That Time of Year
This week our mind (and stomachs) are anticipating Thanksgiving Day! Ooh, I can smell the Turkey roasting now!
Just the thought of pumpkin pies gets my glands salivating. Ooh, then there is the abligatory string bean casserole . . . oops! Sorry, I didn’t mean to get you going, too.
Outside, the weather is getting colder, the leaves have already turned a multitude of colors. It is such a beautiful time of year.
On Thursday, our family will gather to enjoy each others company and to feast on great food. We’ll probably watch a good game of football, too! But as wonderful as all that is, thanksgiving in the life of a believer is bigger and much more important than a single day.
The Psalmist wrote, “It is good to give thanks to Yahweh, to make music to praise your name, O Elyon (Psalm 92:1). Paul encouraged the believers in Colossae, “Everything you say or do should be done in the name of the Lord Yeshua, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17). Interestingly, neither of those passages tells us to save our gratitude for a particular day or season, but instead, they both tell us that we should offer our praise and thanksgiving continually. We present it through our words and our actions.
If you have decided to follow Christ, giving thanks should be a way of life every day you are alive,
with every breath! So, I thought this week would be an ideal time to focus on our sense of gratitude and to demonstrate the joy of the wonderful life our Lord has given us. I don’t care what your circumstances are, if you are reading this message, you can worship and show your Father how thankful you are.
Granted, maybe you feel your life sucks. Well, I understand that more than I can explain. But I encourage you to give thanks for what He has done, but most of all for the gift of life — both here during our terrestrial journey and in eternity. Each morning when you wake up, be ready to face the world, and each evening as you go to bed, give thanks to your God! Can’t you think of anything to thank Him for? Well, how about for creating you and for delivering you from the power of sin through Jesus’ death and resurrection?
Personally, I have decided that along with the Psalmist, I will declare: It is good to give thanks to Yahweh—in November and all year long! Consider what Paul told the Christians in Thessalonica: “Give thanks whatever happens and in all circumstances; in everything. That is what Yahweh wants for you in Christ Yeshua (I Thessalonians 5:18).
See, he said to “give thanks ‘in‘ all circumstances,” not “for” every circumstance. That makes a big difference. He will always find a way for you to overcome, and His Grace is sufficient in every situation and circumstance!
Outside, the weather is getting colder, the leaves have already turned a multitude of colors. It is such a beautiful time of year.
The Psalmist wrote, “It is good to give thanks to Yahweh, to make music to praise your name, O Elyon (Psalm 92:1). Paul encouraged the believers in Colossae, “Everything you say or do should be done in the name of the Lord Yeshua, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17). Interestingly, neither of those passages tells us to save our gratitude for a particular day or season, but instead, they both tell us that we should offer our praise and thanksgiving continually. We present it through our words and our actions.
If you have decided to follow Christ, giving thanks should be a way of life every day you are alive,
Granted, maybe you feel your life sucks. Well, I understand that more than I can explain. But I encourage you to give thanks for what He has done, but most of all for the gift of life — both here during our terrestrial journey and in eternity. Each morning when you wake up, be ready to face the world, and each evening as you go to bed, give thanks to your God! Can’t you think of anything to thank Him for? Well, how about for creating you and for delivering you from the power of sin through Jesus’ death and resurrection?
Personally, I have decided that along with the Psalmist, I will declare: It is good to give thanks to Yahweh—in November and all year long! Consider what Paul told the Christians in Thessalonica: “Give thanks whatever happens and in all circumstances; in everything. That is what Yahweh wants for you in Christ Yeshua (I Thessalonians 5:18).
See, he said to “give thanks ‘in‘ all circumstances,” not “for” every circumstance. That makes a big difference. He will always find a way for you to overcome, and His Grace is sufficient in every situation and circumstance!
With these Morning Messages, I take you on guided tours to, as Bunyan described, the Celestial City. At times we linger at corners familiar and unseen. And explore the depths of our faith along the way.
The trail is long, but there’s no hurry. Though we do need to stock up on supplies for the way, and that’s where I need your help. If you enjoy these messages, please consider becoming a contributing member of this tour group. It will be very much appreciated.
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