Thursday, June 30, 2016

Obama Plans First Campaign Appearance with Hillary Can Obama help Hillary?

Obama Plans First Campaign Appearance with Hillary

Can Obama help Hillary?

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President Obama will make his first appearance with former First Lady Hillary Clinton next week in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Their joint appearance Tuesday builds on the Democrats’ strong campaign footprint in a key battleground state, where Clinton and her allies have used the airwaves in recent weeks to pound Republican Donald Trump.
Details such as where and when the event will take place have not yet been released. Clinton and Obama will be joined by N.C. Attorney General Roy Cooper, the Democrats’ candidate for governor, and Deborah Ross, the party’s candidate for U.S. Senate.
Clinton has been campaigning heavily in North Carolina.
The Clinton campaign has been running more than $10 million worth of TV ads in the state. One that started Monday cost nearly $192,000 in the Charlotte market alone, according to a contract with WBTV.
Another ad began running last weekend on cable stations across the country, including in North Carolina. It criticized Trump’s comments following Britain’s vote to leave the European Union.
In addition, the super PAC Priorities USA, which supports Clinton, announced it’s reserving $9 million of airtime in North Carolina. Contracts show that includes $494,000 in the Charlotte market for the last week of October alone.
So far, GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump has not spent any money on ads. 
“It seems like the Democrats are getting sort of an open field right now,” said Republican strategist Carter Wrenn. “It’s sort of your ideal situation. You have ads up and the other person doesn’t.”
The Freedom Center is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Therefore we do not endorse political candidates either in primary or general elections. However, as defenders of America’s social contract, we insist that the rules laid down by both parties at the outset of campaigns be respected, and that the results be decided by free elections. We will oppose any attempt to rig the system and deny voters of either party their constitutional right to elect candidates of their choice.

Hillary Super PAC Took $200K in Illegal Donations Federal contractors cannot donate to a political campaign.

Hillary Super PAC Took $200K in Illegal Donations

Federal contractors cannot donate to a political campaign.

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Priorities USA, a Hillary Clinton Super PAC accepted $200k in illegal donationsfrom a federal contractor. The super PAC "received two $100,000 checks last year from Boston-based Suffolk Construction Company, records show."
There’s a long-standing ban on federal contractors donating to political campaigns, but the rule is often ignored because a divided Federal Election Commission had done little to enforce it, according to The Hill, which first reported the story on the pro-Clinton super PAC donation.
Priorities USA has raised $88 million so far this cycle to help elect presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Clinton.
The super PAC had no comment on the donations.
Other super PACs have had similar problems.
The Hill found 14 federal contractors had contributed a total of $173,250 to Right to Rise, the pro-Bush group. Two contractors also funneled money to a pro-Marco Rubio group, Conservative Solutions PAC.
One federal contractor, a Florida utility company, defended the $44,000 gift to the pro-Bush PAC last year. “We believe Gulf Power’s right to make the contribution in question is constitutionally protected,” Gulf Power spokesman Jeff Rogers said.
A super PAC supporting Mitt Romney, Restore Our Future, also accepted donations from at least five federal contractors amounting to $890,000, the Los Angeles Times found in 2012.
Priorities USA has been attacking Clinton opponent Donald Trump with ads, most recently making a $1.1 million ad buy.

Kiryat Arba attack: Palestinian terrorist stabs teen girl to death in bedroom
The Jerusalem Post Newsletter
June 30, 2016
If the figures are confirmed, the strikes would be among the most deadly ever against the jihadist group.
"The horrifying murder of an innocent child in her bed sheds light on the bloodlust and lack of humanity displayed by the terrorists we are facing, brainwashed by incitement," PM states.

"The blood of the 13-year-old girl murdered today is on Zoabi's hands," Deputy Knesset Speaker Boker says.
Comments made during presentation of Labour's report on anti-Semitism in the party. Jewish Labour MP Ruth Smeeth leaves in tears following abuse from pro-Corbyn supporters.
On Saturday, 17-year old Mohammad Tarayrah revealed his willingness to become a martyr, writing on Facebook: "Death is a right and I am asking for my right to die.".

Two Transgenders Win Congressional Primaries in Utah and Colorado Both politicians go by the name "Misty"

Two Transgenders Win Congressional Primaries in Utah and Colorado

Both politicians go by the name "Misty"

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Two transgender men, turned women, have won the Democratic congressional primary in the state of Utah and Colorado, becoming the first transgenders to win a nomination for a major political party. 
Coincidentally, both politicians go by the name "Misty" and will be facing a stiff uphill battle against their conservative counterparts this coming fall. 
"Misty K. Snow will run against tea party favorite Sen. Mike Lee in Utah this November, while Misty Plowright will challenge Rep. Doug Lamborn in Colorado," reports Politico. "Both women will face uphill battles this fall: Snow in Republican-heavy Utah and Plowright in Colorado’s 5th congressional district, the most conservative in the state.
According to Politco, Snow is a "30-year-old grocery store clerk from Salt Lake City" who beat his more moderate primary opponent Jonathan Swinton by 20 points, slamming him for weaknesses on abortion. 
The 33-year-old Plowright works in IT and won the district near Colorado Springs by earning more than 13,000 votes while his opponent earned just over 9,600.

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