Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
Contrary to widespread reports, Manchester jihad mass murderer’s mosque did not report him to police
The Telegraph had this on May 25: “Mr Ramadan said he understood that Abedi had been placed on a ‘watch list’ because the mosque reported him to the authorities for his extremist views. A well-placed source at Didsbury Mosque confirmed it had contacted the Home Office’s Prevent anti-radicalisation programme as a result.”
But it was false. Now we learn this: “Despite wide reports that Abedi was reported by Didsbury Mosque, the mosque confirmed to Panorama that he was not.”
Note that mosque sources “confirmed” both contradictory reports. Mosque leaders apparently had to backtrack on their earlier “confirmation” when it became clear they couldn’t get away with the lie. “War is deceit,” said Muhammad, but he didn’t say that those who were deceived would always cooperate.
“Manchester attack: Bomber’s mosque has ‘a lot to learn,'” BBC, May 29, 2017:
A mosque attended by the Manchester bomber says it needs to be “more proactive” in encouraging young people away from extremist ideologies.Didsbury Mosque was identified as one of the mosques attended by bomber Salman Abedi and his family.Fawzi Haffar, a trustee of the mosque, told BBC Panorama: “I have to be truthful. We have a lot to learn, [we] have to be more conscious”.He said the mosque needed “proper policies” in place to deter extremism.Abedi blew himself up, killing 22 people as they were leaving a concert at Manchester Arena last week.Mr Haffar told BBC Panorama: “When we did find out that he attended this mosque we had to really ask some of our employees whether they remembered him. And some of them say they did.”Several sources told Panorama that Didsbury Mosque in south Manchester was his regular place of worship. His elder brother Ismail taught at the mosque, and before he left for Libya in 2011, his father would offer the call to prayer, or adhan.Bomber Salman Abedi was remembered by some as a loner who would sometimes read books in the corner.Despite wide reports that Abedi was reported by Didsbury Mosque, the mosque confirmed to Panorama that he was not.But Mr Haffar said that one of the mosque’s imams did report three other suspected extremists two years ago.“The mosque is open to everybody, and we have hundreds of attendees every day. We are inundated with youth who come to the mosque.”…