Friday, March 31, 2017

The O'Reilly Factor

The O'Reilly Factor
The Brawl Over Sanctuary Cities
"As you know, the federal government is threatening cities that do not cooperate with Homeland Security with the loss of federal grant money. And now the city of Seattle is suing the feds over that. The basic problem is that cities like Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco do not want to hold illegal aliens they've arrested until ICE can pick them up. Those cities want to release the aliens on bail or their own recognizance. Talking Points believes that is dangerous and irresponsible. If there is a detainer request on someone who should not be in this country, that request should be honored. The sanctuary city people say they will obey a warrant for an illegal alien, but that is a much more complicated process and it takes much more time than a detainer. Why is all this happening? In a city like New York, the mayor is a far left individual who was elected by very liberal voters. Mayor de Blasio opposes immigration regulations in general and is fine with millions of undocumented people living in and visiting this city. So the mindset of de Blasio, Rahm Emanuel in Chicago and other far left mayors is that their constituency wants open borders and amnesty. Enter the federal government, which now wants to enforce immigration law because President Trump made that a hallmark of his campaign. So you have two opposing forces with little chance of reconciliation. To make sanctuary cities comply with federal law, the Trump administration will withhold money from them in the form of Justice Department grants. That means cities like Seattle, which receive millions of dollars to beef up local law enforcement and institute safety programs, may not get the money any longer. Which is why Seattle is suing. The whole thing is a giant mess and reflects the huge division in this country. Will sanctuary cities be forced to comply? Doubtful. But they will pay a price."
Jeff Sessions in the No Spin Zone
The Factor continued on the subject with United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions. "80% of the American people believe these sanctuary cities are wrong," he said, "and it clearly makes their own cities less safe." Sessions stressed that the Trump administration will be extremely tough on illegal immigration. "Entries at the border are down 60% just because of President Trump's strong leadership. As we continue to build a wall and bring in more judges, we'll be even more successful. If we stay at it, we can create a lawful system of immigration that admits 1.1-million people every year legally." Attorney General Sessions hinted that he is looking at new ways to penalize sanctuary cities, but declined to give specifics.
Immigration Case Backlog
Judge Jeanine Pirro, always on the prowl for outrageous situations, denounced the astounding waiting times for immigration hearings, which can be years in some cities. "We are in a system that is set up so there is no way to get out of this hole," she groused. "Right now we have an immigration system where witnesses are being lost, files will be lost, and illegal immigrants will essentially disappear because they know no one will find them. Under the Trump administration we have judges going to detention centers and immediately making a deportation determination. But we don't have enough judges, we don't have enough courts, all we can do is stem the tide."
Update on the Russia Investigation
With allegations about Russia dominating the news, The Factor asked Fox News strategic analyst Lt. Col. Ralph Peters to separate fact from fiction. "The main question," Peters said, "is whether or not Vladimir Putin's regime was able to penetrate the Trump campaign. The intelligence communities are unanimous that Putin interfered in the campaign, but the question is whether or not the regime was able to penetrate the Trump campaign. There were meetings and contacts, so there is a lot of smoke there. But both sides are politicizing this." Peters stressed that the vast majority of intelligence operatives are honest and apolitical. "Our intelligence agencies, contrary to nutcase conspiracy theories, are patriots who defend this country every single day. They don't spy on Americans."
Safety and Sanctuary Cities
Sanctuary city advocates often claim those municipalities are safer because illegal immigrants are more likely to step forward to help the police. FNC's Eric Shawn injected some truth serum into that claim. "One study found that crime in sanctuary cities is down by 15%," he reported. "Another study looked at 52 cities and found that there is no difference, although crime went up in some sanctuary cities like San Francisco, where Kate Steinle was murdered. A third study tracked 8,000 illegal aliens and found that 1,867 were re-arrested, some for crimes like rape and child sexual abuse." Shannon Bream focused on one young illegal immigrant in Seattle named Daniel Ramirez Medina. "Immigration officials were going after his father, who had been deported eight times! They happened upon the son and immigration officials say he has a gang tattoo and he has admitted to gang ties. But he is suing the Department of Homeland Security and he has been freed."
Media Bias Debate
Considering the round-the-clock hatred directed at Donald Trump by CNN and MSNBC, The Factor asked Bernie Goldberg whether cable news outlets are harming America. "They are hammering Donald Trump and it feels like a feeding frenzy," Goldberg conceded, "and they are polarizing America. But by any rational standard, Donald Trump has done so many things that are un-presidential, that he is handing ammunition to his enemies. As bad as they are when they cross over into this hate, Donald Trump is not an innocent victim. Plus, there is plenty of slobbering over President Trump in some areas of conservative media."The Factor disagreed with Goldberg's thesis, saying, "There are conspiratorialists on cable television who are given hours to go on and on with no boundaries at all."
Making the Most of Spring Break
Rather than tracking down wild and drunken students in Florida, Jesse Watters visited with some University of Delaware students who are spending their spring break helping to rebuild homes. Here is what some of the Blue Hens told him: "We're here on our alternative breaks program and we are fixing up a house in Appalachia" ... "We're working about nine hours a day and we are not getting paid" ... "This is much better for me than the beach" ... "I firmly believe that giving back is great" ... "It's just the most rewarding thing I could possibly do."
Viewers Sound Off
Factor Words of the Day
Kelly Newcomb, Pflugerville, TX: "Bill, I totally agree with your point that the hatred towards President Trump has gotten personal. Granted, he bears some responsibility - but this has gone on too long."

Jim Gaston, Middletown, RI: "The reason the left hates Trump is that he opposes their agenda of politically correct, socialist, global government."

Charles LoPresto, Phoenix, AZ: "Trump's brash personality, Twitter insults, party affiliation and unexpected election have combined to fuel the hate."
Legal Eagles Helping the Vets
This coming Saturday at Hofstra University on Long Island any military veteran can obtain free legal advice.

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