Bombshell Border Wall Report Explodes – We’ve Never Seen Stunning Results Like These Before

There is a common sentiment on a variety of key political topics that has grown throughout the country that says, “Trump was right.” Former President Donald Trump laid out reality for everyone to see and set liberals into derangement tantrums.He was right about the 5
Leftists are in emotional turmoil once again after a new poll showed a seismic shift of voter sentiment on the border issue. People weren’t too concerned about the border when Trump warned what would happen. Now voters are worried and that is striking fear in Democrats’ hopes in November.
From the Daily Caller:
Monmouth University has been surveying public attitudes toward building a wall at the southern border since 2015, when Former President Donald Trump made it an integral part of his campaign. Support for the wall has swelled from a low point of 35% during the Trump administration, to now 53%, with only 46% in opposition, according to the Monday poll.
The number of people who see illegal immigration into the U.S. as a “very serious problem” has swelled to 61%. That number ranged much lower from 43% to 49% between 2015 and 2019.
Citizens are waking up to the severity of the problem at the border. They have seen what happens when criminals who are illegal immigrants come into the country and commit violent crimes against Americans.
The survey also revealed that views toward illegal immigrants have shifted. The percentage of people who believe illegal immigrants are prone to committing “violent crimes” like rap or murder compared to U.S. citizens also surged. The sentiment on this issue grew from 17% in 2015 to 32% in this latest survey.
The change in attitude among Americans can be correlated to the number of border encounters under the Biden administration. The highest number of migrant encounters ever recorded was in Dec. 2023 as noted by Customs and Border Protection.
As Biden ate ice cream and watched from a dark room in the White House, the issue has broken governors of sanctuary states. Seven of these governors who proudly invited illegal immigrants to their states are now asking the Biden administration and Congress for more assistance to cope with the ongoing migrant surge.
As national sentiment grows more negative toward the border crisis, Biden and his leftist supporters know that citizens are correct in saying, “Trump was right,” again. The wall needs to be built, and Trump is the president who can get it done.
Key Takeaways:
- A surge in citizen sentiment revealed that most Americans now want a border wall built.
- The topic didn’t gain ground when Trump was president, but voters changed their minds.
- A new poll also showed that Americans also believe illegal immigrants are prone to violence.
Source: Daily Caller