Thursday, February 29, 2024

Experts Fear Parental Rights Under Attack;New York Democrats enjoy a trifecta, meaning the party controls the governorship and both legislative chambers. As a result, fundamental civil liberties like gun rights routinely find themselves under fire from radical leftists.


Experts Fear Parental Rights Under Attack

( – New York Democrats enjoy a trifecta, meaning the party controls the governorship and both legislative chambers. As a result, fundamental civil liberties like gun rights routinely find themselves under fire from radical leftists. Several experts recently started discussing their fear that parental rights are now under attack in the Empire State.

On February 26, PJ Media published a disturbing report detailing mounting concerns about Assembly Bill A6761 and its companion measure, Senate Bill S8352. Both bills claim to allow “certain” underage (minor) children to consent to “certain medical, dental, health, and hospital services.” The measure also provides insurance coverage at taxpayer expense for those offerings. If the measure passes into law, it will amend several New York laws regarding public health, mental hygiene, social services, and insurance.

Parental rights experts have sounded the alarm bells about the vague language used in the measure. For example, Ed Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies senior legal fellow Sarah P. Perry recently told The Daily Caller that the language used by lawmakers in the bill was designed to “evade parental notification and … involvement” in instances where parents “aren’t supportive of the junk science” behind some treatment modalities.

PJ Media elaborated on Perry’s concerns. The media outlet warned that several experts believe the measure could pave the way for minors to provide consent for radical procedures like those involving “sex change” and other gender-affirming care.

The bill’s sponsor, Assemblywoman Karines Reyes (D-District 87), pushed back against those concerns. Reyes claims she introduced the bill to provide a mechanism for homeless children to receive emergency medical care. However, a quick review of the measure’s text doesn’t draw that distinction. As written, it applies across the board to all minors and strips the rights of parents to participate in their treatment.

On the plus side, Reyes first introduced the bill in early May of 2023 and reintroduced it on January 3. The measure appears to have stalled in the chamber’s Standing Committee on Health in both instances.

Hamas chief calls for Arab riots on Temple Mount during Ramadan February 28, 2024;Ismail Haniyeh urges Arabs to ‘barricade themselves’ on the Temple Mount during upcoming Ramadan holy month.


Hamas chief calls for Arab riots on Temple Mount during Ramadan

Ismail Haniyeh urges Arabs to ‘barricade themselves’ on the Temple Mount during upcoming Ramadan holy month.

By World Israel News Staff

Hamas chairman and former Palestinian Authority premier Ismail Haniyeh called for mass riots on the Temple Mount during the upcoming Islamic holy month of Ramadan, in the hopes of escalating tensions at the holy site.

During an interview with the Hezbollah-aligned Lebanese television network Al-Manar, Haniyeh called Wednesday on Palestinian Arabs to “barricade themselves” inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque ahead of Ramadan, in order to break “the siege” on the Temple Mount.

Ramadan, which this year begins on March 10th and lasts through April 9th, is often marked by violent clashes and Arab terror attacks across Israel, with tensions highest in and around the Temple Mount.

Given the ongoing war against Hamas and Hezbollah and the elevated terror risk throughout the country, the Israeli government is considering limiting the number of visitors to the Temple Mount during Ramadan.

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The Palestinian Authority condemned the plan, saying it constituted a declaration of a “holy war” on Muslim pilgrims.

On Wednesday, Haniyeh called for “a broad and international movement to break the siege on al-Aqsa Mosque,” with rioters barricading themselves inside the mosque in defiance of the limits imposed by police.

Haniyeh also urged Palestinian terror groups and Arab states to force aid into the Gaza Strip, without specifying how, and to “restrain” Israel and prevent the planned ground operation in the southern Gaza city of Rafah.

“It is the duty of the Arab and Islamic nations to take the initiative to break the starvation conspiracy in Gaza.”

“The occupation and its partner, the United States, will not be able to achieve through political machinations what they did not achieve in combat. The world, especially Arab states, must restrain the enemy and refuse to let them invade the city of Rafah.”

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Israel Agrees to Release 15 Deadly Terrorists for 5 Female Soldiers; Explosions Rock Damascus in Apparent Israeli Airstrike; Hamas Won’t be Part of New PA Gov’t, Says PA Official
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