Friday, March 31, 2017

BREAKING Obama’s ‘Deep State’ Operative Just Arrested For TREASON! IT’S ...

Published on Mar 31, 2017

BREAKING Obama’s ‘Deep State’ Operative Just Arrested For TREASON! IT’S HAPPENING!
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Over the past couple of months, we continue to learn more about Obama’s shadow government as his deep state operatives keep working behind the scenes to take President Trump down. But now it appears as though one of his operatives is about to pay a huge price, after her treasonous ties were just discovered in a breaking report that was just released from the DOJ.

U.S State Department employee Marine Clairborne who possesses a top secret security clearance has been arrested after failing to report her involvement and close ties with the Chinese government, who in a quid pro quo deal, had been receiving thousands of dollars in benefits and gifts from the communist country in exchange for America’s top secrets. Here’s more directly from the DOJ official website, with details being given to the press by Acting Assistant Attorney General McCord:

Claiborne used her position and her access to sensitive diplomatic data for personal profit. Pursuing those who imperil our national security for personal gain will remain a key priority of the National Security Division.

Candace Claiborne is charged with obstructing an official proceeding and making false statements in connection with her alleged concealment and failure to report her improper connections to foreign contacts along with the tens of thousands of dollars in gifts and benefits they provided,’ said U.S. Attorney Phillips.

As a State Department employee with a Top Secret clearance, she received training and briefing about the need for caution and transparency. This case demonstrates that U.S. government employees will be held accountable for failing to honor the trust placed in them when they take on such sensitive assignments’ ”

Candace Claiborne is accused of violating her oath of office as a State Department employee, who was entrusted with Top Secret information when she purposefully mislead federal investigators about her significant and repeated interactions with foreign contacts,” said Assistant Director in Charge Vale.

In addition to using insider information to give our top secrets to the Chinese, Candace has also been charged for perjury for lying to the FBI which could mean a hefty prison time.
What’s disturbing is that this woman has been committing treason for the entire time Obama was in office. How many other leftover Obama officials are currently guilty of treason as well? The only reason we’re learning about this now is because of President Trump draining the swamp and taking these idiots straight to the trash receptacle where they belong.

It will be very interesting to see how the liberal media tries to spin this. When they continue to push the propaganda of the Trump administration “colluding” with the Russians, let’s just throw their little collusion with the Chinese right back in their faces!

H/T [Silence Is Consent]


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