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UK cops actively sought out “Islamophobia” reports after
Westminster jihad attack By Robert
Spencer on Mar 30, 2017 07:55 pm
And they now have over 900 police officers working
exclusively on investigating claims of hate crimes. If those 900 officers had
been working on jihad terror, the Westminster jihad attack may never have
happened, and there would have been no increase in claimed incidents of
“Islamophobia.” Voila! Problem solved! “EXCLUSIVE: UK Police SOUGHT OUT
‘Islamophobia’ […] Read in browser
Pakistan: Prosecutor tells jailed Christians he’ll acquit
them if they embrace Islam By Robert
Spencer on Mar 30, 2017 07:45 pm
Relevant here is a statement attributed to Muhammad: “I
have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that
none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah’s
Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if
they perform that, then they […] Read in browser
North Chicago: Muslim cop who claims “Islamophobic”
harassment made anti-Semitic remarks By
Robert Spencer on Mar 30, 2017 07:17 pm
“Sabet was accused of making racial comments about Jews and
then lying about it when questioned by investigators.” What’s more, “City
officials deny there was any harassment or discrimination.” And so here again we
have a Muslim claiming victim status without any factual basis for doing so.
Hate crimes are political capital, after all, and […] Read in browser
Iran sentences man to death for insulting Islam after
promising pardon if he confessed By
Robert Spencer on Mar 30, 2017 06:54 pm
Deceiving him was acceptable for the good of Islam. Islamic
law does not provide for leniency to the blasphemer if he confesses. This is
related to the concept of taqiyya, which as a concept is specifically Shi’ite,
although Sunnis have doctrines regarding deceiving unbelievers as well. Taqiyya
as a specific concept by that name was […] Read in browser
Australia: Muslim MP wants to make offending Muslims a
criminal offense By Robert Spencer on
Mar 30, 2017 12:45 pm
Anne Aly has for years been an Islamic supremacist foe of
free discourse. In August 2014 I wrote here about her false claims that Islam
doesn’t sanction beheading and grants equality of rights to women. Instead of
responding on substance, which I understand that she could not really do since I
had produced numerous Qur’an […] Read in browser
Italy: Three Muslims arrested for Islamic State plot to
blow up historic Rialto Bridge in Venice By Robert Spencer on Mar 30, 2017 11:41
“Considering how many infidels there are in Venice, we
could get to heaven right away by putting a bomb on the Rialto bridge.” That
idea is straight from the Qur’an: “Indeed, Allah has purchased from the
believers their lives and their properties; for that they will have Paradise.
They fight in the cause of Allah, […] Read in browser
Robert Spencer in PJ Media: UN Human Rights Chief: ‘Legal
Obligation to Stop Hate Speech’ By
Robert Spencer on Mar 30, 2017 10:43 am
The jihad against free speech continues, and virtually no
one is paying attention to how rapidly it is advancing. My latest in PJ Media:
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein declared
last week that the nations of the world “have a legal obligation to stop hate
speech and hate crimes.” This […] Read in browser
American Christian pastor imprisoned in Turkey asks Trump
to fight for him By Christine Williams
on Mar 30, 2017 09:59 am
An American pastor who has been jailed on bogus terrorism
charges in Turkey for more than five months is pleading with President Trump to
help secure his release. Following the coup attempt, Turkey was said to be
cracking down on Protestants. Aykan Erdemir, a senior fellow with the Foundation
for Defense of Democracies and a […] Read in browser
BBC whitewashes Islamic motivation of Westminster jihad
attack By Robert Spencer on Mar 30, 2017
09:26 am
Farasat knew Masood five years ago. A lot can happen in
five years. Farasat’s description of a quiet, pious family man conflicts with
Masood’s history of violence. Above all, Farasat says nothing about the fact
that Masood was once investigated for “violent extremism,” and of course the BBC
interviewer doesn’t ask him about that. Farasat […] Read in browser
Saudi, Islamic State, Iranian activity in Latin America
“major security threat” to US By
Christine Williams on Mar 30, 2017 08:59 am
Growing Islamic extremism in Latin America constitutes a
“major security threat” to the United States… The Islamic Republic has the
capability and infrastructure to strike the United States from Latin America,
but experts disagree over whether it would take that risk. It is reckless for
so-called experts to gamble with the lives of the American […] Read in browser