know that only through my faith in you that all this is possible. Amen
Please print this up and carry it with you always as a reminder of who your Lord & Savoir Is. Print up several copies to give to your family and share with your friends. The road you have chosen will not be an easy one for know you will be a Child of God. However know this ,you will never be alone ever again. 

For The Holy Spirit will be placed inside your soul and take residence inside of you forever. He will be your guide, your life long connection to God through our Lord and Savor Christ Jesus. God has placed a wonderful Blessing upon you my friend. 

May the Peace of His Grace always be with you. 

Please read this Prayer of Salvation.It must be freely decided by you.God will never force any one to follow him.It has to be a free will decision of Heart,Mind&Soul.May God grant you the wisdom to make the right decision that will effect your life not only here but forever more.Amen...Carl

Megyn Kelly sounded the alarm on this horrifying betrayal of America that woke schools created January 2, 2024


Megyn Kelly sounded the alarm on this horrifying betrayal of America that woke schools created

DonkeyHotey, CC BY 2.0,, via Wikimedia Commons

Wokeness is running rampant in the educational system.

But no one could have possibly been prepared for this shocking result.

And Megyn Kelly sounded the alarm on this horrifying betrayal of America that woke schools created. A jaw-dropping poll by the Daily Mail found that an alarming number of younger Americans aged 18-29 have a positive view of 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden.

20% of young people surveyed in the poll have a positive view of Bin Laden.

30% of them said that Bin Laden was a “force for good.”

J.L. Partners founder James Johnson, who conducted the poll, was shocked at the results of the survey.

“Family members of families of the victims spoke to the public about this poll, and they talked about their anger and frustration and disgust at this viewpoint,” Johnson said. “All I can say is I sympathize entirely with them, and I completely share their disgust.”

Former Fox News host Megyn Kelly reacted to the shocking findings of the poll on social media.“The DEI thing is working out just great,” Kelly said, referring to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives.

Wokeness initiatives like DEI have spread like wildfire throughout government schools.

Students are bombarded with left-wing indoctrination that claims that America is an evil place and teaches them to hate their country.

The Left’s agenda has broken down the values of the country and this is the end result for a generation of Americans too young to remember 9/11. The poll comes after Bin Laden’s 2020 “Letter to America” went viral on the Communist Chinese-controlled social media platform TikTok.

The letter attacks America for aiding Israel in the occupation of the Holy Land.

TikTok users said that Bin Laden’s letter changed their views of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Videos went viral on the platform of Gen Z members saying that Bin Laden “was right.”

“Polling has found that 18-29-year-olds are most likely to deny the Holocaust and, in our October Daily Mail poll we found that Gen Z Americans are more likely to sympathize with Hamas,” Johnson said. “And now we have this on Osama Bin Laden, the man behind the biggest attack on American soil in its history. A few weeks ago his writings went viral, with young Americans praising the Islamist leader. Some wrote that off as a few shrill voices on social media, others suggested it was fake.”

“This poll shows that was no fad, but a reflection of real opinion amongst one in five 18-29-year-olds,” Johnson added.

When Bin Laden’s “Letter to America” went viral, Kelly pinned the blame on the woke educational system, saying educators failed students.

“If you don’t think this has come to a school near you or a community near you, you haven’t been paying attention,” Kelly said.

She warned, “This pernicious woke ideology . . . this is where it lands.”

A generation of younger Americans are being poisoned by the Left’s woke indoctrination.

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