Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji revealed on Friday that the army's operation along Lebanon's eastern border the day before was a pre-emtive strike, which allowed the military to advance in the area and control positions held by gunmen.
He considered in comments published in local dailies that Thursday's operation was an “important milestone to fortify Lebanon's border.”
Qahwaji hailed soldiers deployed along the border, in particular the units that participated in operation in the northeastern villages of Ras Baalbek and Arsal.
“It is a new accomplishment carried out by our brave troops,” the high-ranking military official added.
He pointed out that the army “proved that it's capable of achieving victories and engage in battles that most of the militaries around the world are incapable of engaging in.”
Qahwaji stressed that the Lebanese military is ready for all options, saying: “We will not allow the takfiri terrorists to defeat us... It's an open battle.”
The Army chief remarked that the “military is the sole guarantee for Lebanon's stability and averting danger,” reiterating that the country will not become a terrorist hub.
The Lebanese army seized on Thursday two hilltop positions on the outskirts of Ras Baalbek.
The army command said in a communique that the operation was in line with efforts to secure villages near the eastern border with neighboring Syria.
Three soldiers were wounded in the operation, during which militant positions were shelled with artillery and heavy weaponry, it added.
The statement did not name the militants, but most are believed to be from the Islamic State group. They and the al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front have been holding around 20 Lebanese soldiers and policemen hostage since August.
The army frequently clashes with the militants in their hideouts near the Syria border.
Comments 18
God bless our lebanese army,our soldiers are the bravest,our army is the only army that has ever defeated israel.And most probably the only army that will totally defeat all terrorists.
God bless the Army only, and NO other foreign militants. Why is such a simple concept so difficult for Hizbullah and ISIS supporters? Oh that's right! Because their loyalty is to foreign powers, good morning all.
I'll be awaiting FT and his precious thumbs down brigade after they have their morning rounds. Foreigners are foreigners, watch and see the results viewers.
I see the passive-aggressiveness has begun, thanks for proving me right you foreigners :)
AH yes, Flamethrower, was I right or what lol. Keep it up foreigner.
A foreign group is a foreign group :) Quit your manipulation, you're equally as manipilative and sadistic.
Don't forget your fake accounts, as pathetic as they are. Add tric.portugal if it'll make you feel better.
FT you whiny child, foreigners are foreigners :) Quit your manipulations and trying to equate me with your lovers south of us, are you proud of yourself?
FT, "Hezb" are Iranian revolutionary guard implants who imposed on the regular Shi'a of Lebanon. And no, I'm not gonna "explode" you whiny 4 year old, if anyone enjoyed that church burning it was you, your Iranian brethren and ISIS. I bet you smoked a joint afterwards too. Grow up you manipulative rat.
Just a heads up, Iran's glorious leader Flamethrower will now come back later on and say "oh it looks like you were talking to yourself..." Watch and see how he manipulates like a spoiled kid...
Grow up FT.
hahaha! You see how when you come back from your Hiatus the boards light up with joy and ecstasy! Even my boss was wondering when you will appear again. Somesing Anazar flamesrower, completely anazar.
@ H.K. & G.K., pre-emtive???? Oh really? How about you two invest in a spell checker? After all, you are supposed to be professionals, right?
When good days come, they come in this shape and form. The Lebanese Army is our sole protector, the only guarantor of our security and peace. I have always maintained my trust in our army, today the army is showing its capabilities because now it is beginning to get the weapons and equipment it so crucially needs. Let the weapons continue to land and very soon our army will prove to everyone that Lebanon will stand as a leader in our region. We Lebanese want no war with anyone, but at the same time, if and when provoked, we should be able to respond and respond forcefully. Help Lebanon build a good army and forget about us, we would have become fully reliable and dependable as a real state. It all starts with a strong army, Allah yer7amak ya Bachir, since your days you made it clear about a strong Lebanon dependent on a strong army.
The Christians don't have a strong armed militia like HA. Therefore we need a strong army. Thank God they are protecting the village.
Bravo and pour me another espresso you have managed to find out who truly got Jimmy Hoffa and where he lays!