Muslims have no-go zones established here in the United States. They are reportedly teaching thousands of Muslims in these areas, something that may be considered a threat to the U.S.
The incident that occurred at Charlie Hebdo headquarters in Paris, France, was very saddening news. However, it was also eye opening when it came to Islam’s presence in the European Union (EU). One fact that many people were suddenly enlightened on due to the Islamic terrorist attacks were the presence of Muslim no-go zones. The Inquisitr recently reported on this, in which Nigel Farage says these no-go zones are located in Muslim neighborhoods in which police dare not go.
However, the EU isn’t the only area that has Muslim no-go zones. According to certain news sources, includingFox News, Muslims have no-go zones established here in the United States. They are reportedly teaching thousands of Muslims in these areas, something that may be considered a threat to the U.S.
Before we continue to the actual report, it should be noted that many major news outlets are running stories on the fear that the U.S. and Canada are harboring homegrown terrorists. PBS and ABC News have covered the situation, both stating the threat is real. Even members of Congress have made it clear that the question is not if the U.S. will suffer another terrorist attack, but when.
Yet, the authority figure exposing Muslim no-go zones and homegrown terrorism is the president of theChristian Action Network, Martin Mawyer. Over the years, Mawyer’s organization has been so strong in its opposition to radical Muslim expansion in the U.S., he’s been targeted in a $30 million defamation lawsuit by Muslims of the Americas (MOA), a group founded by Pakistani Sheik Mubarak Ali Gilani. The MOA claims they were damaged by the publication of the Christian Action Network’s book, Twilight in America: The Untold Story of Islamist Terrorist Training Camps Inside America. For example, the novel accuses MOA of acting as a front for radical Islamist group Jamaat al-Fuqra.
Martin Mawyer made an appearance on Fox News to discuss how Muslim enclaves spread across America are breeding radicals for homegrown jihad. A video of Mawyer’s guest appearance on the news channel is attached below for your viewing.
Now that you know there is evidence of possible Muslim no-go zones here in the U.S., what are your views? Should these no-go zones be investigated for possible terrorist activity?
[Featured Image via Bing, Post Image via Christian Action News]