Saturday, April 1, 2017

Sean Spicer "Trump sold condos... Hillary sold 1/5th of Uranium to Russi...

Published on Apr 1, 2017

These videos are for the Fans of Trey Gowdy and Jason Chaffetz and NOT NECESSARILY BE THE LATEST, but relevant to the subject and spirit of this channel.

Sean Spicer "Trump sold condos... Hillary sold 1/5th of Uranium to Russia... no comparison" 3/31/17

THIS IS NOT A NEWS CHANNEL. Most of these videos are not the latest. Some of them dated back to four years when the tragic Benghazi incident happened on 9/11/2012. The objective here is to put together in one place, as many possible, the videos of my (I'm very sure of a lot more peoples’) favorite politicians Trey Gowdy and Jason Chaffetz along with those of Jim Jordan, Mike Pompeo, Roskam etc. These are videos on Benghazi hearing where Gowdy chaired the committee, Clinton Email hearing where Jason Chaffetz Chaired and Trey Gowdy very actively participated and Videos of some more of the politicians who work hard to get the best for the taxpayers’ money. Also include some general videos the fans of Gowdy Chaffetz may be interested in.

Some topics covered in this channel are:
IRS Targeting Conservative Groups,
Affordable Care Act,
Hillary Clinton emails,
Clinton emails,
Hillary emails,
Illegal Immigration,
Illegal Immigrants,
Immigration ban,
Mexican wall,

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