Saturday, July 28, 2018

Priest cancels Netflix over ‘hateful and blasphemous’ pro-abortion show

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Priest cancels Netflix over ‘hateful and blasphemous’ pro-abortion show

BALTIMORE, MD, July 27, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – He didn’t shoot his television, but he did the next best thing.
Father John Rapisarda of Baltimore’s Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church was so disgusted by Michelle Wolf’s “Salute to Abortion” in her weekly show The Break that he wrote to Netflix to explain why he was cancelling his subscription. He then posted his letter to Facebook, where it was shared over 600 times. The full text of his letter is below.
“There are many things wrong with this episode,” Rapisarda wrote. “However, it is clear, as the show is created and sponsored by Netflix, that listing them would do little to change hearts.”
“Suffice it to say that abortion destroys the human life in the womb and the heart of the mother.”
He observed that even many “pro-choice or pro-abortion” people would say that the fewer abortions there are the better, and that disregarding both them and pro-life people and declaring “God bless abortions” was “hateful and blasphemous.”
Rapisarda acknowledged that Wolf and her writers probably despise viewers like them but said that he hoped they might have a change of heart.
“Michelle Wolf and her Netflix writers will likely dismiss me and millions of others as unenlightened, all while claiming to be tolerant of others’ opinions, moral or otherwise,” he wrote. “Because of this, I pray that you have a change of heart, understand the damage done by abortion, and repent of your actions.”
The priest indicated that until they changed their content, he would encourage others to cancel their own Netflix subscriptions.
Aired on July 8, Wolf’s pro-abortion monologue hailed abortion as a “good and important” woman’s right. She accused pro-lifers of wanting to control women, a common trope despite the prevalence of female pro-life leaders and polling that finds no significant gender gap between men and women in their attitudes towards abortion.
Between vulgar and ghoulish jokes, in which even back-alley abortions were held up for laughs, Wolf recited a number of common pro-abortion talking points, without citing evidence to substantiate them.
“Some people say abortion is killing a baby,” she said, gesturing quotation marks around the phrase. “It’s not. It’s stopping a baby from happening. It’s like ‘Back to the Future’ and abortion is the DeLorean,” the time-traveling car from the 1980s sci-fi film.
“And everyone loves DeLoreans!” she exclaimed.
In fact, long-settled biological criteria establishes that a whole, distinct, living human exists once fertilization has occurred, as confirmed in mainstream medical and science textbooks and admitted by several pro-abortion philosophers.
Wolf concluded the segment with a “salute to abortion,” in which she donned a star-spangled majorette’s costume, was flanked by a drum corps, and threw confetti while making declarations like “Abortion, I salute you!” and “If you want an abortion, get one!” Her closing line was, “God bless abortions, and God bless America!”   

Full text of Father John Rapisarda’s letter

Re: Reason for Cancellation
To  Whom it May Concern:
I’m writing to inform you that, after years of satisfied use, I have chosen to cancel my Netflix Account. The reason is the recent episode of the Netflix Original, The Break with Michelle Wolf, entitled “Salute to Abortion.”
There are many things wrong with this episode. However, it is clear, as the show is created and sponsored by Netflix, that listing them would do little to change hearts. Suffice it to say that abortion destroys the human life in the womb and the heart of the mother. Many who are either pro-choice or pro-abortion will say that it is preferable to have fewer abortions. Disregarding both groups – both pro-life and pro-rare-abortion – and declaring “God bless abortions,” is not humorous or edgy. It is hateful and blasphemous.
Michelle Wolf and her Netflix writers will likely dismiss me and millions of others as unenlightened, all while claiming to be tolerant of others’ opinions, moral or otherwise. Because of this, I pray that you have a change of heart, understand the damage done by abortion, and repent of your actions.
I hope you reconsider your content. Until then, I will be encouraging others to cancel their memberships, as well.
Fr. John Rapisarda

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