Friday, March 31, 2017

Judicial Watch: The Clinton Email Scandal Just Got Worse

Judicial Watch: The Clinton Email Scandal Just Got Worse

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Judicial Watch has released 1,184 more pages of emails that further demonstrate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's lack of care when it came to handling classified information. (Reuters photo)
Judicial Watch released Wednesday 1,184 pages of documents handed over by the Department of State, including a number of previously unreleased email exchanges from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Click here to read those documents.
The release firmly established that Americans still don't know the full depth of Clinton's use of a private email server to conduct official—and, many times, classified—business. The documents also reveal additional instances of Clinton Foundation donors being given "special access" to the then-Secretary of State.
Judicial Watch received the documents as part of the slow trickle of Freedom of Information Act compliance following a nearly two-year old court order. Among them are 29 previously undisclosed Clinton emails—bringing the total number of emails not provided in the 55,000 pages handed over to the Department of State at the end of Clinton's tenure to 288.
That we know of now.
"This further appears to contradict statements by Clinton that, 'as far as she knew,' all of her government emails were turned over to the State Department," the government watchdog stated in a press release. "Two of these emails are now available on the State Department's website.
"In a Feb. 2010 email exchange Jake Sullivan, then-Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton, sent to Clinton's and Abedin's unsecure email accounts information that the State Department has classified as the material includes information 'to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy; foreign relations or foreign activities of the US, including confidential sources.' The redacted information concerns 'former GTMO [Guantanamo] detainee Binyam Mohamed' and Mohamed's request for 'various classified intelligence documents' that contained U.S. intelligence information related to his detention before he was taken to Guantanamo.
"In April 2010, Sid Blumenthal sent two email memos to Clinton containing information now classified. Clinton forwarded this material to Abedin's unsecure email account. The classified information, which Clinton asks Abedin to print off for her, concerns the change of government in the Kyrgyz Republic.
"In other emails, Clinton's 'final' schedules with specific details concerning her whereabouts were transmitted by Lona Valmoro to the unsecure emails accounts of Clinton Foundation officials Doug Band, Terry Krivnic, Margaret Steenberg and others, and forwarded to Abedin's unsecure email account.
"In a March 15, 2010, exchange, Band forwarded to Abedin a request for help from Philip Levine, who is presumably the mayor of Miami Beach. Reports said Levine had been a fundraiser for the Clintons since the 1990s."
For those looking for evidence of Russian tampering in the 2016 presidential election, or of "Russian connections" to the candidates, the new email trove won't disappoint. It reveals a number of unsuccessful efforts to set up phone meetings between Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.
They also contain some behind-the-scenes glimpses of life in the Clinton inner circle.
Feb. 23, 2010, email exchange details conversations about planning President Bill Clinton and Secretary Clinton's funeral arrangements. And a March 9, 2010, email exchange between Abedin and Band reveals tension between Clinton's top personal aide and her chief of staff, Cheryl Mills.
"These emails are yet more evidence of Hillary Clinton's casual and repeated violations of laws relating to the handling of classified information," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. "The Justice Department should finally begin an independent investigation into the Clinton email matter." 
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I think and feel deeply that most Americans are just so sick and tired of the Clinton's. Mostly Hillary getting away with murder and Treason. The great WE the American People feel that it has become a the great American Joke & Tragedy all at the same time.She continually gets away with what she did and frankly we are just tired of the government and the injustice of it all. That is why we no longer be-leave in anything as far as justice and the American way. I no longer feel as I do. look I stand by America. I love America, I just do not think justice is no longer real any more. It is corrupted to the core because of Obama and the Clinton's and Washington in general. Because they had disregarded God and what America used to stand for and corrupted anything good and what was the American way. I pray Trump is the Answer. But always keep this in mind, God was and always is the answer for us to become great and even better as a nation. agreed? Carl

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