Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I find these are Words of Great Wisdom , by carl

I find these are Words of Great Wisdom

I find these are words of great wisdom for you and me. if you are thinking of that person, just maybe God put that persons name in your mind, your heart. Maybe you need to say a prayer for that person, Funny how many times do you soon after that thought do you see, or hear from that person. Quite a lot if memory serves me right. Just maybe, just maybe God does work in strange but wonderful ways after all? Got to love it. Got to love our Father God. I do. Love Carl. Please pass this one on.
We are told to walk the narrow path. The narrow path is hard, stony and so very hard to follow. However with the Love of God, The Gift of Salvation and Grace from our Christ Jesus, the indwelling power of The Holy Spirit we will make it through this walk. Life is so very hard. It is about our journey, our walk with Christ Jesus, it has always been. With this on your mind, heart and soul thought your journey. Your narrow path will be so much less narrow. Why because on each side you are guided buy The Spirit of Christ Jesus, The Holy Spirit, each holding you up, and ahead waving you on, the guiding light of our most Holy Father God. Fight The Good Fight and your journey will become the person you have become. A Child of God you were always meant to be.
 Love Carl


I find these are words of great wisdom for you and me. if you are thinking of that person, just maybe God put that persons name in your mind, your heart. Maybe you need to say a prayer for that person, Funny how many times do you soon after that thought do you see, or hear from that person.

Some More Christmas Glitter Gifs 2014 To Use & Share. Merry Christmas

Some More Christmas Glitter Gifs 2014 To Use & Share. Merry Christmas

Some More Christmas Glitter Gifs 2014 To Use & Share. Merry Christmas

Some More Christmas Glitter Gifs 2014 To Use & Share.

Carolyn Grace Skaggs shared Paul Wilbur's photo.

Kay Titus-Novak shared Qpolitical's photo.

In My Fathers House are many rooms

In My Fathers House are many rooms, I have always loved that. That where I am you may be also.

Prayer of Salvation - Say It & Mean It Now!

have everlasting life." (John 3:16).

Prayer of Salvation - Say It & Mean It Now!

Do you agree with everything you have read so far? If you do, don't wait a moment longer to start your new life in Jesus Christ.

Yes God does answer prayers. However He does need to hear your voice as often as he can. he needs to hear from you, to get to know you, get to understand your hearts wants and needs, even though he already knows them all. he loves to hear from you in your own voice.

Angels, come in all shapes and sizes.

Pictures to share.Page-2

However, always remember they are never to be worshiped.....

Angels, come in all shapes and sizes.

Pictures to share.

However, always remember they are never to be worshiped.....

Thought For the Day

Bringing whatever stirs my heart

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Home Thank You Translation

← Jeremiah and You

Prayer and Praying (pt 2)

Posted on August 6, 2014 by nhiemstra

In one of my Facebook groups, as some of you know, I went through the Book of Acts.

I pray to hear that trumpet every day and I am not kidding, you all are hopping for the same thing guys. Like in the days of Noah, we are told, when life goes about itself when all of a sudden in a twinkle of an eye the trumpet shall sound and one will be taken and one will not.

Wow, thank you for sharing this. This is so true, Jesus did not come to this earth to save the so called perfect people. who like white washed tombs were all white and perfect on the outside and full of dead men's bones on the inside. No He came to save the broken people of this earth.

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