Friday, March 31, 2017

Volcano Activity At Yellowstone National Park Increases, Old Faithful In...

Published on Mar 31, 2017

The earthquake activity will continue to increase. The Calder is recharging. It will take 30-40 years for the next eruption some scientist believe. Yellowstone lake water temperature from reading takes last year has almost doubled.

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  • Thank You Mary so much for the Truth in your reports. You know we will never get the whole, real truth from the Main Media. ha, ha. Sad but so true. Have they ever closed the park when conditions in the past have gotten a little spookier? I have to ask how important is safety for people in the park and outside the park to authorities of the park? Do they even have an old fashioned air raid warning device. If not they really should. Just have really bad feeling kid. God Bless you Mary for your work past, present and future. Carl

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