Saturday, July 28, 2018

Time Of Re-Connection

Now is the time
The time to bring God back into your life
Now is the time
Time to reconnect with God

I know we are Christians
We all understand
We must always make a private time
To revisit with God, this we as Christians do understand

To give from the heart
Our very souls laid bare
We must give all of our selves
For in this Christ Jesus, Salvation nears 

For Christ is Salvation
Purchased from His death upon the cross
Given freely to those who would believe on Him
For the price of our purchase was His Blood

The time is at hand
When the call must be sent out
To declare our self's His
Of this we must not have any doubt.

In my soul I feel so deeply
I must cry out His Song
To declare to this world
The Christ has been born

Reconnect with This Jesus
Hold Him forever tight and near
Declare to this world
That your heart is now in His

Set your heart on His Holiness
Pray to Father God on bended knee
Offer all that your soul can offer to Him
In Christ Jesus is Salvation, in Him you will be free.

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