Sunday, November 23, 2014

What Are Angels?

What Are Angels?

Perhaps the most important thing to understanding angels is knowing what/who they are and why and how they were created!
The Bible says that they are created beings. They were created by God to be angels. They are not people that have 'become' angels. Like the rest of creation, they were made by and for Jesus to glorify and praise God 1.
The Bible also says that angels were created before the earth and they might well have actually had an active part in the creation of the earth. They were certainly excited about it 2!
God's angels live in heaven with God and belong to Him. On several occasions, Jesus refers to angels as belonging to God and being in heaven 3.
There are lots of them! Jesus describes being able to call on 144,000 angels and twice over 100 million angels are described as worshipping God in heaven 4.
A legion in the Roman army was made up of 12,000 soldiers. So being able to call on 12 legions of angels meant a lot! Ten thousand times ten thousand equals 100 million, but also in the greek language, at the time these verses were written, ten thousand was the largest number you could have. So ten thousand times ten thousand was a number so big that you couldn't really imagine it!
Angels are 'spirit' beings and don't have bodies as we think of them. They also seem to be a higher level of creation than man (on earth) 5.
Angels are also described as being like winds and fire. In fact, both the Hebrew and Greek words for 'spirit' can also mean 'breath' or 'wind' 6.
But this doesn't mean that they are 'wishy washy floaty' things! They have thoughts, intelligence (they can speak God's heavenly language as well as the languages of earth) and emotions 7.
Angels don't die, marry or pro-create so, they were probably all created at the same time 8.
God's angels also know their rightful place, as created beings of God. They exist to worship and serve God – not be worshipped themselves 9.
Angels do have free will to make their own choices. Towards the beginning of creation, one of the highest ranking angels, Lucifer – also now known as Satan or 'The Devil' rebelled against God and decided he wanted God's power. There was a great battle and Lucifer and his followers (about a third of all the angels) lost, were punished and thrown out of heaven. They now work against God and his holy angels to try and stop people knowing God 10.
Angels (and the 'fallen' angels) are not normally 'visible' to our eyes. It may be that they can choose to reveal themselves to us (or when God allows us to see them) 11.
Having said that, angels, if allowed by God, can also appear as 'normal' men, as described in the Bible when Abraham and his nephew Lot were visited by 'men' 12.
Another example is at the empty tomb when Jesus was raised from the dead 13.
They don't all have wings! Only certain types of angelic/heavenly beings are described as having wings. For more about this, please see the 'What do Angels Look Like' page.
Angels also don't know everything and can't be everywhere. They serve God and follow his commands 14.
As well as being under God's control we're told in the Bible, that in heaven Christians will actually judge angels 15!
Wow! But remember that's only in heaven: we can't tell them what to do here on earth. The best way of knowing what angels are like here, is by knowing their and our creator, God. And the only way to know God is through Jesus, the Son of God 16.

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