Why Is Europe Aligning with Radical Islam, and How Do We Know That God Is Good?

If the West and the Muslim world launched a parallel military offensive against Israel, who would win the war? VOI’s Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel discuss a European pattern of support for radical Islam and opposition to Israel. Denmark, for example, is paying unemployment dues to Danish ISIS terrorists, while Holland has cut pension payments to Jewish Holocaust survivors residing in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank).
Similarly, the United States is now transferring funds to Iran, which are being used to purchase aircraft aimed at destroying Israel.
Then, as part of their regular “Ask the Rabbi” segment, Ari and Jeremy are joined in-studio by VOI’s Ruthie Blum to answer her existential question about whether God is good. How does Judaism define “goodness?” What is the difference between a life of gratitude and one of indebtedness?