Saturday, February 28, 2015

You morons! You useful idiots!” :

You morons! You useful idiots!” :
Glenn goes off on net neutrality supporters by Wilson Thursday, Feb 26, 2015 at 4:26 PM EST Share This Tweet This googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250_top-gb_101"); }); Just hours before the FCC approved net neutrality, Glenn delivered a passionate and frustrated plea for the people to wake up and recognize the dangers of growing government regulation of the internet. “Because of the way net neutrality is going to go today, I’m not sure that the strategies that we have developed here at TheBlaze or anywhere else – and I don’t mean just us, I mean, Breitbart and everybody else, – I’m not convinced that any of this is going to work,” Glenn said. Glenn fears that independent companies like TheBlaze will be left behind when the regulations are drafted. Big companies, on the other hand, will get a seat at the table. He compared it to when FDR set price controls. “What happened was, the big three automakers came in and they set the price of cars. They set the price for labor. And they were brought into the table. The little guys weren’t brought in,” Glenn said. He’s already seeing it happen. Here’s what Politico reported: FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler has made some last-minute revisions to his net neutrality plan after Google and public interest groups pressed for the changes, according to sources at the commission. Google, Free Press and New America’s Open Technology Institute last week asked the commission to revise language they said could unintentionally allow Internet service providers to charge websites for sending content to consumers. Such a scenario could open the door to an avalanche of new fees for Web companies and threaten their business models. “Does that sound like net neutrality? Does that sound like these big, evil corporations don’t have anything to do with anything? I mean, it’s being written by the big evil corporations and special interest groups. Your whole point is, ‘we don’t want special interest groups and we don’t want big, evil corporations to have special access’,” Glenn said. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250_mid-gb_102"); }); “They just wrote it, you nincompoop. You morons. You useful idiots. That’s all you are. You’re a useful idiot,” Glenn said of Wheeler. Your browser does not support iframes. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-620x310_gb-below-the-article_198"); }); Comments are closed.


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