This European Nation's Poverty Rate Just Hit A Record High (Spoiler Alert: Not Greece)
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/22/2015 18:45 -0500
For the last few years - and most especially the last few months - all eyes have been focused on Greece. From record poverty rates to record suicide rates and levels of youth unemployment, post-election emboldened hopes for a phoenix-like rebirth of a nation from the flames of Eurogroup repression were seemingly dashed on Friday. However there is another nation, that begins with the letter 'G' and that is at the heart of the EU-Greece talks that is suffering seemingly silently. As Newsweek reports, poverty in Germany is at its highest since the reunification of the country in 1990, with 12.5 million residents now classified as 'poor'...
As The Joint Welfare Association reports states,
It appears poverty is contagious among the world's money-printing-beneficiary developed nations...
As The Joint Welfare Association reports states,
As Newsweek reports, "Poverty and regional inequalities are homemade primarily the result of political decisions," criticizes Schneider.Poverty in the Federal Republic of Germany is on an all time high, the findings of the Joint Welfare Association in its current poverty report. The Association is calling on the federal government for decisive action to combat poverty, including a significant increase in the standard rate in Hartz IV reforms and the family load balancing and basic old-age security.
"Never before has the poverty in Germany so high and never was the regional turmoil as deep as today. Germany is a deeply political poverty rugged Republic, "said Ulrich Schneider, Executive Director of the Joint General Association. Poverty in Germany has risen within a year almost jumped from 15.0 percent (2012) to 15.5 percent (2013). Purely mathematical terms this represents an increase from 12.1 to 12.5 million people.
The highest risk of poverty among all households were thereafter with 43 percent single parents. Special attention should also be paid to the Association's view, the pensioners, "There is no other group in Germany that had even remotely comparable high poverty increases in recent years. We are dealing with a pro-poor political landslide, "Schneider warns the face of a rise in poverty in this group by 48 percent since 2006. Already this year, the poverty rate for pensioners will first be above the German average, predicts the Association.
However, a spokesperson from the German Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs refutes the claims that Germany has seen a steep rise in poverty... noting that defining poverty based on median income alone does not reflect quality of life...Dr Wolfgang Strengmann-Kuhn, a speaker for the Green parliamentary group in the German Bundestag, agrees. He believes cuts in social security funding are responsible for labour market incomes in the country becoming progressively more unequal, and points the finger at German chancellor Angela Merkel.
“While other countries have introduced tax credits for low income groups, this has not been on the agenda in Germany,” he says. “The fight against poverty is not on the agenda of the present government, neither has it been on the agenda of the preceding governments under Merkel.”
He says he believes that while Germany is profiting from the low value of the euro - which he attributes to the “crisis in southern Europe” - it is purely the upper-income groups who benefit.
“The poor lag behind because they have been neglected by the Merkel government,” he says.
“What is needed in Germany is the introduction of minimum levels in the social security systems, and it is also necessary to make the social insurance system universal.”
In other words - the 'poor' German, we suspect, is considerably better off (in almost every aspect) that the 'poor' Greek.“The ‘at risk of poverty’ rate shows the proportion of people with equivalent income below 60% of the median income. It is not to be equated with poverty in the sense of indigence,” she says.
“Other highly important factors such as wealth, health, education, property or other social services are not considered. In addition, the indicator is not very robust due to random fluctuations of the median income. This means that small random fluctuations of the median income may have significant changes in poverty rates.”
It appears poverty is contagious among the world's money-printing-beneficiary developed nations...
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such things have been done in the past, to the betterment of all
Northern Euro countries like Germany, Austria, Netherlands, will create a northern euro and break away from the worthless, losers in the southern part of the euro-union.
Germany is being dragged down by the PIIGS, etc. And why the fuck should they keep going down that shit hole and destroy themselves?
At the same time they will ally more closely with Russia and even China. They're not going to let the close ties and trade they've developed w/ Russia be dismantled by all of this. Russia along with China bringing everyone else into the new system is a the best way for them to go rather than staying w/ the sick and twisted fucked up zombie system based on our dead, worthless petro-dollar system.
The Germans also deserve that they are poor - because they are stupid sheeple believing that being export champion was benefitial for the average Hans and they do not recognize that their country is a occupied vassal and they do not recognize that they are electing politicians that do not serve the German people but USrael.
"Germany is going the way of Greece": Yes, this appears to be the plan of our lords, here in Germany but more so in the US. Germany has been largley sold out to Anlgosaxon "investors" or Arabian muzzies who need a place for their FED-printed fiat money or Petrodollars.
"The rich dont pay taxes by hiding their money in Panama": No, mainly large corporations who have the means to exploit loopholes, see also next point.
"The country gets starved of revenue": No, tax revenues have never been higher and have been rising constantly. Reason: The middle class still exists. Then the taxman profits from the increasing but underreported inflation.
"Their economy is in the crapper because of sanctions against Russia": Not yet, but severly harmed. More than the pro-war media reports. The master plan, however, is to severly damage the German-Russian relationship. Ther Germans will pay dearly for Obamas stupidity.
"merkel, hope the mob hangs you upside down in Berlin": Some hope so, but this B. is popular in Germany.
- USA is being Federalized, but also Wall Streetized
- Centralized Banking Power makes Villages Vulnerable
- Big Banks are Gobbling up Small Banks
it is over. This looks like the End:
--- Teeth's US Dream Anthem --
- It is 1 Minute to Midnight: Neo-Feudal Debt Slavery & nuke war
- Problem is Bankers, Politicians, Lawyers & Judges
- Failure of Self Regulation of Bankers, Politicians, Lawyers & Judges
- US Constitution is Usurped, Gone are Budget Powers, Legislative Powers, War Powers
- Money has taken over the Government, Banking, Universities, Science
- American Dream is over, Corruption is the same in all Countries now
- Old American Dream may serve as basis for new Country someday
--- Teeth's US Dream Anthem --
USA Bankers now Control 60% of the world, and 90% of the Developed World except China:
Repost: Here is proof who is the Power of the NWO:
December 2014 saw a Record, a New Record on a Long Trend in US Long Term Treasuries held by Foreign Countries.
- 2014 LT Treasuries held by Foreigners Total = $6.153 Trillion
- 2013 LT Treasuries held by Foreigners Total = $4.9 Trillion
I think this represents not only Hegemony over the world, but a concerted Strategy to implement a world Government based on Fealty to the State as ultimate authority through corporatism & finance, military protection for world trade, Open Border Treaties, Free Trade Treaties, and the Financial power of the USA & European Allies... which will merge into alliances with Asia, South America, and Australia.
Remember to add China and Hong Kong together for China Total.
Last Data is from December 2014.
Belgium 2002 = $10.8 B, then 2013 = $163 B, Today $335 B
Bermuda 2002 = $14 B, then 2013 = $94 B, Today ??
Cayman Islands 2002 = $10.7 B, then 2013 = $66 B, Today ??
Canada 2002 = $8.4 B, then 2013 = $46.6 B, Today $69 B
China 2002 = $95 B, then 2013 = $1,272 B, Today $1244 B
France 2002 = $11 B, then 2013 = $42.4 B, Today $79.2 B
Germany 2002 = $38 B, then 2013 = $54 B, Today $72.7 B
Hong Kong 2002 = $37 B, then 2013 = $89 B, Today $172.6 B
India 2002 = $5.2 B, then 2013 = $56.6 B, Today $83 B
Ireland 2002 = $6 B, then 2013 = $91 B, Today $138.6 B
Japan 2002 = $260 B, then 2013 = $1,023 B, Today $1231 B
Luxemburg 2002 = $20.2 B, then 2013 = $107 B, Today $172 B
Mexico 2002 = $16.7 B, then 2013 = $52.7 B, Today $84.8 B
Norway 2002 = $5 B, then 2013 = $74 B, Today $81.6 B
Philippines 2002 = $3 B, then 2013 = $36 B, Today $40.6 B
Poland 2002 = $7 B, then 2013 = $31 B, Today $27 B
Russia 2002 = $3 B, then 2013 = $138 B, Today $86 B
Singapore 2002 = 19.4 B, then 2013 = $82 B, Today $110 B
Switzerland 2002 = $28 B, then 2013 = $157 B, Today $190 B
Taiwan 2002 = $0 B, then 2013 = $183 B, Today $175 B
Turkey 2002 = $2 B, then 2013 = $18 B, Today $77 B
United Kingdom = $45.7 B, then 2013 = $130.6 B, Today $189 B
Nürnberg for example has the highest proportion (in Germany) of taxi drivers who are academically / University graduates.
It is a spiral towards the bottom. Bottom meaning dependency for ever more once productive highly educated middle aged workers, on the government hand-outs and being socially ostracized.
I observe an increasingly growing public resentment, and the growing powerbase of the left.
Bavaria, a wonderfully staid conservative right wing gorgeous places on earth is one of the claenest and wealthiest.....
No Muzzies and loafers for you!
One Mississippi... Two Mississippi... IT'S A MIRACLE!
White genocide is happening everywhere and Munich is the same sh.thole like Berlin, Paris or London.
There is no difference between the establishment parties. The only difference is in their economic way torwards world government. While the red ones lobby for mass immigration because of their retarded Marxist egalitarian ideology and their hate of White culture and nations, while the industrial-agricultural complex of the "consevative" parties is forming the other half of the vise by supporting mass immigration because of wage dumping and destroying social market economy.
Both sides are serving the neo-feudalist globalist agenda of the 1% equally well, while the voting-sheeple quarrel if the the red or the blue pill will be better for them personally.
This has to do with the decay and/or lack of civilisation in the US which has become visible only after the postwar-pseudo-wealth machine has stopped to function. It is now entirely clear that the US is an enrichment scheme for the 0.1%. I conclude this from the terrific speed the middle class is vanishing with in the US.
The civic decay can be measured by a single number: The incarceration rate of the US that beats that of almost any other country in the world.
*) For CNN-viewers: This is close to Hongkong.
If S.A. is the model, then one can also observe, that our race even is kept under total control of the Jew, when it vanishes.
To me it seems the fate of the White nations and European culture was sealed on May 8th 1945.
Lets look at the same map in a year, Bavaria will also be red. I think I know alittle about Bavaria as I live here..
He has less than two years left and then it'll be sHitllery for eight years, or Jeb Bush, not that there's a dime's worth of difference between them.