Sunday, November 23, 2014

What Do Angels Look Like? What the Bible says about Angels!

What Do Angels Look Like?

This is a really good question with quite a few answers! It all depends on what you mean by angel!
The Bible describes what some angels look like but certainly not all of them.
Much more detail is given to certain types of angels than others.
In the Bible, angels and angelic/heavenly beings appear to be a-sexual, meaning that they don't belong to either the male or female gender. However, through the site I refer to angels in the masculine as it's easier in English to do so!
Below is a table showing the basic descriptions given of angels in the Bible. It's followed by more detailed descriptions of different angels and angelic beings.
Type / NameAppearanceNumberRole
'Ordinary' AngelsHandsome young men;
NO wings!
Thousands +Messengers,
Jail breakers, rescuers, etc.
Archangel(s) / MichaelHandsome young men;
NO wings!
Probably 1 or possibly 7To protect the Jewish nation;
Herald the 2nd coming
GabrielHandsome young man;
NO wings!
Only himGod's special messenger
'Ones of Love'
'Fiery Ones'
6 wings
2 covering face; 2 covering feet; 2 for flying
More than 1, possibly 4?Being around God's throne to sing His glory
Cherubim4 wings, covered with eyes all aroundMore than 1; Possibly 4?To guard God's domain
The Four Living Creatures6 wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under his wings4Being around God's throne to sing His glory
The Devil
UnknownOnly him 
Fallen Angels/
Evil Spirits/
Download a summary of what Angels are all about according to the Bible
(pdf 85kb)

'Ordinary' Angels

I've called these angels 'ordinary', but of course they are far from this! I've used the word ordinary to mean 'other angels in the Bible that aren't specifically named'.
In most angelic appearances in the Bible, no physical description is given, just that an angel appeared or came or that someone 'looked like an angel'. People don't seem to have had any trouble recognising that the visitors they saw were angels, so there must be something very special about them that is unmistakable 1.
However, most angels that are described in the Bible are normally described as tall young men with shining faces and wearing white simple robes. Also there is no mention of any wings 2.
These descriptions all come from the time when Jesus was raised from the dead. If you'd like to know more about event, please go the 'He's Alive!' page on whyeaster?com, a sister site to whyangels?com.
This description also seems to fit what we know about the two angels that are specifically named in the Bible: Michael and Gabriel.
It might be that we're not told that much about what angels look like as we might be so much in awe that we would start to worship them, something which we should not do 3.
And we could also be tricked into worshipping the Devil (Satan) and his angels as they can make themselves look wonderful 4.
In none of these quotes are angels described as having wings! Although certain types of angelic beings do have wings (the Seraphim, Cherubim and the Four Creatures, see below for more information), 'Ordinary Angels' are never described 'with wings' in the Bible. The idea that all angels have wings might well have come from legends and folklore in the middle east, where many of the religions (ancient and modern) have spirits and winged creatures.
In fact, once in the Bible, we are told that angels used a stairway (or ladder) to travel between heaven and earth 5.
So all of this suggests that a good description of an 'Ordinary Angel' would be:
A tall young man with a shining/glowing face (and possibly golden hair)] wearing a simple white robe and who doesn't have wings! And it would be something that we certainly wouldn't mistake for anything else.
This description also fits many 'angel sightings' seen all over the world. To find out more about these sighting, please have a look on the Further Reading page, for some good books and sites on the subject.

Other Angels and Angelic/Heavenly Beings

Other types of angels and angelic/heavenly beings are described in the Bible.
These are:

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