by Judith Bergman • June 1, 2019 at 5:00 am
According to an Amnesty International report, in Sweden, rape investigations are under-prioritized, there are "excessively long waiting times for the results of DNA analyses", there is not enough support for rape victims and not enough work is done for preventative purposes.
In 2017, a Swedish police report, "Utsatta områden 2017", ("Vulnerable Areas 2017", commonly known as "no-go zones" or lawless areas) showed that there are 61 such areas in Sweden. They encompass 200 criminal networks, consisting of an estimated 5,000 criminals. Twenty-three of those areas were especially critical....
"I cannot bear to see children faring so badly.... There should be no doubt that the Government does what it can for these children [of ISIS terrorists] and if possible they should be brought to Sweden." — Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallström.
Unfortunately, the horrific fate of enslaved Yazidi children does not appear to be something that Wallström "cannot bear".

According to the latest National Safety Report, published by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, four out of 10 women are afraid to walk outside freely. According to an Amnesty International report, "In a 2017 study, 1.4% of the population stated they had been subjected to rape or sexual abuse, corresponding to approximately 112,000 people." (Image source: iStock)
In the picturesque Swedish university city of Uppsala, 80% of girls do not feel safe in the city center. One 14-year old teenager, who is afraid to reveal her identity, told the Swedish media that she always wears trainers so that she can 'run faster' if she is attacked:
"I sat down on a bench and immediately guys came and sat next to me on both sides. Then more guys came and stood in front of me. They began to grab my hair and my legs and said things to me that I did not understand. I became so terrified and told them many times to stop, but they did not listen... Everything is so horrible. This is so wrong. I want to be able to feel safe", she said about taking the bus home.
A recent survey from Region Uppsala shows that only 19% of girls in high school feel safe in the inner city of Uppsala. In 2013, the number was 45%. The men and boys in the gangs that engage in the sexual harassment of Swedish girls in Uppsala are frequently newly-arrived migrants.