Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Spirit News Weekly Featured

Spirit News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

The Unravelling

CONTRIBUTOR: . 30th September 2015 By Zen Gardner Contributing Writer for Wake Up World It’s hard not to see what’s going on. The imposed system is coming apart at the seams. I know the matrix is some metaphysical energetic thing of some sort, which doesn’t intimidate me in the least, but I’m...

Proof of Life Before Birth with Drs. Elizabeth, Neil Carman & Sandie Sedgbeer CONTRIBUTOR: . Do we choose our parents before birth? Does reincarnation really exist? Is there a pre-birth state of consciousness? Is it possible to experience soul communication from the womb and beyond? Drs. Elizabeth and Neil Carman join Sandie Sedgbeer to discuss these provocative questions and share compelling first-hand pre-birth memories from...

The Path of Enlightenment: The Tale Of Two Monks

CONTRIBUTOR: . 30th September 2015 By Lorna Richard Guest Writer for Wake Up World There is only one soul expressed in physical form. All is expressed in the One and the One is expressed in the ALL. That which is experiencing is also the thought. In the beginning was the ‘word’. The...

Simple Steps for Manifesting Your Dreams with Rene Ringnalda & Pam Butler CONTRIBUTOR: . Pam Butler welcomes Rene Ringnalda, Master Educator at The Chopra Center, for a conversation about the process of Manifesting Your Dreams through meditation. Rene will teach you how to step away from the busyness of your daily life to connect with the deep practice of meditation….allowing you to get crystal...

Pagan Eye: Celtic Goddesses Epona and Brigantia CONTRIBUTOR: . These two statues are of the goddesses Epona and Brigantia. There are part of the Celts: Art and Identity exhibition, which is on at the British Museum at the moment. I went to see it last week and this was among the photos I took while I was there.Both statues...

Jews and the American War Novel CONTRIBUTOR: . Leah Garrett's new book, Young Lions: How Jewish Authors Reinvented the American War Novel (Northwestern University Press, 2015) explains how Jews, a group that has been traditionally denigrated as weak and bookish, "became the popular literary representatives of what it meant to be a soldier" in the post-WWII years. In...

Renunciation: Not Giving Everything Up! CONTRIBUTOR: . OM Times is a leading voice of the Conscious Community with articles covering the full spectrum of Conscious Living. Click here to see all we share. Renunciation Is Not Giving Everything Up! by Baba Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari Do you rush about, getting stressed, trying to work on several projects in the...

Fanaticism: Rational or Irrational

CONTRIBUTOR: . Life is unfathomable but people attempt to fathom it through diverse perspectives. Owing to its broad social, cultural and economic spectrum, nowhere is this diversity of beliefs as pronounced as it is in India.   When everyone is granted freedom of expression by the constitution, dissent is inevitable but violence...

The Benefits of Mindfulness with Melli O’Brien and Dr. Laurel Geise CONTRIBUTOR: . Dr. Laurel Geise welcomes Melli O’Brien, an internationally recognized meditation and yoga instructor. As the co-founder of The Mindfulness Summit, a not-for-profit project with a mission to make mindfulness mainstream, Melli will share how you can easily enjoy mindfulness today Melli O’Brien is passionate about helping people to understand and...

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775 E. Blithedale Ave. #362
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Video Proof: Pope Francis/Vatican Calls Lucifer the Father of Jesus

Religion News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

Video Proof: Pope Francis/Vatican Calls Lucifer the Father of Jesus CONTRIBUTOR: . Pope Francis and the Vatican has introduced the world to the god they've been worshipping all along, Lucifer. According to Pope Francis and the Catholic Church, The Morning Star, is the creator of the world and the father of Christ. He brought "light" to the human race. This announced was...

The Pope Causes People to Go to Hell in His Historic Speech to Congress CONTRIBUTOR: . According to Vatican doctrine: "The Pope is the Supreme, Sole Leader on earth, subject to NO ONE." Well, the Pope, supposedly God's mouthpiece on this earth...the leader of the "Holy Roman Catholic Church," the VERY representative of Jesus Christ and HERALD of the blessed Gospel which, when proclaimed, has the...

Satan is on Earth! See... CONTRIBUTOR: . NEWS: I saw this account from the source: http://kemuels.blogspot... SATAN, I saw him here! I came across this posting by Ibtissem Menad; it was very interesting as she got the date right, though the conclusion was a bit elementary. Here is the link to her post: Link Satan is here…It...



What Pope Francis meant by Jesus' "failure of the cross" CONTRIBUTOR: . Pope Francis’ words at St. Patrick’s Cathedral have stirred up controversy as to the success or failure of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. “The cross shows us a different way of measuring success. Ours is to plant the seeds. God sees to the fruits of our labors. And if at...

In NY, Pope Francis Embraced Chrislam; Laid a Foundation for a One World Religion CONTRIBUTOR: . By Michael Snyder Remarks made by Pope Francis at St. Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan have sparked a firestorm of criticism from those that do not believe that Christians and Muslims worship the same God. Many have taken the Pope's remarks as a major step in the direction of a...

Sharing the Truth of Christ & Exposing the Lies of Religion CONTRIBUTOR: . The false teachers in the Christian Church that are in the flesh, regard the things of the flesh. They are in fact blind to the truth and purpose of this life, which is in Christ. As a result of their guidance as it were, those that they teach also have...

Blood moons, September 2015 Rosh Hashanah and Day of Atonement have come and gone

CONTRIBUTOR: . Blood moons, Rosh Hashanah and September 2015 Day of Atonement are over. Jonathan Cahn has gained the attention of millions trying to play the prophet. Speculations, expectations, and excitement have come and gone and Jonathan now says of the USA: “If there’s no return to God, its crown as head...

Who or What is a Jew: The Answer May Surprise You

CONTRIBUTOR: . 147 WILL THE REAL JEW PLEASE STAND UP This article may be read adware free at the following link: What is a Jew? Since no one stood up, let’s give a definition of “what is a Jew”? As used in the Bible, a Jew is a shortened from...

A Living Christ's Solution to an effective Exodus from a Hellish New World Order.

CONTRIBUTOR: . A Living Christ's Solution to an effective Exodus from a Hellish New World Order. By: Raymond Ronald Karczewski© ­ A Living Christ MOVIE: Open Range Robert Duval, Kevin Costner Let us examine the present status of this world controlled by Satanists via the Illusion of Man's...

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775 E. Blithedale Ave. #362
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Wow!! It’s Not Just Mass Animal Deaths Anymore! Now There is a Massive Die-Off Of...! Whats Next?

Prophecy News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.
Should the GOP Fight Obama on Gun Control?

Wow!! It’s Not Just Mass Animal Deaths Anymore! Now There is a Massive Die-Off Of...! Whats Next?

Wow!! It’s Not Just Mass Animal Deaths Anymore! Now There is a Massive Die-Off Of...! Whats Next? CONTRIBUTOR: . By Lisa Haven After years of witnessing and hearing about the massive amount of animal deaths that are occurring across the globe, the mere thought of another precious resource dying off is a scary though to swallow, however this is exactly what we are facing on a global...

Demonic Realm Welcomes CERN

Demonic Realm Welcomes CERN CONTRIBUTOR: . CERN keeps knocking at hell's door and soon it will open. CERN will succeed in opening the Gates of Hell but nothing will be allowed to come through into our plane of existence. Instead, the Gates of Hell will open just to welcome CERN into its dwelling. CERN will be...

4 Horses Of The Apocalypse Are Upon Us, The Series, John Hagee [IV Videos]

4 Horses Of The Apocalypse Are Upon Us, The Series, John Hagee  [IV Videos] CONTRIBUTOR: . Neither heaven or hell has been presented to the American people through their churches and pastors in the last 35 years. Now the reality of hell is upon us. Use the Lord Jesus Christ as your saviour. These 4 Horses and their riders will soon ride across the stage of...

Post Blood Moon End-Time Headlines: Is Judgement Coming Our Way & Are We Prepared? (Video) OYEP

Post Blood Moon End-Time Headlines: Is Judgement Coming Our Way & Are We Prepared? (Video) OYEP CONTRIBUTOR: . After Blood Moon End-Time Headlines: Judgement Comes or Does it? 29 Sep 15 Let's not be too off-handed about appearances, things are looking just as normal as usual, right? Or are they? SOME OF THE HEADLINES INCLUDE: - Dozens wounded in Chicago 'blood moon' weekend - Taliban captures...

Nasdaq 'Death Cross' Grand Slam Forms "Four Horsemen of Apocalypse" Pattern (Video) OYEP

Nasdaq 'Death Cross' Grand Slam Forms CONTRIBUTOR: . Nasdaq 'Death Cross' Grand Slam Forms "Four Horsemen of Apocalypse" Pattern 29 Sep 15 What will todays market show? Stay at the ready folks! The Nasdaq composite spooked investors on Monday after forming a death cross. Nasdaq's death cross formation, along with the three other indexes, marks the...

September Ends as the World Unites in Dance

September Ends as the World Unites in Dance CONTRIBUTOR: . Last day of September and no one saw this coming! Give the video a minute for the good part....

The Sun Will Go Dim and the Sky Will Turn Black: This is a Major Warning Before the Great Spiritual Divide AKA the Outpouring of the Spirit!


On Earth As It Is In Heaven – Prophecy In The Lords Prayer Revealed

On Earth As It Is In Heaven – Prophecy In The Lords Prayer Revealed CONTRIBUTOR: . The Thousand Year Reign of Christ – On Earth As it Is in Heaven God who in the past spoke to us through His prophets, has in these last days spoken unto us by his Son. During the Thousand Year Reign of Christ, He who is appointed as heir of...

The 400 Year Prophecy Concerning The Hebrew Israelite Slaves And The End Of This Fallen World. Hebrew Slaves Were Brought To America Around 1619!

CONTRIBUTOR: . The 400 Year Prophecy Concerning The Hebrew Israelite Slaves And The End Of This Fallen World. Hebrew Slaves Were Brought To America Around 1619 So This Puts The End Of This Fallen World At About 2019 If We Follow The Holy Scriptures. I believe this is the real reason why...

When Will the Gospel Be Preached in All the World?

CONTRIBUTOR: . By Jerry Guiltner Had we been there that day when Jesus’ disciples asked a question many have pondered through the ages, we likely would have agreed with the consensus query. We too would have wanted to know what the signs of His coming would be. Our Lord’s answer to His...
SIX EVENTS that could change your life forever

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You Won’t Believe What Putin Just Did To Obama At the UN…

Politics News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

You Won’t Believe What Putin Just Did To Obama At the UN… CONTRIBUTOR: . By Lisa Haven The battle between these global super-heads has been raging for years now. Both Putin and Obama have been have been on the brink of war as disagreements flared over what is transpiring aboard. Over this past weekend, at the United Nations Sustainable Development Assembly, it...

ISIS update 9/292015.. Putin asks ‘Do You Realise What You’ve Done?’

CONTRIBUTOR: . West's 5 stages of acceptance of Putin's plan on Syria‘Do You Realise What You’ve Done?’ – Putin Pulverizes Western Actions in Syria at UNGAPutin decried the continued “export” of democratic revolutions and when referring to the Middle East he asked: “how did that turn out?“He said such actions have led...

Peter Schiff: Pay Attention Because Trump and Treasury Secretary Icahn Mean Trouble! CONTRIBUTOR: . "Imagine everyone on a party bus, having a great time! Then imagine the bus going over the cliff. GUESS who is pushing the bus?" JANET YELLEN! It’s been a week since Peter Schiff's last podcast, and I’ve been on vacation for about a week, so it should be clear the...

Alex Jones Show: Commercial Free - Tuesday (9-29-15) Full Show

CONTRIBUTOR: . Alex Jones Show: Commercial Free - Tuesday (9-29-15) Full Show - YouTube &n... On the Tuesday, September 29 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Russian President Vladimir Putins reaffirms his commitment to battle the ISIS threat in Syria, and proposes air strikes and ground troops pending UN approval. Meanwhile, reports...

White House: We Don't Need Congressional Approval for Iran Nuke Deal CONTRIBUTOR: . Good thing we're a Constitutional Republic. Otherwise some would get the idea that we're a Monarchy...and that just wouldn't fly with the people. Oh, wait.... White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the White House didn’t need Congress to approve the Iran nuclear agreement during Thursday’s press briefing. NBC reporter...

X22Report China And Other Countries Are Discussing A Reset Of The World’s Financial System - Episode 778a

CONTRIBUTOR: . China And Other Countries Are Discussing A Reset Of The World’s Financial System - Episode 778a - YouTube &n... Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.comReport date: 09.29.2015Using the government sponsored conference board consumer confidence is soaring compared to the...

Breaking: Obama Enacting Radical UN Climate Agenda

CONTRIBUTOR: . Fellow Conservative, Well, he’s done it again. President Barack Obama has once again promised to circumvent Congress to enact an international treaty. This time, Obama’s target is climate change. We have learned from multiple sources that the Paris climate summit was the main topic of conversation when Obama visited the...

UK must prepare for war with Russia: Army calls for fleet of battle tanks to take on Putin

CONTRIBUTOR: . A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order UK must prepare for war with Russia: Army calls for fleet of battle tanks to take on Putin | 29 Sept 2015 | Britain must invest in its fleet of main battle tanks...

Trump update 9/292015..Trump Just Said What Others Feared To Say

CONTRIBUTOR: . Bill O'Reilly Donald Trump FULL Interview. Trump ENDS Fox News Boycott Donald Trump Full Interview With Erin Burnett On Iran/Russia, Tax PLan & GOP Candidates 9/28/2015Trump on Putin: 'If He Wants to Fight ISIS, Let Him Fight ISIS' Trump Just Said What Others Feared To Say: Unemployment Rate Might Be...

Texas Gun Store Posts Sign with Hilarious Warning that Gun Owners are Making Go Viral

CONTRIBUTOR: . Alamo Tactical in San Antonio, Texas posted an advisory sign at its store and an internet user captured a picture of it. The rest is history as they say. The humorous sign, which posted a warning about unholstering loaded weapons … Continue reading → The post Texas Gun Store...

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