Saturday, August 31, 2024
Blasphemous Film Mocks the Immaculate Conception and Desecrates the Holy Instruments of the Passion
Blasphemous Film Mocks the Immaculate Conception and Desecrates the Holy Instruments of the Passion
The forces of evil have no shame in their promotion of evil.
And not enough people do anything to stop it.
On the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Hulu launched a blasphemous film ridiculing Catholic doctrines and profaning sacred objects.
Sign Now to Demand that Hulu Pull Its Blasphemous Film and Apologize!
“Immaculate” is a blasphemous horror film about a young nun, Cecilia, who wants to live a holy life in a convent.
Her life is turned upside down when she learns that she has “miraculously” become pregnant.
According to a summary of the film, this was due to the chaplain’s secret plan to bring the new messiah by using DNA samples taken from one of the nails used to crucify Our Lord.
Cecilia also found out that she wasn’t the only one that this happened to.
Sign Today Against This Film which is a Repulsive Mockery of Holy Mother Church!
Later in the film, Cecilia ends up murdering the chaplain with the “Holy Nail.”
She also bludgeoned the Mother Superior to death with a crucifix and strangled the cardinal with a rosary.
The movie doesn’t get any better from there.
This film is horrific and scandalous.
How can this be allowed?
And to add insult to injury, Hulu decided to launch it on the very day Our Lady was assumed into heaven.
Please sign this petition, demanding that Hulu cancel “Immaculate” immediately, and apologize.
Also, offer up your daily prayers and rosary in reparation for this offensive blasphemy and all the other blasphemies happening around the world.
‘The Five’: Kamala Harris has some explaining to do By -August 31, 2024
‘The Five’: Kamala Harris has some explaining to do
"Your mercy, O Lord, will hold me up" Tipping Point Saturday Seven (08.31.24) JIMMY EVANS AUG 31
As we navigate the weeks ahead—with nations at war, political uncertainty, and a planet groaning with birth pangs—I pray we’ll remain anchored in the truth of God’s Word and the assurance of His redemptive plan for humanity. The convergence of prophetic signs and the acceleration of end-times indicators should not fill us with fear or dread but rather with a sense of expectancy and hope. The trials and tribulations we may face are like the labor pains an expectant mother feels. They arrive faster and become more and more intense right up until the point something beautiful happens. In the case of our world’s labor pains, the new arrival will be the imminent return of our Lord and the establishment of His Eternal Kingdom. Tipping Point is a place where we can look forward to that eternity-transforming moment together. As a free subscriber, you’re only receiving a small percentage of our weekly posts and videos. I would love for you to upgrade to a paid subscription so you’ll benefit from a greater understanding of Bible prophecy and what’s headed out way in the near future. Here are seven things to be thinking about this weekend. 1. Wisdom from ScriptureIf I say, “My foot slips,” 2. Quote to Consider“The entirety of the Bible, starting with the story of how God created the universe in the Book of Genesis, teaches that sin has divided us from God. God gave us life in the Garden of Eden, but the presence of sin—our decisions that go against God’s law—has separated us from God. Though we are alive physically, we are spiritually dead because of sin. This keeps us from a relationship with God. As a result of our sin, our minds are darkened, our emotions become corrupt, our bodies age and decay and our relationships struggle. Sin has become such a part of the human condition that we pass this sinful nature on to our children and grandchildren, from one generation to the next. Spiritual death and the natural tendency to rebel against God are inherent in all humans.” [from my book Where are the Missing People? The Sudden Disappearance of Millions and What Happens Next] 3. Pay Attention to This NewsCybersecurity experts have been warning for several years about the vulnerability of certain American infrastructure systems to hackers. Last week, the petroleum giant Halliburton confirmed that it had been hit by a cyberattack that forced it to take its major systems offline. Halliburton is critical to the oil and gas industry, providing products and services related to both the exploration and development of oil and natural gas, and a major disruption of its services could have had enormous effects on the energy sector. Law enforcement is investigating the attack as the company restores its systems and assess damages. Another attack took place last weekend at the Port of Seattle, causing outages. One security expert expects more of these kinds of attacks: “These attacks don’t necessarily involve advanced technology; rather, they often succeed because of lapses in basic security measures. Mistakes, misconfigurations and a lack of ongoing evaluation create vulnerabilities that can be easily exploited.” 4. Comment of the Week“Thank you so much for the constant updates, it is greatly appreciated! Praying without ceasing for Israel. Have your way, Father God.” 5. Prayer of the Week“Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”—Luke 21:28 (ESV) Faithful King, we place our hope firmly in that coming day of promised rescue and redemption. We know it is drawing closer and closer. Even as chaos and uncertainty intensify around us, encourage Your waiting people that You still reign supreme over all human affairs and end-times events. Remind us of the unspeakable glory that awaits Christ’s coming Kingdom. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 6. Link of the WeekA new report published this week found that more Americans died from heat-related causes in 2023—the planet’s hottest year on record—than any year over the past two decades. The study was published in thee American Medical Association journal JAMA and found that 2,325 people died in 2023 from heat, noting that the official tally was probably an undercount. “The current trajectory that we’re on…is starting to actually show up in increased deaths,” the lead author wrote. The majority of the deaths were residents of traditionally hot-weather states including Arizona, California, Texas and Nevada. 7. Headline of the WeekTwo ancient churches lost to the Black Death reopen after 650 years—Christian Post This Week’s VideosTipping Point Conference 2024Now a two-day event, the Tipping Point Conference is just weeks away: September 20-21 at Fellowship Church in Grapevine, Texas. We still have a few tickets remaining! Please remember to use the email that is connected to your Tipping Point subscriber account when you register for the conference. Paid Subscribers: please use discount code TPSUBSCRIBER for 50 percent off your Tipping Point 2024 Tickets and live stream. There are seats as low as $25 with your discount! What’s Next? AI and the AntichristThe latest book from Pastor Mark Hitchcock and me is the second title in our What’s Next series. What’s Next? AI & the Antichrist details what the Bible says about this coming world leader. We also write at length about the technological innovations—like artificial intelligence—that are paving the way for his rise to power and ability to take over the world’s financial systems, monitoring transactions all over the world. You’re a free subscriber to Tipping Point Prophecy Update. For the full experience, become a paying subscriber using the link below to receive 15% off your annual subscription. |
Tim Walz HATES Christians and is Firing Them... It's Back to Totalitarian School Week... JIM MCCRAIGH AUG 31
Tim Walz HATES Christians and is Firing Them...It's Back to Totalitarian School Week...
As students return to classrooms in one northern state this year, they will soon be affected by demonically inspired teacher hiring practices… Beginning in 1962, courts have removed prayer from American public schools. With rare exceptions, the Ten Commandments have also been removed. Now they are removing Christian teachers… As Minnesota governor, Democrat Vice Presidential candidate Gov. Tim Walz’s new ban on Christians (as well as Muslims and Jews) from teaching in Minnesota’s public schools is set to begin enforcement soon. Walz’s first executive order in 2019 was to install a “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” or DEI, council. As a result, academic achievement in Minnesota has If you liked this post, please consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. declined more sharply than in other states. According to the Nation’s Report Card, the most recent achievement scores show Minnesota fourth graders now falling below the national average in reading. Under the new Minnesota teacher licensing rules, observant Christians, Jews, and Muslims will be prohibited from teaching in public schools unless they affirm transgenderism and Marxism. Without a teacher’s license, individuals will not be able to work in public schools, or in private schools that require licenses. No wait. It gets worse…Teachers renewing their licensing must “show evidence of self-reflection and discussion of” topics that include “gender identity, including transgender students” and “sexual orientation.” They will also be required to show that they understand any “bias” in themselves and their students related to race, sexual orientation, gender identity, Critical Race Theory, and other Marxist nonsense. Imagine your favorite teacher being told to leave because they won’t bow down to the gods of LGBTQ and Marxist ideologies… Minnesota universities will also be affected. Starting next year, they will be required to train their teaching students how to fulfill these anti-Christian, Jew, and Muslim mandates or be banned from offering state licensing courses to their students. If elected as Vice President, what could stop Walz from advancing his totalitarian and unconstitutional policies across the country? Of course, Tim is certainly qualified to do this… His resume includes a stretch as a high school teacher who sponsored a student queer sex club in 1999. Christian teachers, or any one of us, must never publicly deny Christ to keep our jobs. Jesus was clear about the grave consequences of doing that…
In addition to followers of Christ, observant Jews and Muslims would also be required to deny the teachings of their respective faiths. Forcing people to testify to beliefs they disagree with is “compelled speech” (forced believism) and is unconstitutional. It’s also totalitarianism. Let us pray that the courts will quickly end this satanic approach to teacher certification… Whatever you must do, work to get your kids out of public schools… Until then, be active and fully aware of what is happening in your child’s school. Know the teacher(s) and the Principal… and know what they are teaching. If a person votes for the Harris-Walz ticket THEY ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN, but rather an active supporter of the persecution of Christ followers. Disagree? Let me know in the comments section below… If you enjoy our posts, help us cover the expense of this blog by buying us a coffee! We welcome your thoughtful responses and input. However, comments that include harassment, personal attacks, threats, profanity, self-promotional links, or other violations will be removed and/or the commenter will be permanently banned. American Faith & Freedom is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. |