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VICTORY | Darkness to LightDr. Stephen Phinney: Recently, I was pulled into the dark cave of despair. Today, I am basking in the light of His Life. It was a dark day!
MY IRREGULAR LABYRINTHOnly days ago, in the labyrinth of my life in Christ, I was drawn into a cavernous abyss, a dark cave I have visited too frequently that seemed to swallow all hope and joy. It was as if an unseen force was pulling me deeper into its cold, unforgiving embrace. It paralyzed me and stopped me from conducting ministry for an entire day. I was overwhelmed by the depravity of the human race, particularly self-proclaimed believers. It was one of my more overpowering dark days. The cave, symbolic of my trials, faithlessness, and tribulations, was a place of loneliness and despair, where the demonic darkness of my fears reverberated off the stony walls of my mind. The darkness was oppressive, a tangible entity that wrapped itself around my mind, seeping into every psychological pore, every crevice of my being. In this profound darkness, I felt my hope in Yeshua wane, my faith tested to its very limits. Yet, it was here, in this desolate cave, that I found the strength to persevere, to endure.On the night of this grievous day, I had a dream. Couched in this dream was an adversary attempting to bring me down in front of a large audience. He was masterful in his ploy, but the crowd saw through his intensions. After being ushered to the “green room” for my break, he followed me. I fronted him inches from his face - he became translucent. I spoke despite this trick. I condemned him in the name of Jesus. The angel that was sent to protect me ushered him to a dark place in chains. Then the Lord awakened me with these words, “There is no power of darkness you cannot overpower. Well done my faithful servant.” After this victorious dream, just when the darkness seemed insurmountable, a glimmer of light pierced through the obsidian cave. It was the Light of Yeshua, a radiant hope in the overwhelming darkness. This divine light, radiant and pure, shattered the chains of despair, illuminating the path toward redemption. Bursting forth from the cave, I was bathed in the glorious light of Yeshua. It was a moment of renewal, a testament to the transformative power of the indwelling Life of Yeshua. The darkness had been vanquished, replaced by the comforting warmth of Yeshua's love. It was a journey from despair to hope, from darkness to light, a testament to the enduring power of renewal and the redeeming love of Yeshua. As I sat at my desk preparing for a full day of ministry, the Lord spoke these words over me: Stephen, I have called you to proclaim My prophecies to the people. I want you to set aside one full month to remind our readers of the importance of My existing victory. The world, including your country, will soon face the darkness of My enemy in a manner no human has experienced before. Stephen, we must exhort them with My everlasting hope, love, and kindness amid the darkness that is soon to overwhelm the world. Do this now in and through My Son. The Lord might not speak to you like this; I hope He does. However, I am relentless in carrying forward His commands. I believe 2025 will bring a level of darkness the world has not seen since the creation of humanity. In believing this, I will be dedicating the month of August to posts and media that reminds authentic believers of Yeshua’s preexisting victory, which He desires to share with each of His Bridal members. Today is the first entry. I will post these encouragements as often as the Lord gives them to me. VICTORY IN YESHUAThe life of an authentic believer is a journey filled with darkness and light, a spiritual voyage marked by trials, tribulations, and triumphs. At the heart of this journey is the indwelling life of Yeshua, a Holy and Divine presence via the Holy Spirit, who guides us out of caves of darkness, nurturing us in times of despair, and empowers each of us to walk out of those dark moments or days. The indwelling life of Yeshua is the cornerstone of a believer's mind. It is the spiritual compass that directs us inward to His righteous thoughts, the brilliant light of His Life that illuminates our path in the darkest of times. His divine presence within us is not merely a passive observer but an active participant in our spiritual recovery in dark places. The victory of a believer lies in recognizing and embracing His indwelling life.It is surrendering to Yeshua's will, allowing His inward thoughts to shape our thoughts, actions, and interactions. This surrender is not a sign of weakness but a testament to our strength and immovable beliefs. It is a conscious choice to let go of our pride, desires, darkness, and fears and to let Yeshua live out His life within our frail humanity—flesh. Indwelling victory is not a one-time event, but a continuous process. It is a daily battle against our human frailties, against the temptations of the world. Yet, with Yeshua dwelling within us, we are not alone in this battle - for it is HIS battle. A battle I might add that has already been won. His presence gives us the strength to overcome, the wisdom to choose righteousness over dark temptations, and the courage to stand firm amid the wars He allows in our daily lives, culture, and domestic environment. The indwelling life of Yeshua is our shield in adversity, our comfort in sorrow, and our joy in victory. It is the wellspring of everlasting love, peace, and hope in our inner being - despite our circumstances. As believers, our victory lies not in the Lord removing the darkness, but in the transformative power of Yeshua's indwelling Life being revealed in IT. It is a victory of the Holy Spirit, a testament to the enduring power of Yeshua, and a celebration of the divine reality that His LIFE indeed dwells within us. If under conviction to become indwelt by Yeshua, pray this prayer HERE. Until next time, Stephen. Thanks for subscribing to The End Times Chronicles. Your paid subscription helps us advance our non-profit’s mission. Dr. Stephen R. Phinney is dedicated to providing quality media and publications that advance the Life of Christ. Paid subscribers receive free eBooks, media content, and other free stuff.Hey, fellow writers/readers, would you be open to buying me a cup of coffee? Check out this fun way of supporting my writing: |