Blasphemous Film Mocks the Immaculate Conception and Desecrates the Holy Instruments of the Passion
The forces of evil have no shame in their promotion of evil.
And not enough people do anything to stop it.
On the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Hulu launched a blasphemous film ridiculing Catholic doctrines and profaning sacred objects.
Sign Now to Demand that Hulu Pull Its Blasphemous Film and Apologize!
“Immaculate” is a blasphemous horror film about a young nun, Cecilia, who wants to live a holy life in a convent.
Her life is turned upside down when she learns that she has “miraculously” become pregnant.
According to a summary of the film, this was due to the chaplain’s secret plan to bring the new messiah by using DNA samples taken from one of the nails used to crucify Our Lord.
Cecilia also found out that she wasn’t the only one that this happened to.
Sign Today Against This Film which is a Repulsive Mockery of Holy Mother Church!
Later in the film, Cecilia ends up murdering the chaplain with the “Holy Nail.”
She also bludgeoned the Mother Superior to death with a crucifix and strangled the cardinal with a rosary.
The movie doesn’t get any better from there.
This film is horrific and scandalous.
How can this be allowed?
And to add insult to injury, Hulu decided to launch it on the very day Our Lady was assumed into heaven.
Please sign this petition, demanding that Hulu cancel “Immaculate” immediately, and apologize.
Also, offer up your daily prayers and rosary in reparation for this offensive blasphemy and all the other blasphemies happening around the world.