Sunday, July 29, 2018

And I Will Wait

Show me the way home lord
I have been lost such a very long time

I have searched you out for these many years
And I have come so close to knowing your way

I have cried out loud on bended knee
And have called out your name Father

It has been such a very long time
And I grow very weary of this road

I search for you and the way home
Only here will I finally find peace inside of my soul

I am tired and the light know grows quite dim
And the Spirit in me grows wantedly to go home

I have to ask this question of you
Why am I here.

There must be some purpose 
And I have searched and prayed so very much for an answer

I devote my life and soul to you
And I know wait for You to tell me

I love you Father, this much I know for sure
And I wait. 

“And I will wait, for I know that someday there will be an answer, why am I here, what is my purpose, how can I serve Him. My soul is in such pain, it cries out Abba, were are You. 
And I will wait. - Carl”

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