Condom shares are soaring in South Korea after adultery was legalised

Which is either really depressing, or encouraging, depending on how you look at it.
According to Time, the value of stock at one South Korean condom production company – Unidus Corp – has grown by a massive 15 per cent.
Adultery has been criminalised in the country since 1958 and in 2014 alone 892 people were charged under the law (although none faced jail time, much to their other halves’ dismay presumably).
Earlier this week, however, cheating went from illegal to just frowned upon when a nine-judge panel deemed the law ‘unconstitutional.’
Constitutional Court Justice Ki-seok Seo said: ‘The law is unconstitutional as it infringes people’s right to make their own decisions on sex and secrecy and freedom of their private life.’
With a surge in condom sales since then, it would seem cheaters are exercising their newfound freedoms, but, if you want to put a positive spin on things, at least they’re being safe about it.
So, if you want to make a killing in stocks and shares, it’s time to invest in the South Korean safe sex market.