Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
NYC: Muslim college student lied to cops, claimed racists abducted him in robbery
Hate crime is a booming business today: both Leftists and their Muslim allies are making as much of use of hate crimes as they possibly can in order to discredit foes of jihad terror and Sharia oppression as racist, redneck, violent yahoos who deserve no place in the public square. There’s just one problem: actual hate crimes against Leftists and Muslims are so thin on the ground that they have to be invented in order to keep this failing narrative alive. And so here we go again.
“NYC college student lied to cops, claiming racists abducted him in harrowing robbery,” by Ross Keith, New York Daily News, May 27, 2017 (thanks to Creeping Sharia):
A Queens college student who told cops he was thrown into a van and robbed by three masked men yelling racial slurs made up the chilling attack, police said Saturday.Shaan Farooqi, a 21-year-old City Tech student of Pakistani descent, was fibbing when he said he was abducted on 165th St. and 81st Ave. in Hillcrest about 4:35 p.m. Thursday, according to police.He claimed three men in masks jumped out of a black van, grabbed him, tossed him inside and snatched his wallet.Farooqi told police his attackers screamed “Get out of my country, you sand n—-r, or I’ll kill you and your family,” before letting him go….