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Prince Charles tried to halt Afghan invasion to “honor
Ramadan” By Robert Spencer on Mar 31,
2017 08:46 pm
Imagine if Prince Charles had been around in 1944. Would he
have tried to halt the invasion of Normandy to honor Hitler’s birthday? (Yes, I
know Hitler’s birthday was in April and the invasion of Normandy was in June. I
am trying to make a point.) “EXCLUSIVE The day Prince Charles tried to halt a
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UPenn Professor Rejects Islamic
Supremacism By Andrew Harrod on Mar 31,
2017 08:11 pm
“We don’t only want to be Muslim and eradicate anything
before or after,” stated the University of Pennsylvania’s Lauder Arabic Language
and Culture Program Director Amel Mili about the historical Muslim conquest of
her native Tunisia. She and a fellow Tunisian offered a refreshing rebuttal of
the hackneyed Islamic supremacist dogmas dominating Middle East studies
[…] Read in browser
Australia: Imam given space for worship at church
justifies killing those who leave Islam By Robert Spencer on Mar 31, 2017 07:57
Where have Christians been given space for Christian
prayers at a mosque? Anyway, no one should be surprised by what Feizel Chothia
said. The death penalty for apostasy is part of Islamic law. It’s based on the
Qur’an: “They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be
alike. So do not take […] Read in browser
Hugh Fitzgerald: “Should We Blame Islam For
Terrorism?” By Hugh Fitzgerald on Mar
31, 2017 01:03 pm
This is the rhetorical question — “no” being the only
conceivable response — that the Iranian-born David Shariatmadari, now living in
the U.K., asked in a recent article in The Guardian. He began his exercise in
taqiyya by insisting that while in the late 20th and early 21st century, some
Muslims have begun to resort […] Read in browser
Islamic State in Sinai beheads 2 for “sorcery,” boasts of
imposing Sharia By Robert Spencer on Mar
31, 2017 12:14 pm
“Thanks be to God who has allowed the Islamic State’s
soldiers in Sinai in applying his law and instituting religion in spite of all
the infidels, apostates and envious Jews.” Don’t they know that they have
nothing to do with Islam? Theresa May needs to jet down to the Sinai forthwith
and explain Islam to […] Read in browser
Detroit: Convert to Islam plotted jihad massacre in US
for the Islamic State, had AK-47s and other weapons By Robert Spencer on Mar 31, 2017 09:47
American officials remain completely uninterested in the
recurring phenomenon of converts to Islam falling into what those officials
generally insist is a perversion of the true, peaceful Islam. Why do so many
converts get the idea that their new religion calls for treason and mass murder?
No one seems to care to find the answer […] Read in browser
Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Did the FBI Want Me and
Pamela Geller Dead? By Robert Spencer on
Mar 31, 2017 09:35 am
An FBI agent was at the Garland jihad attack, egging on the
attackers. My latest in FrontPage: 60 Minutes ran a feature Sunday night about
the FBI curious role in the May 2015 Garland jihad attack at a free speech event
co-organized by Pamela Geller and me. It was, predictably enough, viciously
biased, sloppy, and […] Read in browser
China bans burqas and “abnormal beards” in predominantly
Muslim province By Christine Williams on
Mar 31, 2017 09:03 am
China’s Xinjiang province, home to around 10 million
Muslims, passed legislation Wednesday prohibiting forms of religious expression
including wearing veils in public places and growing “abnormal” beards. Last
year, “China’s top leadership….warned the Chinese people to shun the practise of
Islam and to stick to China’s state policy of “Marxist Atheism.” China has long
cracked […] Read in browser
Pakistan: Muslims murder Christian in the street because
he refused to work on Sunday By
Christine Williams on Mar 31, 2017 08:38 am
Noman was a simple sanitary worker and had no enmity with
anyone. His refusal to clean the Muslim’s dera [outhouse] apparently led to his
killing. The plight of Pakistani Christians was discussed last summer at the
European Union headquarters in Brussels, amid rising escalations of violence
against Christians in Pakistan, but no action ensured. Rev. […] Read in browser
Germany: Muslim parents on ‘warpath’ over gay
teacher By Christine Williams on Mar 31,
2017 08:25 am
Muslim parents in Berlin have furiously protested against a
kindergarten after learning that one of its staff members is a homosexual man,
with a number of families withdrawing their children when the daycare centre
refused to sack him. It is ironic that gays in the West are typically leftists
and oppose efforts to stop jihad […] Read in browser