July 29, 2018

George Will called for a Democrat takeover of Congress. Now, after calling for the socialists to win, he's trying to use it as an insult against Trump.
Now do you see what Friedrich Hayek meant when he said that socialism puts a society on the road to serfdom? Protectionism — government coercion supplanting the voluntary transactions of markets in the allocation of wealth and opportunity — is socialism for the well connected. But, then, all socialism favors those adept at manipulating the state. As government expands its lawless power to reward and punish, the sphere of freedom contracts. People become wary and reticent lest they annoy those who wield the administrative state as a blunt instrument.
Will seems to have forgotten that he has switched over to the side of socialism. You can't cheer a socialist victory and then deliver a Hayek lecture.
When you want the feudal lefty nobility to rule Congress, then spare us the lectures about the road to serfdom. A Democrat victory means that the plantation owners of New York and California set national policy, use punitive taxes to fund their fake industries and unions, and impose speech controls while depriving Americans of their basic rights.
That's what Will backed when he called for a Democrat victory. Once you do that, nobody wants to hear about your views on the evils of tariffs. Not when you endorsed the party of straw bans.