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CONTRIBUTOR: . By Lisa Haven The
battle between these global super-heads has been raging for years now. Both
Putin and Obama have been have been on the brink of war as disagreements flared
over what is transpiring aboard. Over this past weekend, at the United Nations
Sustainable Development Assembly, it...
. West's 5 stages of acceptance of Putin's plan on Syria‘Do You Realise What
You’ve Done?’ – Putin Pulverizes Western Actions in Syria at UNGAPutin decried
the continued “export” of democratic revolutions and when referring to the
Middle East he asked: “how did that turn out?“He said such actions have led...
CONTRIBUTOR: . "Imagine everyone on
a party bus, having a great time! Then imagine the bus going over the cliff.
GUESS who is pushing the bus?" JANET YELLEN! It’s been a week since Peter
Schiff's last podcast, and I’ve been on vacation for about a week, so it should
be clear the...
. Alex Jones Show: Commercial Free - Tuesday (9-29-15) Full Show - YouTube
&n... On the Tuesday, September 29 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Russian
President Vladimir Putins reaffirms his commitment to battle the ISIS threat in
Syria, and proposes air strikes and ground troops pending UN approval.
Meanwhile, reports...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Good thing we're a
Constitutional Republic. Otherwise some would get the idea that we're a
Monarchy...and that just wouldn't fly with the people. Oh, wait.... White House
spokesman Josh Earnest said the White House didn’t need Congress to approve the
Iran nuclear agreement during Thursday’s press briefing. NBC reporter...
. China And Other Countries Are Discussing A Reset Of The World’s Financial
System - Episode 778a - YouTube &n... Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube
Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1rn...Get economic collapse news
throughout the day visit http://x22report.comReport date: 09.29.2015Using the
government sponsored conference board consumer confidence is soaring compared to
. Fellow Conservative, Well, he’s done it again. President Barack Obama has
once again promised to circumvent Congress to enact an international treaty.
This time, Obama’s target is climate change. We have learned from multiple
sources that the Paris climate summit was the main topic of conversation when
Obama visited the...
. A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US
imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order UK must prepare for war
with Russia: Army calls for fleet of battle tanks to take on Putin | 29 Sept
2015 | Britain must invest in its fleet of main battle tanks...
. Bill O'Reilly Donald Trump FULL Interview. Trump ENDS Fox News Boycott
Donald Trump Full Interview With Erin Burnett On Iran/Russia, Tax PLan & GOP
Candidates 9/28/2015Trump on Putin: 'If He Wants to Fight ISIS, Let Him Fight
ISIS' Trump Just Said What Others Feared To Say: Unemployment Rate Might Be...
. http://www.dcclothesline.com Alamo Tactical in San Antonio, Texas posted
an advisory sign at its store and an internet user captured a picture of it. The
rest is history as they say. The humorous sign, which posted a warning about
unholstering loaded weapons … Continue reading → The post Texas Gun Store...
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